Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Why Autumn and Depression are Correlated?

Autumn and Loneliness
It is just a thought in my mind right from childhood as if what actually happens in the Season of Autumn that people associate it with Depression, Loneliness, Miseries and Anxieties. I have worked a lot on it and even tried to evaluate the effects of seasons on my mind and thoughts, and people around as well! I have come to a conclusion that mostly it is our internal thought process that makes us Happy or Sad, and it can happen in every season!

Though it is a crystal clear experience that the season of Autumn is a time when leaves are falling, and the sunlight takes a pale yellow look. The harsh winds blow and the whole area is full of dried leaves, and it looks as the sun is trying to hide and let human race fall into a timeless sense of loneliness

The spiritual experts say that the mood swings have little correlation with seasons, and it be triggered up any-time if we are experiencing or going through some difficult or hard times. It is also a time when our SOUL does not meet the required sate of optimism and motivation to get along with realities of life!

When we are having some difficult time then we feel Gloomy and in Blue Mood. So the depression and anxiety overcomes our mind and spirit. So we feel a desperate urge to move around, and to go out of routine circles of life. It happens every day at the time of sunset as well if you can feel so! For those people who are sensitive and can’t repel negative impulses out so easily. This pessimistic approach is everywhere despite the fact that literary persons have tagged this depressive phase of MIND with seasons of Autumn and Winter.

But to tell you the real case it has no relevance especially with autumn season it must not at all be correlated. If you don’t trust me then ask those people who get Success and Happiness in their lives in these seasons. They won’t agree with your point of view of or the literary assumptions. Definitely for them it is the best time ever in their lives! A person in love and finding a new position or of getting a great job will only be jubilant in these moments, regardless of the fact if it happens in spring or in autumn!

So to conclude my outcome as a normal person facing all the troubles, issues, regrets and then joys of life. For me it comes that Life is all about a swirling pool of desires and failures. So it is really necessary to keep our nerves more intact, and to be able to fight the battle of Life and Nature with Positive Force on Mind and Optimism. It is far more practical and wise instead of sitting in a dark corner, and feeling that your mind and soul have lost the energy to face some problematic situations.

It is all too cool to be in all geared up to face challenges of life with full motivation and optimistic approach. You can beat the harsh windy season of autumn with your positive thinking and strong will-power. You will be spiritually elevated and rest in phase where your mind and soul will let you enjoy all seasons with full fervour and joy!!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Living a Life of My Own!

Soul on a Peaceful Journey
World is asking me to fly high

To reach at the top of a mountain of glory!

It makes me feel guilty of stopping midway

due to fears and flaws within me


I feel like a rejuvenation inside 


I can see myself standing on a brink of river of peace

Love and serenity

Making me feel enriched with Divine Gifts

and a Hope to live a Life   
That is more of mine then to fill in a gap

amongst human species

I have a freedom of my Mind and Soul


I am successful in my very own way!

Stay with me and I will tell you

a whole story of finding a peace within my soul!!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Always Value Your Self Esteem and Boost Your Motivation Level!!

Self Esteem Leading to Confidence and Motivation
You know everyone is so important and has a distinct place on this earth. God Almighty has created each individual person with special characteristics and personality, and He Loves his creation undoubtedly. So you are as special as anyone like a political leader, film star, shining music celebrity, star player and anyone worth having attention.

It is just that some people are more out in the world to show their talents to the world. While others remain as the unsung heroes but it does not mean that normal guys like you and I have no meaning of existence on this planet!

Enjoy Your Life and Existence with Motivational Approach

So when our existence is so correlative to nature and special place on Earth, and we are as important in this world like anyone then our Self Esteem is our key point or our USP of Life that we must never compromise. We have to have a focus on our objectives and duties that we have to fulfil but never to lose our personal sanctity, listen to any abuses or to lower our self-respect just because someone wants us to feel like so!

You know that recent research conducted by psychologists proved that people in general feel relaxed, and in fact quite happy if they come to know that others are feeling distracted or feel distressed due to some comment to behaviour by them.

Don’t Compromise on Your Self Esteem

So when a negative vibe is created and a person tries to loosen the tight rope of Motivation and Optimism of anyone then it may be a general phenomenon. The important fact is that whoever that person is, and even he or she matters a lot in your life has no right to let you feel at the lowest level of Self Esteem!

Success in Waiting for You to Recognize Your Positive Personality Traits

It is a right time to think if your relationships are soured up and you are losing that important person “YOU” due to such inhuman acts as I must say! So is the case with your job or any such thing where you continuously feel like in a torture cell, and you feel that you are losing your own worth which is in fact a hindrance in Success.

Wake up your instincts and work on improving your motivation level so that you can find a better job opportunity. To get out of a dragging relationship and find inner peace, and in fact a comfort zone within yourself.

Live a Life of Your Choices and Follow Success Path with Optimism

Live a life of your own choice and cherish your personality attributes. Set your own success goals and live with full Optimism and remain Spiritually Awakened, to fulfil and nourish your Soul. Never try to be a people pleaser, and always focus on having inner strength to fight the outside battle with people who want to refrain you from having Positive Thinking pattern, and Peace of Mind and in fact Your Soul.

Peace of Mind and Soul is Too Important to Compromise On

When you will be working on yourself and remain focused on improving your quality of Life then I am sure you will never give a damn chance to anyone, to ruin your personal freedom and off course your Self Esteem for sure. Good Luck to you and always try to live with a Peace of Mind but having your very own identity all intact!!

Live on the Edge of Motivation to Find Real Success!!

Motivation Leading to Struggle and Success
You are going to see lots of changes in your environment, circumstances, goals, relationships and the motivation level as well. But don’t panic if something happens unexpectedly. Try to calm down your nerves and think positive, and to find a way to get out of difficult situations. It can happen so easily with a Peace of MIND, and a closer look at the rational side of what is happening. Here are some important tips to let you make easy decisions that are based on Reality and Practical Wisdom.

Value Yourself

It is very much important to value yourself as an individual human being, and as a special part of this universe. Feel comfortable with your nature and with your personality traits as well. I must say you need to approve that you have traits that are purely yours!

Love Yourself Unconditionally

Do not complain all the time about your physical appearance and your inner personality. Don’t waste your Motivation and Positive Energies by comparing yourself with anyone, even with your siblings. They might not be having the same level of maturity, will power or determination or any other trait. Never complain that Life or Nature is unkind to you.

Appreciate Your Gains and Success

Always applaud yourself on any kind of attainment no matter how too simple or small it is! When you compliment yourself at each step of success then your unconscious and subconscious mind keeps on registering it as your growth, and eventually you will start recognizing yourself as a most precious entity in your own LIFE and for other people as well.

Focus on Your Goals and Be Optimistic

It is always an easy task to ridicule and demotivate others, and we have plenty of people around who are masters of that. So stay away from the surroundings of negative people, and focus on your ways to achieve your personal goals and remain optimistic throughout your journey to Success and Achievements.

Always Start a New Day with High Spirits

When you wake up every morning then give yourself a statement that you are going to stay all motivated, and expect to have everything in a fine manner. You are important for yourself and for the people who really matter in your life, so never spoil a single day because of some bad comments or behaviours of irrelevant people.

Stay Calm in Difficult Situations and Trigger Your Peace of Mind

It is a proven fact that if someone is facing hard times then a continuous moaning and complaint has never done a good job! So it is a best practice to keep your nerves all cool, calculated and clam while you are going through some rough phase in a personal relationship or in your professional life. Here if you meditate and do any other exercises to trigger your Peace of Mind then you are a successful person right at this moment.

Praise Your Energies and Will Power

When you keep on praising yourself for your steadfastness in the previous odd times, and work hard to improve your Positive Will Power. Then it is time to cherish the feeling of winning a battle of nerves. Serve yourself with best of feed or deserts. Hang out and have fun on your own. Even you can plan a vacation to spend some time in Nature and to revitalize your Spirits and to remain in close contact with your inner SOUL. This way, you will achieve all Success and Motivation to do extraordinary things, and to fight a monster that might always let you down to low self-esteem and irrational decisions.

Find a Way to Live Close to Spirituality and Mysticism

I am not telling you a folklore but it is a fact of life as if you instigate your inner peace of mind then you will reach at a level when your sixth sense and intuition works so strongly to alarm you of any bad happenings. You are able to read mind and body language of others. You can work on your personal or worldly goals with a greater perspective and even can serve Humanity at large in a better and fulfilling way!!

Monday, September 15, 2014

A Place on Earth to Find True Peace of Mind

Tranquility and Spiritual Elevation
Sometimes we are so much distracted with some desires and aspirations that we forget that living a peaceful life is the most important things. We are busy with daily chores of life or to make a course of action to get prosperous and wealthy. But we are losing a space where we can have a soul satisfaction. Does it come from any worldly gains or from having a job done in a right perspective? I think it is a matter of living a life that is according to your comfort zone which must never overlap the others around!

We might be facing some temporary troubles that remind us of good times that we used to have, and it is so obvious with human nature. Life keeps on evolving and have to grow with it, and I do admit that we are not able to make pace with tangles and complexities of life as normal human being. But here a question arises as what we have learnt from our previous failures, and have we gone ahead or just get stuck due to lack of aspirations and finding comfortable life ahead.

If you think so a case with yourself then you need to be conscious and try to exhale all negative thoughts with a breathing in of fresh and innovative ideas. Just takes everything in life like a flow of ocean’s wave. Some high tides might take you in a dangerous position but if you stay stable and confident then you will be in a pool of peace and tranquillity. Yes! It happens with every mind and soul and only people don’t follow the right vibes on time.

If you feel like going on a trip to some good place to have a Soul Satisfaction then don’t keep on postponing it further. If you know a place or spiritual healing and training centre then make a quick centre. Meditation helps out lots of people from getting out of stressful situations, and to find peace and motivation. Just try to have an optimistic approach that your problems will be solved and you can find a real Peace of Mind and Soul but with little effort.

You might not find it in a blog or going to a mentor. But you can attain that level of Spiritual Attainment where you are no more worried about material gains and losses. You will on more be sad on failure of a project that you thought to work for you. You will be motivated and excited with a new finding and to travel on that path of self-discovery and personal growth. Believe me it is worth experiencing and for very good reasons.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Why WE Prefer to Leave Peace of Mind for Material Gains?

Spiritual Peace and Nature
I am pondering on one situation that is so much common with modern man, and that is to switch from one place or job to another for the sake of material gains. It happens everywhere and at the cost of having a tough and hard life but we keep on doing that. I remember a long time ago when I was attending a sitting session with a great intellectual of our earlier times. He asked all of us being Representatives of Youth.

He asked us a simple question that was outwardly simple but carried a great Wisdom Path. He asked us all as if why we were losing our Precious Lives and Present Moment for the sake of gaining high salary jobs, and to upgrade our Social Status. Everybody tried to give answer but I was silent not because I had followed his hidden point, but due to the fact that I was always on the point to live a peaceful life, and if prosperity comes as ALLAH’s Will then we need to be thankful for it. But not to follow the blind path of Success that might lead us to distresses and depressions.

Now the question arises as why we are fighting this battle of hardships as to win some name, and to get more luxuries. Isn't it an irony that we do not know as if we would be alive on the very next day? But we keep on striving on this strange path of so-called glory and growth? Dreams and Desires are unlimited, and who will make a fine balance to let his or her SOUL all in Peace? Modern world with attractive gadgets all around make us all blindfolded to keep on moving on a path that might not be meant for us. Here I would tell you few harms of this unnecessary battle of Material and Social Growth!

Losing the Creative Self

Yes! We are losing the creative minds and the motivation to do something so awful that the world will remember us. We are only longing for comforts and luxuries and do not want to learn new arts, and to get into world of charismatic creativity for the sake of it any more!

Social Isolation and Increase in Psychological Issues

Now people don’t have time to spend with their loved ones as everybody says around “Time is Money”. But have you seen that the distraction and ignorance has caused a whole generation of direction-less Youth. Now old people live in Old Homes and nobody bothers the psychological and Soulful needs of another person!

Sense of Materialism Prevails on a Larger Scale

Now look at the motives and hidden truth behind all our moves. We want to be social in order to get any sort of benefit for future. We do not concentrate on agonies and pains of others, and just try to be friends for good worldly reasons.

I have highlighted some major issues that the whole world is facing in terms of Humanity and losing connection with Hearts, Minds and Souls of others. We have lost the true value of precious love that had an ability to bind us together in families, groups and societies for better reasons. Now we see the chaos all around, and people gather to protect their rights or to gain some negative motives. Spirituality and Mysticism has lost its value, and we can’t find any more people so easily who are having Divine Light with them, to heal our souls and to direct us towards Peace of Mind as well!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Spiritually Awakened People Love Humanity At Large!

Spiritual Peace and Motivation
Rain makes it hard for me to keep myself away from the nostalgic memories that are swirling around. I am all surrounded with great events and people who made my life worth with their warm presence, and let me build a true perception about Life, World and its Reality. Yes! On a very positive note I am listening to the drizzling sound of rain on my window and lost in the times when I was free to get out and move freely in the summer rains. To make my soul have all nourishment from the Nature, and to be awakened by the new Motivation to move on!

Now I think that Nature has given us gifts of changes in seasons like the moods and circumstances. We have all springs and autumns within us. If we are moving on a path of Spiritual Elevation then we see that Divine Light is flashed on us to be all carefree and to love nature and humanity at large. I am still surprise at how people can do injustice and barbarism to others, and even torture them to die when there are so many positive things to look and feel!

When I have a chance meeting with people who have traveled a lot of the road of Spirituality and Mysticism then they are all in love for Human Beings. I haven’t seen them teaching hatred, violence and to lower self esteem of others at any name. It is due to the fact that they have understood the real purpose of life, to live in peace and harmony with not only human beings but with all creation of God Almighty. The positive energy that these people radiate influence all their followers, and even spread as a shield to others around.

Motivation and Optimism doesn't come with negative energy, and all those brutal people in history and at present had no Positive Energies but they had evil desires and hatred that might be due t some imbalanced childhood upbringings. Otherwise anyone who loves humanity and a sudden smile comes on his face on seeing an innocent child can’t kill him or her. Here a question arises as if man is born to be all cruel and evil. No! He is born of love and compassion but evil and negative environment and brainwashing make him do such wild acts!

So it is time for all of us on this Planet Earth to ponder seriously about the ways to make real Peace here. So that is time for us to decide to live in peace and harmony, and let a beautiful world waiting for our coming generations. Say Big NO to Wars and Terrorism, and spread Love, Compassion, Motivation and a message to follow Peace and to spread Motivation among human race. We have to do it otherwise the whole humanity and its technical advancement will come to point zero. So stay positive and awakened to let go all differences, and to remove hidden barriers within our personalities. It will make us move upside on a ladder of spirituality!!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Soul on a Peaceful Path!

Soul on Success Path
Sometime I do wonder as if there is a place on this Earth that is destined to be peaceful and comfortable. I feel a complete chaos in mind and soul when I think about a destination inside myself or around me to be silent, secure and spiritually awakened. I am feeling that every human being is going through this roller coaster ride of dreams, destination and the real wants. We keep on following our worldly duties and bound to fulfil the responsibilities that are meant to satisfy others more than us!

If it is not the case then why I am feeling that much lost right now when I am on a verge of accomplishing new level of success? It is due to a reason that my personal priority was and still is Soul Satisfaction but I am a Social Animal and tend to behave like normal people. I have to go on a run after a Success route. I have to get out of my comfort zones and fight the battle of life that is going to end one day. I am not sure if anybody ever recognizes my efforts or struggles or my own kids would ever understand that I had to take ten more steps to get aligned with a line of normal people.

To have a peace of mind and to live in harmony with your inner soul is the best thing that you can achieve. But the question remains as if world with all its demands will let you stay in that path. If you want to be in resting phase and to let your positive energies to focus on having Divine Guidance and Enlightenment then you need to follow your instincts. But sitting here and saying that is so easy for me too. I know I cannot make it happen for me as I am a bounded soul or slave of dreams, whims and wishes of my own self and that of others.

I am also having impositions on my soul due to some duties that Divine Will has assigned me for. I have to be answerable for the dependants who are my spouse and kids. I I am unable to do justice to their lives, and to prove them love, compassion and comfortable lives then my spiritual awakening would lead me to no place. I will be the villain of their lives and doing such injustice would eventually lead me to guilt and pessimism. So whatever I have to gain as Optimism and Motivation is to be from the situation that I am currently in, and I think it is my suggestion to every soul who is seeking a individual salvation!!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Optimism Makes a Hard Decision for Success in Life All Possible!

Enlightened Path of Success
It is just too normal for human beings to try to find compassion, peace, love and relaxation in any environment. I can understand that following an instinctive desire to keep on moving in an autogenic mode, and to forget about moving for better opportunities of Success and Prosperity is a hard time task. What is the sort of mechanism and mood that keeps a pace in people’s lives, to remain in a state of optimism, and to motive them on a better road map is defined here!

Once you decide to achieve and attain a position that is more like a pilot in your own life. It is that time when you stop following the instructions from people around, and even to be influenced by the environment. You might not accept it but it is hardcore fact that all of us get influenced by the culture and social norms that we have seen around. So to get stuck in a bad situation just to satisfy the social traditions is not a positive sign, and eventually it leads anyone into depression and a sort of pessimism.

Hope and Motivation is such a strong force that leads us all to go on a path of Success and Glory. So you need to be all charged up and say positive statements to yourself. Once you have made a mindset to achieve some goals in life, and ready to face all hurdles that can come in a way then you are going to have a winning game. You can see things going on a positive track if you keep on giving your sub-conscious and unconscious mind positive signals. So these messages are settled as sediments in the mind and make some impossible kinds of things all possible!

Once you have attained a state of mind when you are no more in panic and keep your nerves all calm down then you will definitely find Success. I have come across many experts who say is wide and clear that a peaceful mind is ready to absorb all shocks, and then ready to pave a way to real success. If you keep things on track and find a wining spirit inside then nobody can stop you to reach to your goals!

I have studied psychic approach and the old mystic teachings that are found in ancient cultures. The one thing that is common in all religions and that is a spiritual aspect is to stay calm, and believe in positive aproach. The light can emerge out of all darkness! It is just too phenomenal and inspiring that you can see by yourself that people who are firm believers of any religion, and stick to the prayers and Divine Guidance are much more strong willed and peaceful. It is not an over-statement to say that they have found out Success in a True Way!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

How to Purify Our Souls from Destructive Desires!!

Motivation and Optimism to live a Peaceful Life

I am long been focusing on different things that happen in my life and that of others, and try to find out one thing. what is the real cause of so much stress, anxiety and mental disorders. Yes! I think I have found out a clue and that is hidden in our long term desires to be free from something that has become a part of our second nature. We keep on giving ourselves so many self statements about being happy, contented and motivated but in fact we are not!

Yes I am telling you a real time tragedy of all modern civilization and that is the carrying on of burden on our shoulders of few things that might have solution but we are stuck is those ones due to social or economic pressures. Suppose I don't want to switch to a New Job that is even highly paying but makes me uncomfortable to get out of my long desired comfort zone. It is a right thing on my part. People with all brain would say that it is so wise to go on a ladder of success and to be all contented.

Here I have not other objection then on "Contentment" and does it come with material prosperity or it comes from a peaceful mind and heart. It comes from long meditation and freedom of SOUL from so many whims and wishes that might not even affect the quality of life that e live. So now there is a battle of survival of the clichéd Best, and on the other hand is a Soulful Peace. I think it is not a bad option if you leave some worldly races to win, in order to find what you find peace at!

Make a comparative analysis of what makes you happy, and I have reached at a conclusion. I am happy with small things like asking my maid's daughter to play with my little girl. I can find peace in writing form myself without having a desire to get an applaud. I can find peace to be in solidarity with people who are in pain and distress like those of Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Myanmar and so many other places. I am at peace to able to feed one single soul a meal of the day!

So it is mine and your time as well to keep our lines straight as what we really need. Just separate the Social Paradigms and Standards. Just forget about bills for quite a time though it is hardcore reality. Just imagine that you are free to choose a course of action and which is your most preferred way.

Once you are done with it then your mind would be clear, and you will be able to make a decision about your future life that is totally on your instincts minus the other People factor, and I guaranteed you that whatever you choose will be much more productive and healthier then the earlier one that you were trying as a part of a common practice done by everyone. Good Luck!!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Taste of Death

Road to Eternity
I smelled death right beside me
I smiled and looked for a curious reason
Death is something so long awaited
I felt it my companion who could understand me
and knows why 
I wanted to see it arriving at remote times
But it is not going to give me a halfway solutions
To all that that I have
I need to fix few things, mend others
and then
Accept it most graciously at a time when my things are done
When no one can blame me to leave halfway
But do I have any authority
Though it is my intimate friend
But no it is not going to ask me!
Touch me by shoulder and look for permission
So I am trying to grab little bit of deeds
That might please the Divine Authority
But I have no chance to set it my way!!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Time Sets Us Free or Chained?

Waiting for Freedom
I am wandering for so long as what is a real Human Destiny, and why we keep on waiting for future when the only time we have is NOW. Yes! It is a great irony of all human individuals that we keep on framing ourselves in perfect situation in the days that nobody has seen. If my soul is aching right now then I need an antidote for it right now, not in a time zone that might not even exist for me!

I am afraid that I cannot express what I really feel when I am referring to present moment and its importance in our real lives. If I wait for a blissful moment that is no-existent right now then I am wasting my energies like all you guys. I have to have only one option, to spend this time in something that is fruitful and peaceful for me and for others around me. I am not saying that you should shun off all opportunities or plans that you have long made for coming years. So the time must make us free and not chained into a series of duties that we must perform before death!

Here I would like to give you my example as I went on a road trip last month, and considered it to be an escape from my daily chores and responsibilities. I am not afraid of daily life works and challenges but I wanted to rejuvenate my soul my soul or spirit to come back with new vigour. To start my responsibilities in a much nourished and refreshed way. I got tired of travelling but I kept on seeing things with a great feel that I might not be able to return to those lands. So just chill out and see everything.

I saw life in so many colours as it was a countryside with quite a culture that is still deeply rooted with Earth. So I saw historical and kind of timeless monuments, and then I realized a new factor as who made those monuments. Those people must be having only one thing in mind to make glorious buildings, and to make a huge impact on the people of their times. But where are those people who built those monuments and the ones who were supposed to be suppressed. All are gone and only a historical transcript is placed at every place!

Now such a common man can move through the corridors of power and glory! It reminds me of the real essence of life. To make your life easy for yourself and for others as everybody is going to die. But the history is so cruel that it would only make a board or transcript of yours. So live in a mode as tomorrow you are going to die, and do deeds that can make you alive in the memories of people. The ones that are sweet and a feeling of love and gratitude for you. My journey was both inside out so I realized it so strongly to share it with you!!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Travelling through Self History!

It happens that we start a journey towards some destination and ends at finding our own self, somewhere in the middle of nowhere. You can just imagine a desire to go on a travel that is soulful and you can see various people from different races and creeds. But each individual represents a certain aspect of your own personality. I started a journey towards South to discover some centuries old monuments, and when I reached there. I felt as if I was there at some other time.

I wanted to grab that moment in history and to be in an era that I have never seen but just imagined, and wished strongly to be in that time. I wanted to know the small details of that era and it seemed that it was alluring and soothing, and made me free of so many twists and turns that modern life is offering. So this is it but I am deeply fascinated and loved to be in a a paradigm that makes me love what is seen and more of what is unseen.

Most of times, we are like that as we start some plans of life with a clear cut objectives but reach at a destination where there is no U Turn. But that new alley or valley is even much more beautiful than wee expected. I was present at an old Shrine and Praying to Almighty ALLAH when I realized the clear cut sense of Timelessness. I was not in the present moment but my soul was so light and I felt like a burden of tons just got out of my shoulders.

I am in awe and I am in despair as I  am back to my normal hectic life but a very major part of mine has just stayed there. I want to take swings to that moment when time and space lost its meaning for me. I want to cherish something that is surely Divine but present in me like a small dot of eternal light. I am here in my bed room but not present here. I want to reach out there, and I want to experience the time that is chained with timelessness!!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Riddle with Your Nature !!

It seems to be the most exciting thing to change yourself for the course of adopting new things. But does it matter for most of times as a normal thing. No! We can all try to be so definitive about our dreams, aspirations and future goals. We want to have everything in order but something changes a course of action, and we make blunders or convince ourselves that a much more happy life awaits us!

It is here that we all are giving that wonderful Dream Jerk to our souls that we are going to be on a road to a better life and much more peaceful happenings around. But nothing happens as LIFE is not going to cause lotteries for everyone, and that everyone is just too greatly in flaw to make things straight. When we wake up from the bed of our wishful desires then we are able to see everything so vividly. 

There is no light and no new way of life but we have to start from a zero spot. It is something that is miserable and at the same time extremely painful. So it is important for us to be on the Reality Grounds. Thank GOD for all the bounties and trust this notion that we are living a far better life than many people around the globe. Once this thankfulness gets in out veins and nerves then everything will be fine. 

We will be able to enjoy what we are having instead of thinking to find joy on what we assume. We are going to win our inner battles of comparisons, jealousies and prejudices if we understand that what we are getting is not out of our deeds. But it is a gift of God and we need only to thank HIM. As there are millions around the world who struggle twice or thrice times more than us and just get enough to eat for two times. 

If we attain that mental and spiritual peace and understanding then we will be much more stronger and happier than we can ever imagine. The real life fun would start when we are ready to spend each day as a special bliss, and count the Divine Favours on us. Ignore all negativity and pessimism. Struggle for the best in life but your pace must be steady and cautious, and not in hassle to win in competition the trophies which we can never know who has really taken, and for what reasons!!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Dwelling in Past !!

Life is a whole bunch of ever changing and evolving scenarios and situations. We cannot stay in the same mood for all the seasons to come. Nobody can be happy forever or miserable all the times. Yes! It happens that people fail to get out of a difficulty mental state by themselves and they need some spiritual guidance or the medical cure. It is due to some major things that we fail to accept life as a flowing river.

We keep on demanding the same kind of peace and serenity that once we faced. It is not something natural and we have to accept this reality to be in peace with ourselves. Whenever you are standing in front of a mirror then do repeat a Self Statement “I cannot change or reverse what has happened”. When you are saying this it means you are making your unconscious mind to realize that regrets and feeling miserable of losing anything in past is just useless.

Yes! It is important that History or PAST is a great teacher but it must play that same part. But it should not ruin your present or to refrain you from doing something really productive. If you feel like getting into a depressive mode then change your life routine. Go on long routes of sole walks; breathe fresh air with full blow and do something joyful like seeding small plants. You can take grains in a small bag and throw these ones for birds, animals and insects. You will feel close to NATURE, and it will make you feel the importance of living in Present Moment!

You can make a real impact on your nerves with positive self statement and small acts of getting close to nature and natural things. I know it may sound little difficult at start, and I lose my way to my childhood roads and some wrong decision that I took along the life’s journey. You can make things great and fulfilling with small start ups.

You see what you can do for yourself is not even imagined by any other person. You can do meditation and practice yoga to stay active, healthy and peaceful. Closeness to Nature shows human beings a corridor that opens for Divine Light and it makes you at ease with yourself, by finding a bigger meaning to your existence and about a life that is eternal and waiting for each human being ahead.  So just learn the lessons from past and never let it overgrows on you. Because the PAST is Your Precious Experience but not going to change what you are going through in Life!!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

On a Verge of Nervous Breakdown!

I am loosing something that is not what I meant to do but is it really not in my control. It is the biggest disaster in human life when one cannot share what he is actually feeling! He may feels lost or just need a shoulder to cry out his fears and failures but nobody is there. As we all are rational human beings and we are supposed to control our true emotions, to be part of a society that has a strong parameter to check the Nerves of a Sane Person. So we must avoid every single chance to make someone from having an attack of Nervous Breakdown

Isn't it true that we all are swinging in between sanity and insanity? I am not trying to impose my own thoughts but I have seen so many strong people on a brink of nervous breakdown, due to feeling agitated by daily routine where they can’t express what they want to. Even I have found this platform to express my unfulfilled desires, fears, anxieties and thoughts about human beings, and how they are passing the time on this planet called EARTH.

I am feeling a strong craving to form a group of people who can say that they are stressed out and fearful of finding means to live their daily lives. Suppose I am dying and I want to save myself from spiritual or physical drowning then you can suggest me what should I do! It is not a matter of choice for some people to stay away from worries, and not to be afraid of hard times that are coming in their way. I have made some decisions and I want to say Foolish and Unwise to myself but the social paradigms are stopping me to do this.

I cannot claim to be called a person who has no sense to live a life that is bright, brilliant and comfortable. But what do you suggest for people like me who flow with the current of a life’s river, and make mistakes and then are afraid to admit those in front of others. I think such people are born to be different, and they are born to suffer for worst. You may not be able to see such people crying out loud to help them, and to listen to their miseries and pains.

It is here that a person like me thinks of acting like nothing has happened to him or her, and then tries the best to be the most vibrant personality around. Everyone must realize that people are born to be different and it is Nature’s Law. So you cannot fit every personality in the same frame! If everyone around understands this factor then life would be much easier for those, who want to cry out loud, and even need a cognitive training to cope with life in all shades!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Acquiring Something YOU long Desired is a Mission Accomplished?

I am just swaying in the ocean of thoughts and feel even strange that is it worth spending hours, days and weeks in planning and then celebrating something that is just so material, and not even ours. We are just doing our efforts to have a New Thing in our life and we have never thought that so many people around the globe are looking towards unseen horizons, to have a meal for a single time.

It makes all my accomplishments and fulfilments to a point zero, and I just ponder on what is being left for me to celebrate a victory that is not going to last even for days. I am not sure if I am able to own that thing which I have been bound to receive legally. But law does not coincide with human fragility, and I heard a man who was so happy on having a great success in his job. But on a thrush of a second moment he was struck by a big bus and he was all dead.

Where his aspirations and accomplishments and nobody are even knows what he was planning to do with that reward what he got. In the model world of fragile thoughts, feelings, emotions and desires how can one be satisfied to have a possession of a New Car or a Home. When you are so uncertain about the very next moment. Life sucks at most of times and it is true. We are born to die and we human beings keep on oppressing others as we will never be a part of dust as our ancestors became.

All name and fame will remain here and we will be in a new time and space mechanism, and judgement of our deeds would be made on what we would leave behind in terms of good deeds, and how much we were able to make a single person smile with something so normal. We are going to see a reality where no one will care of what mansion and luxury car we use to drive.

Then how can we be happy and just so calm at achieving something so worldly and material. But on the other hand we are supposed to live this life to fullest, and to acquire everything with fair means. We are leading to a door of eternal happiness that will come to us but we have to live this life in a fullest way. To do this we have to fight all battles within and outside in the open world. Free ourselves from complexes and duplicities, and then to deal with the world as it demands us to be. So we have to cherish every new acquisition!!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Nowhere is Somewhere?

I don't know why I chose this heading but it is so significant to me that I wanted to share some thought with you all. It just happens in someone's life that he is on a brink of new discovery or a loss of something very precious. Actually it happens with many people but some don't bother to keep on harping around the same topic or life event. While here are people like me who got stuck in something and cannot come out easily. Losing something special or a even having a relation gone out of life is very difficult to carry on. 

If you are stuck in a situation where you can't see the upcoming joys and charms of life and feel that this moment is everything and that losing it means an end to s chapter of life that will not return. So it is not a great deal to just enjoy happy moments but it is also important to stay in that very moment, to cherish it fully. When you are in new situation then don't regret that time which was golden and that is gone. It is due to the fact that every single moment is precious and carries its own beauty. 

Feeling are important when you are in a situation where there is no way to be out of it is something really very difficult. I can empathize with all those people who are going through the sense of loss, and it is due to the factor that I used to live in past and kept on feeling the pain of loss that was significant but wasn't helpful to me in anyway. I am not an expert who can give you solid tips but I know one thing for sure that whoever feels like standing nowhere must need a consoling shoulder or a listener. I know that it is self destructive to live in a static condition of self denial or self pity.

It is an important thing to need a positive approach towards future events and a feeling that YOU are too good, and something really GOOD is going to be here for you.  When you visualize yourself doing different life activities then you will definitely get up and start your journey to a destination that might just be in your mind, and your active proceeding will give it real life. You can overcome your all sorts of grief, loss and sufferings if you know that life keeps on leading all human beings to somewhere.

This the true destination of everyone's soul and it is a place that will give you peace and satisfaction. If you catch that Divine Light and know that there is a ultra superior force up there supporting you then you will be re-empowered to shake all negativity and hopelessness, and you will rejuvenate for a travel that will take you to an eternal paradise. 

You will come to know that all pains and sufferings are temporary as same like the joys and happiness that everyone faces even for few moments. You will be happy and and in peace with your self and won't complain for happening that are not only happening to you but so many people around the globe this time and for an unlimited time in history. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A Loose Connection between Life and Death!

How many times a day we keep on reminding ourselves that we can turn from Is to Was with a gush of death that can approach at any moment. This is the ultimate reality that is following us right from birth. But MAN has made so many solutions to be escaped from this Truth. We remain busy wit socializing and striving for worldly success, and we keep on dreaming about coming days, months and years without realizing the fact that those who lost their lives around us were also having almost same kinds of visions and dreams in their eyes.

Isn't it a great dilemma that modern world has given us as a gift. We are not there where we have to be. We are living a life of solitude and in fact have become slaves of gadgets. We have lost chances to connect with Nature and to be close to our Loved Ones. We can spend time with them and feel the real essence of love and warmth instead of working like a machine.

We can think of it but can’t act as we are not going to waste our Precious TIME in something that cannot pay us in material aspect. It is a tragedy of modern life and of course of humanity, and when all of sudden we hear a young person dying in road accident or brain tumour then we open our eyes wide to look at what we are getting and how a moment can change even us in a Part of History!

But it is not our time and we have to go on for something really good and aspire for a lifestyle that we wish for. I am not saying that we should leave everything and turn to jungles. God has made us like that to struggle and strive for worldly possessions but at the same time HE wants us to never be a trap of this worldly and soon to be ending entity.

We are born to spend our life with some purpose and the one main thing is to keep a closer look at life that is fast paced. We have to maintain our paces with the True Self, and to wear something that is really digestible and effective for a life that is eternal and try to realize that our each moment is captured by a BIG Camera, and we are answerable for all step that we took in this material and temporary world.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Platonic Love Really Exists Somewhere in this Material World ?

Platonic Love and Modern World
I am student of literature and I kept on reading different things that are discussed here and there. Most of times it is not a case as ideal that literary people have presented us. Like I would share my thoughts as what is “Platonic Love” and how to explain it in modern terms. If you tell me about literary way then it is a description by a famous philosopher Plato. It tells a mental state when a person is in love with other one without having a desire to acquire him or her physically. 

Platonic Love means a love that involves Soul Connection, and it has nothing to with material gains, outward beauty and to get any kind of benefit. So it is really an important aspect of Human Psyche and it must be in the world sometime. But at this moment, I cannot find that this philosophy does not work right here at the moment!

Now the whole world has changed and it becomes only a clichéd statement that a person can love without expecting anything. Here the human psyche has changed and we love to be loved, and to get benefit in one way or other. Either we feel the comfort of having someone who adores us and can give us something like love, compassion and a TIME for sure. Now the soul connection and just keep on thinking about a beloved is no more payable.

It is a world of quick actions, responses and demands. Now no one wants to be in love with someone who cannot give him or her anything. Now Love is a matter of give and take, and people have no time to spend in thinking and living in dreams. Modern worlds has snatched the innocent and pure forms of love and even a simple way of life!
It is a tragedy in itself as we are not realizing its drastic dangerous effects. We are losing the concerns and bonding that our ancestors used to have. Asking anyone to date or to have a one night stand won’t give anyone real happiness, and it eventually turns out into loneliness and desperation, and off course depression. Is it possible that we can develop purity in relationship, and I am leaving to my respectable audience to guide me in this context!!