Thursday, December 26, 2019

Kashmir is Calling

My kids of Kashmir
I am silent
Though I stated to
With you
Till last breath
You are facing
The brutal Indian forces
The Rape, Massacre
All by Yourself
My sisters, daughters and mothers
You are molested
My rulers are silent
I am helpless to help you
But forgive me here
In eternal world
I am ashamed, trust me
May you win freedom
Be in your normal world
Do you still know the meaning

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Don’t Move – A Film about Human Misery and Psychological Conflicts (Non ti Mouvere)!

Don't Move
Being a great fan of Drama Films and passionate about the expertise that is exhibited through the storyline, dialogues, screenplay, acting, casting, direction, art direction, and production is a matter of my deep observation. I am a fan of non-contemporary movies that might get a Premier in some Film Festivals. These are really a delight to watch, and I am not even concerned about how many awards it has gotten, and not about IMDB or Rotten Tomato Rating and even about the Gross Earning.

So the different approach of mine has led me to the corridors of experimentation and wonderful insights on films that might not be highlighted in general. Here I am telling about an Italian Film named “Don’t Move” and its Italian name is “Non ti Mouvere”. For Penelope Cruz fans this movie is one of her best assets, and she has performed par excellence. 

Penelope Cruz is one such actress who is a great combination of Beauty and Brain, and it is clearly depicted in the selection of roles and her choice of films that she works in. In fact, I got a chance to see Non ti Mouvere with English Language Subtitles. I tried to watch this movie that is translated as Don’t Move for Penelope Cruz. But the beginning just paralyzed my emotions when I saw a single heeled RED shoe amidst a passage to a building which later revealed as a hospital. 

Why that Red Shoe was there and Who placed it there just entangles a mystery bound around, and you are spell bounded in it till the end. When the end comes and you see the reel of names then you want to cry out loud, and ask one question to yourself. Is it all Life and What is the Use of Living it when everything will end like that? 

Italia being the name of Penelope Cruz in the film made me feel reluctant to live like a normal being who runs behind worldly success and gains. My Perceptions about Life and Human Existence has changed, owing to this film. A poor woman who was raped by a Rich and Famous Doctor when he was overheated and drunk, and then as aftermath when he felt guilty. The guilt conscious took him again and again to that ordinary woman who did not belong to his class. 

The irony of the situation is that he is married and having quitter a comfortable life. Italia is so different from her life, thought process and has her own opinions about LIFE. When they got closer than he realized that people become insane and pathetic due to extraordinary situations and sufferings. He got so close to her that he tried to flee away with her to another land. But she died on a way, and there is a whole climax behind all events.

I can never forget one dialogue when he said to her colleague while his daughter as a teenager has a fatal accident, and being operated. He said to his best friend and colleague “I do not know where people go when they die but I surely know where they remain, and that is the heart”. Watch it out for seeing a mature cinema of the world, and “Don’t’ Move” deserves a standing ovation with respect to many fields of artistic presentation.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Soul at Peace is Far more Important than to be on Happiness Quest...!!

Happiness and Soul Satisfaction
I keep on thinking about the patterns of life and what kinds of things make one person happy and the other sad at the same time. When a person does wrong to others like rob or kills someone then he is happy. It may be out of revenge or suppressed desires. But the dying person would never feel the same and his loved ones will go through a whole process of agony. Same is the case with building a relationship that is too good but ends up after a short time!

Why the human race is ins Quest of Happiness when it is crystal clear that it is going to be either a momentary pleasure or a small time joy. Then logic will play its part and each person will feel it quite useless to be excited over things that are no more important. I read from a philosopher and writer’s book that the real pleasure lies in the quest and struggle to attain something and it is destroyed once we achieve it!

Well, I think it is a wonderful quote that explains a lot about the uselessness of looking for clichéd happiness. I think peace of mind and soul are much more important than the short-lived happiness. So why not we must try to attain a feeling of internal peace and a closeness to nature. Every sane person knows that he or she will die one day and nobody knows about AFTERLIFE, and there is no need to waste this small time in hatred for other races, nations, civilizations, and norms!

If we think about the peace and prosperity of the whole of the human race on the planet EARTH then I think it will really give us lasting happiness and act as a soothing effect. I would love to tell you that my love for life goes on for things that are going to have a lasting impression on my life and that of others. So I prefer to look for happiness that comes with making another person smile or to fulfill his or her small desire or need.

Happiness is temporary as we are too indulged in getting its full flavor that we forget the lapse of time. While the period of agony will let lose us in gloominess and bleakest days, and our Minds and Souls ore occupied with Depression and Hopelessness. So it seems to us as a non-ending period. But I am happy that you read my blog and will definitely try to find some New Meaning of Word HAPPINESS. For me, it is so multidimensional and very complex issue. I want to know your perceptions for that sake of my knowledge!!