Showing posts with label Soul Connection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Soul Connection. Show all posts

Monday, June 24, 2024

My Soul is No More My Friend

Soul Satisfaction and Peace of Mind
My Soul is No More My Friend 

On my very sad moments 

I want you to be my side


I find No Companion 

No Listener of My Grievance 


You are no more there 

To pat on my shoulder,

To cry out loud with me 

To help me feel better 

With better tomorrow 

Better scenarios

And to let my know that 

After every darkness 

There is light ...

Now you push me more 

Into the dark holes of despair

To weep over my losses 

As all due to my 

Shallow self...

I am long dead inside 

You know it...


Why you want me to suffer 

More and more

And that's why you arise

Day dreams and desires 

Do strong inside my hollow being

You don't pity me anymore 

You seem to cherish

My suffering and why

You are more of an enemy 

To me...

But still In don't know why 

My only lifelong companion 

My soul ..where are you...!!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Eternal Life Dreams versus Lust for the World!

Eternal life and Lust for World

Life is all about big dreams and fantasies that we keep on rolling in our sleeves, and to try to unfold these at a time when things seem to be too worst around. It is our survival instinct that makes us visualize everything perfect in the “Eternal Life” though we have done nothing to save ourselves from sins and matters of self-destruction so far. We have lost that Soul Connection that our ancestors used to have with the parallel world, and they always used to keep the Death aspect, at a near distance when they used to move on for chores of life!

Now we have lost that connection and too much indulged in worldly matters and lust for the material aspects of it. Here I would like to mention that we have forgotten about Heaven and Hell in a real way. We only Remember ALLAH Almighty when we face some crises situation or we see someone closed to us departing from this temporary life. Every death reminds us of our own decay and loss of every worldly thing that we carry. It makes us afraid of what we are going to get into our Eternal Bags to earn rewards out there!

So what is the real matter of covering out all those aspects that can makes us go for all good things that are stored for us in the Eternal Life. If we look for Peace of Mind and an Awakening of Spiritual Sensitivity inside us then we need to clean our hearts and minds. We have to take the world as a battlefield for all kinds of tests and trials, and to keep on striving for it as much as it is necessary. You think that I am preaching all Religious Mind-set to you. It is by the way a Reality that we all have to return to Eternity after spending our Divinely Fixed Time in this world. 

What is wrong in keeping our deaths in our active mind to let ourselves refrain from all those lusts that are going to ruin our SOULS and our Afterlife? It is just good to try to adopt a fine balance between what is right and then to go for all worldly excursions that are necessary. Don’t try to leave every positive pleasure out of your life, and don’t even stop spreading a message of love and peace to the world. All you need is to understand that a peaceful life is a bliss in itself. 

Life is all about a trial and a way to heed for everything good and pleasurable that will be eternal and forever. It is just a difficult thing to let lose all temptations of the world, and to go on for a good things of life. So be active and agile to win all rewards that are timeless and will be provide by Divine Will. So let’s live this life as a great activity place where you need to be careful about every move of yours and that of its effects as well!!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Soul on a Peaceful Path!

Soul on Success Path
Sometime I do wonder as if there is a place on this Earth that is destined to be peaceful and comfortable. I feel a complete chaos in mind and soul when I think about a destination inside myself or around me to be silent, secure and spiritually awakened. I am feeling that every human being is going through this roller coaster ride of dreams, destination and the real wants. We keep on following our worldly duties and bound to fulfil the responsibilities that are meant to satisfy others more than us!

If it is not the case then why I am feeling that much lost right now when I am on a verge of accomplishing new level of success? It is due to a reason that my personal priority was and still is Soul Satisfaction but I am a Social Animal and tend to behave like normal people. I have to go on a run after a Success route. I have to get out of my comfort zones and fight the battle of life that is going to end one day. I am not sure if anybody ever recognizes my efforts or struggles or my own kids would ever understand that I had to take ten more steps to get aligned with a line of normal people.

To have a peace of mind and to live in harmony with your inner soul is the best thing that you can achieve. But the question remains as if world with all its demands will let you stay in that path. If you want to be in resting phase and to let your positive energies to focus on having Divine Guidance and Enlightenment then you need to follow your instincts. But sitting here and saying that is so easy for me too. I know I cannot make it happen for me as I am a bounded soul or slave of dreams, whims and wishes of my own self and that of others.

I am also having impositions on my soul due to some duties that Divine Will has assigned me for. I have to be answerable for the dependants who are my spouse and kids. I I am unable to do justice to their lives, and to prove them love, compassion and comfortable lives then my spiritual awakening would lead me to no place. I will be the villain of their lives and doing such injustice would eventually lead me to guilt and pessimism. So whatever I have to gain as Optimism and Motivation is to be from the situation that I am currently in, and I think it is my suggestion to every soul who is seeking a individual salvation!!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Soul Purification Would Lead You to Success for Sure!

Motivation is some kind of spirit that sails you forward in life, and to keep you out of distresses when you find any kind of temporary failure. If you accept the fact that life is taking its natural turns and you have to catch the right swirl, in order to reach at the top position then nothing can stop you from Success and to gain freedom from a narrow thinking. Generally our Environment and Social Pressures make us feel all too limited to something that we can easily get out of!

Following a path of positive approach all through your acts, thoughts and talks can create a natural Positive AURA around you. The Spiritual Experts see it as an effect of a “virtue” on mind and soul of a person. I have read and heard about people who were chained or kept imprisoned for no crimes but they kept on fighting the negative battles inside by stating that God is with them, and they will find their solace and salvation here and for sure in the life hereafter. They never broke down and won their Moral Battles!!

Yes! It is a very positive approach and practical as well as logical. Though it is a definite thing that such adherence to Spiritualism and Soul Connection comes with powerful Religious roots and beliefs! But I have seen many people who are in doubt or atheists to practice ancient meditation methods of Muslims, Buddhists and even do Yoga on regular basis. These practices definitely provide a relief to Mind and Soul, and keep all of us motivated to face the hurdles with new passion and vigor. 

So if you are going through a bad patch in your personal or professional life then don’t wait any longer and try to find some easy methods, to make you stress free. You can inhale a lot of positive energy by visualization technique, and take deep breath and sit or lie in an easy posture. Imagine a very beautiful scene, and you are enjoying all the blissful sights, sounds and smells of nature. I am sure that your anxiety, stress and depression would wipe away.

But you have to keep in mind that it is an ongoing and little slow process that will definitely pay you with relief and SUCCESS for sure at the end. You will get rid of your pain and miseries, and find yourself so much charged with Positive Energy and Motivated to do something really great. You can be a next Einstein or Bill Gates, and nature has not stopped producing Great People. Only a determination to follow the path of success and to purify your mind and soul would lead you towards it in a much faster pace as you can ever imagine!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Platonic Love Really Exists Somewhere in this Material World ?

Platonic Love and Modern World
I am student of literature and I kept on reading different things that are discussed here and there. Most of times it is not a case as ideal that literary people have presented us. Like I would share my thoughts as what is “Platonic Love” and how to explain it in modern terms. If you tell me about literary way then it is a description by a famous philosopher Plato. It tells a mental state when a person is in love with other one without having a desire to acquire him or her physically. 

Platonic Love means a love that involves Soul Connection, and it has nothing to with material gains, outward beauty and to get any kind of benefit. So it is really an important aspect of Human Psyche and it must be in the world sometime. But at this moment, I cannot find that this philosophy does not work right here at the moment!

Now the whole world has changed and it becomes only a clichéd statement that a person can love without expecting anything. Here the human psyche has changed and we love to be loved, and to get benefit in one way or other. Either we feel the comfort of having someone who adores us and can give us something like love, compassion and a TIME for sure. Now the soul connection and just keep on thinking about a beloved is no more payable.

It is a world of quick actions, responses and demands. Now no one wants to be in love with someone who cannot give him or her anything. Now Love is a matter of give and take, and people have no time to spend in thinking and living in dreams. Modern worlds has snatched the innocent and pure forms of love and even a simple way of life!
It is a tragedy in itself as we are not realizing its drastic dangerous effects. We are losing the concerns and bonding that our ancestors used to have. Asking anyone to date or to have a one night stand won’t give anyone real happiness, and it eventually turns out into loneliness and desperation, and off course depression. Is it possible that we can develop purity in relationship, and I am leaving to my respectable audience to guide me in this context!!