Showing posts with label Philosophy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Philosophy. Show all posts

Monday, June 24, 2024

My Soul is No More My Friend

Soul Satisfaction and Peace of Mind
My Soul is No More My Friend 

On my very sad moments 

I want you to be my side


I find No Companion 

No Listener of My Grievance 


You are no more there 

To pat on my shoulder,

To cry out loud with me 

To help me feel better 

With better tomorrow 

Better scenarios

And to let my know that 

After every darkness 

There is light ...

Now you push me more 

Into the dark holes of despair

To weep over my losses 

As all due to my 

Shallow self...

I am long dead inside 

You know it...


Why you want me to suffer 

More and more

And that's why you arise

Day dreams and desires 

Do strong inside my hollow being

You don't pity me anymore 

You seem to cherish

My suffering and why

You are more of an enemy 

To me...

But still In don't know why 

My only lifelong companion 

My soul ..where are you...!!

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Something About the Author

 Life is a journey from cradle till grave embraces someone. But what comes in a journey is not always by someone’s choice, and still we live our lives with our own set of goals. We are triumphant at very many times, and then sometimes there are trials and errors that make us learn to do something else that was not in our personal set roadmap. It is called learning from events, life lessons and the experiences that shape our personalities. Ask us to be strong, confident, learn new things, and then an individual is all settled to swim in the deep oceans. One thing that goes for me from my childhood is trying to learn new and innovative things. If you give me a book then I don’t need to have any social activity or media to shadow me with loud and dramatic sounds.

Well, I am not in any way anti-social in any way if you assume from my earlier description. I love to interact, communicate, read, and write blogs, articles, poetry, music, movies and social media. Off course, reading and writing wear and still are my passion from the childhood. I did my first Masters Degree in Business Administration. It was something of a dream by the youth of 90s. It was really interesting to go through such diverse subjects, and to come to know about new theories and concepts. My majors was in Marketing. It was all fun to study but the craving to read and more than that to get a degree in literature was in my veins, pushing me to move for another degree, and the one I always love to attain! So, there I went with an admission in Masters in English Language and Literature. It opened my eyes to a new world. Full of ideas, thoughts, thought provoking philosophies by different authors and poets.

I guess that was the point in my life when I felt that I must be a writer and to have my own book by my side one fine day. My hunger to read more of world’s literature didn’t stop me top English only. I read the cream of Urdu literature, Russian, Brazilian, French, Latin, German, American and Chinese literature. There I feel my outer and inner eyes got a wider opening, and I could sense the human nature and psychology to a greater depth. I moved with people and cultures and tried to understand human miseries, sorrows, joys and generic emotions. Literature helped me be a better, sensible, calm, silent observer, to understand the value of integrity and self-esteem which are my prime focus where I am living or working. So, these things are not compromised otherwise I am a very compassionate person.

Even I try to forgive and forget the typical professional politics and other such games. Being professional and keeping yourself to your own tasks, and within your comfort zone is mostly up to you. I studies and learnt it from proper professionals who were my mentors at different stages of personal and professional life. I got my third degree in Philosophy as anybody who thinks quietly or loudly is a philosopher in my opinion. The study of philosophy made me realize the fact “Grass in Not Green for Everyone”. So, all we need to do is to keep on moving with our own goals, and with our best pace.

To never lose motivation and optimism for the sake of some people or experiences. Who actually came in my way to teach something new and how to be a part of the bandwagon of obsessive cult of people who can bulldoze anyone for the sake of saving their jobs or to make points? I am a simple, normal and a sane person who loves to do what he is assigned to do, and then there is my comfort zone that is out of my job and daily chores. I am self-blogger and a love to read, write, watch movies and travel if get chance and fine time.

To never lose motivation and optimism for the sake of some people or experiences. Who actually came in my way to teach something new and how to be a part of the bandwagon of obsessive cult of people who can bulldoze anyone for the sake of saving their jobs or to make points? I am a simple, normal and a sane person who loves to do what he is assigned to do, and then there is my comfort zone that is out of my job and daily chores. I am self-blogger and a love to read, write, watch movies and travel if get chance and fine time.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Platonic Love Really Exists Somewhere in this Material World ?

Platonic Love and Modern World
I am student of literature and I kept on reading different things that are discussed here and there. Most of times it is not a case as ideal that literary people have presented us. Like I would share my thoughts as what is “Platonic Love” and how to explain it in modern terms. If you tell me about literary way then it is a description by a famous philosopher Plato. It tells a mental state when a person is in love with other one without having a desire to acquire him or her physically. 

Platonic Love means a love that involves Soul Connection, and it has nothing to with material gains, outward beauty and to get any kind of benefit. So it is really an important aspect of Human Psyche and it must be in the world sometime. But at this moment, I cannot find that this philosophy does not work right here at the moment!

Now the whole world has changed and it becomes only a clichéd statement that a person can love without expecting anything. Here the human psyche has changed and we love to be loved, and to get benefit in one way or other. Either we feel the comfort of having someone who adores us and can give us something like love, compassion and a TIME for sure. Now the soul connection and just keep on thinking about a beloved is no more payable.

It is a world of quick actions, responses and demands. Now no one wants to be in love with someone who cannot give him or her anything. Now Love is a matter of give and take, and people have no time to spend in thinking and living in dreams. Modern worlds has snatched the innocent and pure forms of love and even a simple way of life!
It is a tragedy in itself as we are not realizing its drastic dangerous effects. We are losing the concerns and bonding that our ancestors used to have. Asking anyone to date or to have a one night stand won’t give anyone real happiness, and it eventually turns out into loneliness and desperation, and off course depression. Is it possible that we can develop purity in relationship, and I am leaving to my respectable audience to guide me in this context!!