Showing posts with label Dreams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dreams. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Life is Worth a Second Chance?

Life and Love
I am living a Life
One that is worth thousand smiles
I am having all Blessings
Which I cannot recall
I want to die a death
Be peaceful and free of madness
I hate to be a difficult person
It is not easy and I am dying with 
Slow poison of…
Luxuries, dreams and searchable love
I want to get that peace of Soul
Hard to find in this mortal world
I am not into suicide
And to let go all fears
Everything is so strange
Yet so difficult
It is worth a second chance
To let me have more experiences
And to
Ask for forgiveness to God Almighty,,,,,

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Build Your Own Castels

Love and Dreams
Love is bound to exist
in one way or other
You can love the blooming flowers
Love the tiny fingers of a newborn
Find Peace and Solace
Love your freedom to Be Yourself
Love to die for a cause
Do not cage your souls into...!!
Perceptions long sold out
Build your own Castles
Your very own Dreams...!
Make peace with hurting thoughts
Love without expectations
Make a a Resolution
Passion must  be there....!
Love must be inside your being
Follow your own Dream...!
One way or other 
you are going to win
if you do not lose your very own being
You have to have peace inside
Soul is deeply waiting fro love
make a resolution
and dreams unlimited

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Eternal Life Dreams versus Lust for the World!

Eternal life and Lust for World

Life is all about big dreams and fantasies that we keep on rolling in our sleeves, and to try to unfold these at a time when things seem to be too worst around. It is our survival instinct that makes us visualize everything perfect in the “Eternal Life” though we have done nothing to save ourselves from sins and matters of self-destruction so far. We have lost that Soul Connection that our ancestors used to have with the parallel world, and they always used to keep the Death aspect, at a near distance when they used to move on for chores of life!

Now we have lost that connection and too much indulged in worldly matters and lust for the material aspects of it. Here I would like to mention that we have forgotten about Heaven and Hell in a real way. We only Remember ALLAH Almighty when we face some crises situation or we see someone closed to us departing from this temporary life. Every death reminds us of our own decay and loss of every worldly thing that we carry. It makes us afraid of what we are going to get into our Eternal Bags to earn rewards out there!

So what is the real matter of covering out all those aspects that can makes us go for all good things that are stored for us in the Eternal Life. If we look for Peace of Mind and an Awakening of Spiritual Sensitivity inside us then we need to clean our hearts and minds. We have to take the world as a battlefield for all kinds of tests and trials, and to keep on striving for it as much as it is necessary. You think that I am preaching all Religious Mind-set to you. It is by the way a Reality that we all have to return to Eternity after spending our Divinely Fixed Time in this world. 

What is wrong in keeping our deaths in our active mind to let ourselves refrain from all those lusts that are going to ruin our SOULS and our Afterlife? It is just good to try to adopt a fine balance between what is right and then to go for all worldly excursions that are necessary. Don’t try to leave every positive pleasure out of your life, and don’t even stop spreading a message of love and peace to the world. All you need is to understand that a peaceful life is a bliss in itself. 

Life is all about a trial and a way to heed for everything good and pleasurable that will be eternal and forever. It is just a difficult thing to let lose all temptations of the world, and to go on for a good things of life. So be active and agile to win all rewards that are timeless and will be provide by Divine Will. So let’s live this life as a great activity place where you need to be careful about every move of yours and that of its effects as well!!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

My Eyes are Wandering for Dreams!

Wandering Eyes for Dreams
My eyes are wandering for dreams
The ones I cannot catch a glimpse
The ones I dare not to see
The ones that takes me away from sane world
Into wilderness of desires
Fight a battle of love and triumphs
I want to die a peaceful death
My Dreams ask me to get on a move
Reach for a new Destiny
That is still unknown and
Full of fears and destructive visions
I am dying with the hope to get some hopes
Not a single thing keeps me at peace
I have no reason to let go off this life
It is a Divine Rule
I have to LIVE and keep on searching for some Dreams
That might be found in a trash
Thrown by some others beings
A Breathing Companion for Me!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Present Moment and Peace of Mind is Our Real Asset!!

We are born to die but in what way is a real essence of life! If we die like a person whose existence was like a rock besides the path or a weed that grows in wastelands then it is not worth living. We need to make it wide and clear that we are not only breathing but in fact living a life that is full of goals, objects and dreams. We might get into pitfalls or reach at the corridors of new victories but it is only motivation that lets us going onwards.

When a person loses that motivation or optimism to go for good then he or she dies before the departing of soul from the body. So a living dead condition applies to that person and it is not a normal scenario. If that person was born with twists and turns of luck or it is due to lack of courage to face challenges? It depends on each individual person’s circumstances. And I do acknowledge that finding a way to Motivation and Courage becomes the most desirable but difficult thing at many times in life!

At many times people make decisions that are not based on their own Intuition or Will. They just go on a path in a mechanical way just for the sake of fulfilling their responsibilities and duties in a normal manner. They don’t care about their Peace of MIND and Soul, and they don’t even bother about giving relief and a vacation to themselves. They are bound to live in that way due to feeling all time obsessed with duties or responsibilities!

Here I would like to mention another category of people who do not provide leisure to their SOULS due to higher goals in lives. They want to be recognized as big corporate giants, top notch professionals or to gain stardom at the cost of losing their precious chunks of Present Moment that is really their own. They accomplish one task and then leap for another to feel motivated and relive their dreams and desires!

But both kinds of people forget that future is all uncertain and past is gone forever with only a lesson to remember. So it is this is a Present Moment that we need to cherish and to make full use of it. You might never know that you will get the best job offer just tomorrow or listen to some negative thing, despite the fact you have worked so hard to get that job done.

So remain optimistic, spiritually elevated and then enjoy what life is offering right now. Don’t wait for tomorrow to have that pleasure, and to keep on postponing your small passion, leisure, joys and love that is waiting for you to come, and get the best of life out of these small happenings that seems to be too big when you are getting that real Peace of Mind, and enjoy Soul Satisfaction that so many people in the world are craving for and only imagine in dreams!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Follow Your Gut Feeling While Reaching at Big Decisions of Life!

Intuition and Peace of Mind
When you are on a brink of making some important decisions of your life like going in a relationship as friendship, marriage or to adopt a new career path then things might seem too drastic. It is not a case of easy options for everyone when it comes to decision that might affect the whole course of action and patterns of your life, and even of your closed ones as well.  It is a time when you need to focus on your will power, and to keep your nerves intact in order to reach on a definite decision!

To make a decision doesn't always mean that you have to have a full road map of future destination. Tell me one thing as if anybody knows about his or her future. A guy gets out of an apartment to go to his job and immediately get struck by a car or truck. He may die or have disability then where are all aspirations and dreams along with goals as well?

It means that your Gut Feeling is of real importance when you want to make a decision. Your only choice is in a present time that is NOW, and you cannot replay your past or to look into future. So make a decision that is based on rationality and practical wisdom. But let your SOUL speaks to you in its own manner. If you close your eyes and take a deep breath and focus on a matter in consideration then the first thought that comes in your mind is in fact your intuition which is immediately captured by your conscious mind!

So you need to practice on grabbing that first feeling or thought that might not have even lasted for half a second. If you are able to reach out for that thin line of thought then Life would be much more different and in fact easy for you. You may think as what is the correlation between gut feeling and making a hardcore decision about some special happening in your life.

Here I must tell you that it is highly important as you will always find a path that is peaceful, and you will never regret of what you opted for. So a parallel success comes in a way when your extra senses get awakened by deep breathing, meditation, prayer, yoga NLP or any other alternative path to self discovery, and to awaken that spiritually factor inside you.

I have always found out that people who pray regularly or in another way live at a Spiritually Elevated state feel less of pain, and they do not get into depression or anxiety like normal people. To add that it is not a hard coded formula which is so difficult to adopt. I know this world of gadgets and luxuries have loosened our connection with Nature and Spirituality!

But we can always work on that for the benefit of our own souls, lives and that of ones who are dear to us. When you will be in a calm and peaceful state then it will be so easy for you to make any kind of decision no matter how hard it seems outwardly.

Remember if you read biographies of all great people then you can see that they had strong will power accompanied with a definite decisive power. So keep on nurturing your soul, and make it quite simpler for you to get on a decision that will definitely lead you to more prosperity and to help you in nurturing your peace of mind and soul!!