Showing posts with label Reason. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reason. Show all posts

Sunday, November 9, 2014

My Eyes are Wandering for Dreams!

Wandering Eyes for Dreams
My eyes are wandering for dreams
The ones I cannot catch a glimpse
The ones I dare not to see
The ones that takes me away from sane world
Into wilderness of desires
Fight a battle of love and triumphs
I want to die a peaceful death
My Dreams ask me to get on a move
Reach for a new Destiny
That is still unknown and
Full of fears and destructive visions
I am dying with the hope to get some hopes
Not a single thing keeps me at peace
I have no reason to let go off this life
It is a Divine Rule
I have to LIVE and keep on searching for some Dreams
That might be found in a trash
Thrown by some others beings
A Breathing Companion for Me!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Taste of Death

Road to Eternity
I smelled death right beside me
I smiled and looked for a curious reason
Death is something so long awaited
I felt it my companion who could understand me
and knows why 
I wanted to see it arriving at remote times
But it is not going to give me a halfway solutions
To all that that I have
I need to fix few things, mend others
and then
Accept it most graciously at a time when my things are done
When no one can blame me to leave halfway
But do I have any authority
Though it is my intimate friend
But no it is not going to ask me!
Touch me by shoulder and look for permission
So I am trying to grab little bit of deeds
That might please the Divine Authority
But I have no chance to set it my way!!