Showing posts with label Soul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Soul. Show all posts

Monday, September 15, 2014

A Place on Earth to Find True Peace of Mind

Tranquility and Spiritual Elevation
Sometimes we are so much distracted with some desires and aspirations that we forget that living a peaceful life is the most important things. We are busy with daily chores of life or to make a course of action to get prosperous and wealthy. But we are losing a space where we can have a soul satisfaction. Does it come from any worldly gains or from having a job done in a right perspective? I think it is a matter of living a life that is according to your comfort zone which must never overlap the others around!

We might be facing some temporary troubles that remind us of good times that we used to have, and it is so obvious with human nature. Life keeps on evolving and have to grow with it, and I do admit that we are not able to make pace with tangles and complexities of life as normal human being. But here a question arises as what we have learnt from our previous failures, and have we gone ahead or just get stuck due to lack of aspirations and finding comfortable life ahead.

If you think so a case with yourself then you need to be conscious and try to exhale all negative thoughts with a breathing in of fresh and innovative ideas. Just takes everything in life like a flow of ocean’s wave. Some high tides might take you in a dangerous position but if you stay stable and confident then you will be in a pool of peace and tranquillity. Yes! It happens with every mind and soul and only people don’t follow the right vibes on time.

If you feel like going on a trip to some good place to have a Soul Satisfaction then don’t keep on postponing it further. If you know a place or spiritual healing and training centre then make a quick centre. Meditation helps out lots of people from getting out of stressful situations, and to find peace and motivation. Just try to have an optimistic approach that your problems will be solved and you can find a real Peace of Mind and Soul but with little effort.

You might not find it in a blog or going to a mentor. But you can attain that level of Spiritual Attainment where you are no more worried about material gains and losses. You will on more be sad on failure of a project that you thought to work for you. You will be motivated and excited with a new finding and to travel on that path of self-discovery and personal growth. Believe me it is worth experiencing and for very good reasons.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Why WE Prefer to Leave Peace of Mind for Material Gains?

Spiritual Peace and Nature
I am pondering on one situation that is so much common with modern man, and that is to switch from one place or job to another for the sake of material gains. It happens everywhere and at the cost of having a tough and hard life but we keep on doing that. I remember a long time ago when I was attending a sitting session with a great intellectual of our earlier times. He asked all of us being Representatives of Youth.

He asked us a simple question that was outwardly simple but carried a great Wisdom Path. He asked us all as if why we were losing our Precious Lives and Present Moment for the sake of gaining high salary jobs, and to upgrade our Social Status. Everybody tried to give answer but I was silent not because I had followed his hidden point, but due to the fact that I was always on the point to live a peaceful life, and if prosperity comes as ALLAH’s Will then we need to be thankful for it. But not to follow the blind path of Success that might lead us to distresses and depressions.

Now the question arises as why we are fighting this battle of hardships as to win some name, and to get more luxuries. Isn't it an irony that we do not know as if we would be alive on the very next day? But we keep on striving on this strange path of so-called glory and growth? Dreams and Desires are unlimited, and who will make a fine balance to let his or her SOUL all in Peace? Modern world with attractive gadgets all around make us all blindfolded to keep on moving on a path that might not be meant for us. Here I would tell you few harms of this unnecessary battle of Material and Social Growth!

Losing the Creative Self

Yes! We are losing the creative minds and the motivation to do something so awful that the world will remember us. We are only longing for comforts and luxuries and do not want to learn new arts, and to get into world of charismatic creativity for the sake of it any more!

Social Isolation and Increase in Psychological Issues

Now people don’t have time to spend with their loved ones as everybody says around “Time is Money”. But have you seen that the distraction and ignorance has caused a whole generation of direction-less Youth. Now old people live in Old Homes and nobody bothers the psychological and Soulful needs of another person!

Sense of Materialism Prevails on a Larger Scale

Now look at the motives and hidden truth behind all our moves. We want to be social in order to get any sort of benefit for future. We do not concentrate on agonies and pains of others, and just try to be friends for good worldly reasons.

I have highlighted some major issues that the whole world is facing in terms of Humanity and losing connection with Hearts, Minds and Souls of others. We have lost the true value of precious love that had an ability to bind us together in families, groups and societies for better reasons. Now we see the chaos all around, and people gather to protect their rights or to gain some negative motives. Spirituality and Mysticism has lost its value, and we can’t find any more people so easily who are having Divine Light with them, to heal our souls and to direct us towards Peace of Mind as well!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Soul on a Peaceful Path!

Soul on Success Path
Sometime I do wonder as if there is a place on this Earth that is destined to be peaceful and comfortable. I feel a complete chaos in mind and soul when I think about a destination inside myself or around me to be silent, secure and spiritually awakened. I am feeling that every human being is going through this roller coaster ride of dreams, destination and the real wants. We keep on following our worldly duties and bound to fulfil the responsibilities that are meant to satisfy others more than us!

If it is not the case then why I am feeling that much lost right now when I am on a verge of accomplishing new level of success? It is due to a reason that my personal priority was and still is Soul Satisfaction but I am a Social Animal and tend to behave like normal people. I have to go on a run after a Success route. I have to get out of my comfort zones and fight the battle of life that is going to end one day. I am not sure if anybody ever recognizes my efforts or struggles or my own kids would ever understand that I had to take ten more steps to get aligned with a line of normal people.

To have a peace of mind and to live in harmony with your inner soul is the best thing that you can achieve. But the question remains as if world with all its demands will let you stay in that path. If you want to be in resting phase and to let your positive energies to focus on having Divine Guidance and Enlightenment then you need to follow your instincts. But sitting here and saying that is so easy for me too. I know I cannot make it happen for me as I am a bounded soul or slave of dreams, whims and wishes of my own self and that of others.

I am also having impositions on my soul due to some duties that Divine Will has assigned me for. I have to be answerable for the dependants who are my spouse and kids. I I am unable to do justice to their lives, and to prove them love, compassion and comfortable lives then my spiritual awakening would lead me to no place. I will be the villain of their lives and doing such injustice would eventually lead me to guilt and pessimism. So whatever I have to gain as Optimism and Motivation is to be from the situation that I am currently in, and I think it is my suggestion to every soul who is seeking a individual salvation!!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Soul Purification Would Lead You to Success for Sure!

Motivation is some kind of spirit that sails you forward in life, and to keep you out of distresses when you find any kind of temporary failure. If you accept the fact that life is taking its natural turns and you have to catch the right swirl, in order to reach at the top position then nothing can stop you from Success and to gain freedom from a narrow thinking. Generally our Environment and Social Pressures make us feel all too limited to something that we can easily get out of!

Following a path of positive approach all through your acts, thoughts and talks can create a natural Positive AURA around you. The Spiritual Experts see it as an effect of a “virtue” on mind and soul of a person. I have read and heard about people who were chained or kept imprisoned for no crimes but they kept on fighting the negative battles inside by stating that God is with them, and they will find their solace and salvation here and for sure in the life hereafter. They never broke down and won their Moral Battles!!

Yes! It is a very positive approach and practical as well as logical. Though it is a definite thing that such adherence to Spiritualism and Soul Connection comes with powerful Religious roots and beliefs! But I have seen many people who are in doubt or atheists to practice ancient meditation methods of Muslims, Buddhists and even do Yoga on regular basis. These practices definitely provide a relief to Mind and Soul, and keep all of us motivated to face the hurdles with new passion and vigor. 

So if you are going through a bad patch in your personal or professional life then don’t wait any longer and try to find some easy methods, to make you stress free. You can inhale a lot of positive energy by visualization technique, and take deep breath and sit or lie in an easy posture. Imagine a very beautiful scene, and you are enjoying all the blissful sights, sounds and smells of nature. I am sure that your anxiety, stress and depression would wipe away.

But you have to keep in mind that it is an ongoing and little slow process that will definitely pay you with relief and SUCCESS for sure at the end. You will get rid of your pain and miseries, and find yourself so much charged with Positive Energy and Motivated to do something really great. You can be a next Einstein or Bill Gates, and nature has not stopped producing Great People. Only a determination to follow the path of success and to purify your mind and soul would lead you towards it in a much faster pace as you can ever imagine!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

How to Purify Our Souls from Destructive Desires!!

Motivation and Optimism to live a Peaceful Life

I am long been focusing on different things that happen in my life and that of others, and try to find out one thing. what is the real cause of so much stress, anxiety and mental disorders. Yes! I think I have found out a clue and that is hidden in our long term desires to be free from something that has become a part of our second nature. We keep on giving ourselves so many self statements about being happy, contented and motivated but in fact we are not!

Yes I am telling you a real time tragedy of all modern civilization and that is the carrying on of burden on our shoulders of few things that might have solution but we are stuck is those ones due to social or economic pressures. Suppose I don't want to switch to a New Job that is even highly paying but makes me uncomfortable to get out of my long desired comfort zone. It is a right thing on my part. People with all brain would say that it is so wise to go on a ladder of success and to be all contented.

Here I have not other objection then on "Contentment" and does it come with material prosperity or it comes from a peaceful mind and heart. It comes from long meditation and freedom of SOUL from so many whims and wishes that might not even affect the quality of life that e live. So now there is a battle of survival of the clichéd Best, and on the other hand is a Soulful Peace. I think it is not a bad option if you leave some worldly races to win, in order to find what you find peace at!

Make a comparative analysis of what makes you happy, and I have reached at a conclusion. I am happy with small things like asking my maid's daughter to play with my little girl. I can find peace in writing form myself without having a desire to get an applaud. I can find peace to be in solidarity with people who are in pain and distress like those of Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Myanmar and so many other places. I am at peace to able to feed one single soul a meal of the day!

So it is mine and your time as well to keep our lines straight as what we really need. Just separate the Social Paradigms and Standards. Just forget about bills for quite a time though it is hardcore reality. Just imagine that you are free to choose a course of action and which is your most preferred way.

Once you are done with it then your mind would be clear, and you will be able to make a decision about your future life that is totally on your instincts minus the other People factor, and I guaranteed you that whatever you choose will be much more productive and healthier then the earlier one that you were trying as a part of a common practice done by everyone. Good Luck!!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Time Sets Us Free or Chained?

Waiting for Freedom
I am wandering for so long as what is a real Human Destiny, and why we keep on waiting for future when the only time we have is NOW. Yes! It is a great irony of all human individuals that we keep on framing ourselves in perfect situation in the days that nobody has seen. If my soul is aching right now then I need an antidote for it right now, not in a time zone that might not even exist for me!

I am afraid that I cannot express what I really feel when I am referring to present moment and its importance in our real lives. If I wait for a blissful moment that is no-existent right now then I am wasting my energies like all you guys. I have to have only one option, to spend this time in something that is fruitful and peaceful for me and for others around me. I am not saying that you should shun off all opportunities or plans that you have long made for coming years. So the time must make us free and not chained into a series of duties that we must perform before death!

Here I would like to give you my example as I went on a road trip last month, and considered it to be an escape from my daily chores and responsibilities. I am not afraid of daily life works and challenges but I wanted to rejuvenate my soul my soul or spirit to come back with new vigour. To start my responsibilities in a much nourished and refreshed way. I got tired of travelling but I kept on seeing things with a great feel that I might not be able to return to those lands. So just chill out and see everything.

I saw life in so many colours as it was a countryside with quite a culture that is still deeply rooted with Earth. So I saw historical and kind of timeless monuments, and then I realized a new factor as who made those monuments. Those people must be having only one thing in mind to make glorious buildings, and to make a huge impact on the people of their times. But where are those people who built those monuments and the ones who were supposed to be suppressed. All are gone and only a historical transcript is placed at every place!

Now such a common man can move through the corridors of power and glory! It reminds me of the real essence of life. To make your life easy for yourself and for others as everybody is going to die. But the history is so cruel that it would only make a board or transcript of yours. So live in a mode as tomorrow you are going to die, and do deeds that can make you alive in the memories of people. The ones that are sweet and a feeling of love and gratitude for you. My journey was both inside out so I realized it so strongly to share it with you!!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Travelling through Self History!

It happens that we start a journey towards some destination and ends at finding our own self, somewhere in the middle of nowhere. You can just imagine a desire to go on a travel that is soulful and you can see various people from different races and creeds. But each individual represents a certain aspect of your own personality. I started a journey towards South to discover some centuries old monuments, and when I reached there. I felt as if I was there at some other time.

I wanted to grab that moment in history and to be in an era that I have never seen but just imagined, and wished strongly to be in that time. I wanted to know the small details of that era and it seemed that it was alluring and soothing, and made me free of so many twists and turns that modern life is offering. So this is it but I am deeply fascinated and loved to be in a a paradigm that makes me love what is seen and more of what is unseen.

Most of times, we are like that as we start some plans of life with a clear cut objectives but reach at a destination where there is no U Turn. But that new alley or valley is even much more beautiful than wee expected. I was present at an old Shrine and Praying to Almighty ALLAH when I realized the clear cut sense of Timelessness. I was not in the present moment but my soul was so light and I felt like a burden of tons just got out of my shoulders.

I am in awe and I am in despair as I  am back to my normal hectic life but a very major part of mine has just stayed there. I want to take swings to that moment when time and space lost its meaning for me. I want to cherish something that is surely Divine but present in me like a small dot of eternal light. I am here in my bed room but not present here. I want to reach out there, and I want to experience the time that is chained with timelessness!!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Soul on Path !!

My Soul is fluttering high
To the skies undefined
Losing all connection 
that long to exist between
Desires and Dreams!
My wings are spread
Like a winding thread
But where is the reality
Seen by whom and where
May death knock at the door
Any time
And make us see the real face of reality
And I may have to live thousands lives
To restore what eternity has enfolded in me
For finding a New Self after every wind up
Reach at the farther end of TRUTH
and to make a travel on a Divine Path!!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Friendship, Brotherhood and Bonding!!

We call friend to everyone who talks to us smoothly and helps us out in something. But does it really that simple I mean the definition of Selfless Friend does exist. Yes! It is here right in front of our eyes, and to keep us motivated and rejuvenated to do worldly tasks in a far better way. We need friends who can stay with us in difficult times, and have no prejudice or jealousy for any sort of gain.

I simply believe that a friendship as a spiritual bonding that is not relevant with age, places, race and distances. When we reach at a certain level of love and affection for others then we are forming brotherhood connection with that person. You might have heard or read that the worst of enemies in solitude and misery develop a comradeship or a brotherly bond.

In the same case we meet some people by chance and get so used to them that there is a feeling that we are living together for years or may be centuries. Actually it is all about soul connection and the matching Aura about which there are lots of myths and realities in Eastern Cultures. The close connections that are developed by hearts are not meant for material or worldly purposes, and it just come in our way as a routine matter.

But the twist in this tale comes when we lose such friend or brother. It is a disaster and a storm that you get through be yourself, and nobody around can see a glimpse of it. So the soul nourishes and agonizes in solitude, and it is one of the most difficult moment in the lives of those people who are mostly introvert. These kinds of people cannot form loose connections with everyone who comes in their way.

The brotherhood bond is vital if a friend is close to your beat of a heart. So this such solitude often leads to spiritual up rise, and saints emerge out of such ordinary situations. When you are able to form a direct contact with the Divine Light, and it may be due to the loss of a worldly relationship. You have not only lost a friend or brother but a part of yourself.

Now it is your will power and direction that might lead you to the new experiences of spiritual journey to boost as a human being or to get antidepressants as a regular part of your routine. You can make a loss to favour you in attaining something Really Great. If you are not able to do that then still you have formed a space in someone’s heat and mind that nobody can replace.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

How to Compose Yourself When You Cross a Bigger Milestone!

It is a game of life that throws all sorts of balls towards you and it is your potential and expertise to catch the best ones. Is it so the case? I mean as a human do we have such an authority to do so by ourselves? It is a very complicated question but we can leave it aside to reach at some other conclusions. Suppose you have got a goal, ad dream that is too BIG for you and you have no idea how it would be fulfilled.

Then God is kind to you and all circumstances just flow in order to make you cross that bridge of emotions and deep understanding, and to reach at a far off land that has some Earthly Paradise Points. Yes! Every time you experience a joy, moment of success and know a new thing about life then you are getting that earthly bliss that no longer will let you feel hopeless and negative about what life has in store for you.

So you are on verge of self-discovery of how strong you are and how far you can try to hold that rope of hope and change your own destiny. If you stay aloof and keep brooding over spilled milk then no one can save you from depression and inferiority complexes. I know one thing for sure that every successful step towards your goals and desires require something from your soul, and a blood that is spilled in a way to attain a worldly possession is not a destructive thing.

When you are living in this material world then you need to be fair and don’t hide out your own desires from you. Everybody likes to live in Peace, Comfort and Luxury. Nobody ever desires to be in a state where he has to look towards other human beings for daily life’s fulfilments. When you are into life and trying to grab worldly objectives then it is your Real NATURE as how much a fair player you are!

If you believe in destiny and know that leading others to a distress won’t give you a lasting happiness then you will definitely follow a right path. It will lead you from the corridors of eternal peace and a lifelong baggage of happiness will accompany you. What is a true meaning of fulfilling a bigger milestone of your life will come into your real focus and you will not only be feeling victorious but all at a peaceful junction, even after attaining and achieving a awe inspiring Worldly Success!!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Nowhere is Somewhere?

I don't know why I chose this heading but it is so significant to me that I wanted to share some thought with you all. It just happens in someone's life that he is on a brink of new discovery or a loss of something very precious. Actually it happens with many people but some don't bother to keep on harping around the same topic or life event. While here are people like me who got stuck in something and cannot come out easily. Losing something special or a even having a relation gone out of life is very difficult to carry on. 

If you are stuck in a situation where you can't see the upcoming joys and charms of life and feel that this moment is everything and that losing it means an end to s chapter of life that will not return. So it is not a great deal to just enjoy happy moments but it is also important to stay in that very moment, to cherish it fully. When you are in new situation then don't regret that time which was golden and that is gone. It is due to the fact that every single moment is precious and carries its own beauty. 

Feeling are important when you are in a situation where there is no way to be out of it is something really very difficult. I can empathize with all those people who are going through the sense of loss, and it is due to the factor that I used to live in past and kept on feeling the pain of loss that was significant but wasn't helpful to me in anyway. I am not an expert who can give you solid tips but I know one thing for sure that whoever feels like standing nowhere must need a consoling shoulder or a listener. I know that it is self destructive to live in a static condition of self denial or self pity.

It is an important thing to need a positive approach towards future events and a feeling that YOU are too good, and something really GOOD is going to be here for you.  When you visualize yourself doing different life activities then you will definitely get up and start your journey to a destination that might just be in your mind, and your active proceeding will give it real life. You can overcome your all sorts of grief, loss and sufferings if you know that life keeps on leading all human beings to somewhere.

This the true destination of everyone's soul and it is a place that will give you peace and satisfaction. If you catch that Divine Light and know that there is a ultra superior force up there supporting you then you will be re-empowered to shake all negativity and hopelessness, and you will rejuvenate for a travel that will take you to an eternal paradise. 

You will come to know that all pains and sufferings are temporary as same like the joys and happiness that everyone faces even for few moments. You will be happy and and in peace with your self and won't complain for happening that are not only happening to you but so many people around the globe this time and for an unlimited time in history. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Self-Realization Process of a Normal Person

People will tell you lot of things about your flaws and about your failures. But there are hardly few people who would cherish with you “YOUR Uniqueness”. So it hardly matters if you are a dreamer as your sense of realization within a dream is closer to you. You are born to rise at your own post, appointed by YOU and not by others. Be a person who has gone through a process of self actualization and enjoy your very own LIFE, for the sake of it.

Stillness of pure conscience….is a point where you can reach at a proper decision and it is a time for you to decide about your direction in life. If you are worried about your internal and external  restraints…then it is a sincere advice for you to become a person who lives in Present Moment. It carries its BUNDLE of responsibilities, but it also brightens the path of your material existence with PROSPERITY……look for the kind of doors opened for your entry into this brand new world of Desires and Achievements. 

Here you are in a dilemma…. as to go where to find loan for your life and its New Beginning. You are already worried about your non consistent decision making. Then YOU have to approach for some kind of Spiritual Leader, who can provide you loan in a fastest way, and Off Course without asking for too many proofs of your Own Savings. Yes…YOU are required to pay a non-refundable service to ALLAH Almighty (GOD).  I think for the sake of such Prosperous Future…you will not mind paying some of the necessary expenses!! YOU Know! It’s the easiest and fastest method of earning so much in Hereafter. All you have to do is to make a clear cut DECISION…Of searching your true spiritual mentor…then MAKE A FIX over it…and afterwards spread it to others like you.

Enlightened Path !!

Just Imagine you are on a path that leads you to a place where life is all set to be true and prosperous.  Would you be that one person who wishes to follow on that path or wait for someone to come and tell you the real facts about that far distant other side? Well! I think, you ought to be that pioneer who happens to make precedence and be a symbol of daring attitude to others. You have to have that urge to stand above every notion of failure and make best use of time, one that is available to you and you are not certain of its actual duration!!

Most of us keep on facing different situations where we don’t have the right baggage but still we have to strive for that “Light” shining at the other corner. That is enlightenment and that is the real awakening of one’s soul.  May be you are not that much aware of the knot that forces you to that Center or the Illumination….ALLAH (GOD Almighty)….You need to sit in some dark corner and close your eyes to feel the unseen. After going a little in this practice, you will definitely see the bigger meaning in your life. Once you are subject to Light and Shine then you would leave all prejudices, pains, miseries and grudges against humans and against your own life.

The light that has awakened your soul make it possible for you to understand the complex meaning of life. The day you were born, your soul yearns for return to that old phase and that world from where it descended. Every living being is bound to reach back there but with imprints or scars or white and thing….it depends on our actions in this world. We have to be righteous and we need to learn another important lesson to try to please HIS Creation….then redemption is all set for every being. Keep on striving for good and things will turn out to be all great…. (As ALLAH Wills)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Radiating Positivty !!

Most of us keep on living on fringed places of our souls and minds. We keep searching for inner peace and try to reach out to it through our worldly possessions. The radiance of positivity may only be misdirected. Worldly pleasures may provide a timely pleasure or relief but your soul would always keep on searching for beautiful things that are within. The real beauty of every object emanates certain energy that forces every sane mind to search for real goodness and seek for the inner truth of everything.

Well! It is just so normal to get a closer look at what you really are searching. The seasonal depressions are normal but a person who keeps on striving for finding a bigger meaning in his life will eventually get to it. The pains, sufferings and sorrows teach a lot more to human soul. It makes it strong and let that soul to prosper for something great. The miseries of life made me a far different person that I can see myself living a materially successful life. I could easily move around a thought or feeling and extracted something really significant out of it.  It helped me in re-shaping my own Self! Now I am more orderly, more sensitive to others, feel a real meaning of life beyond worldly possession, and have a great hope for a beautiful life afterlife.

A motivation to be generous and virtuous is stored inside your own soul, and you only need to trace it out by closing your eyes, and siting in some dart corner. Then reality of universe will start un-wrapping in front of you.  You are then in a position to re-shape your life pattern and even making positive changes in your relations. Humanity will definitely benefit from what you have achieved through sole confinement and then release of negative energies, and it happens while performing your prayers with true spirit. Yes Prayer is a great source of meditation besides being virtuous act to an undoubted level. Try meditation; sit in dark corner to find your Real Self. Pray to God Almighty with full devotion and you will get a much higher percentage out of the benefit.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Awakening of Your Soul!!

You must have heard so many people saying that live a life of your own. Live in present moment and forget about what has happened or about to happen. This theory is prevalent and wisely oriented but do you think a normal person with all kinds of financial and social pressures can easily get on that path. You are living in a bitter world of so-called wisdom of attaining new heights of glory every day. Then how can you move in a path that is not defined and not possible for normal circumstances.

I have seen all those daily wage labors sleeping a death-like sleep over footpaths and on grassy green belts. But who is able to pass a judgment that they are living in just present moment. They have to fight the whole next day for bread of their own and their loved ones. So, they are too tired and want to let their muscles and body relax for few hours in a real sense. Its sounds too clichéd to say that human soul can experience Real Peace if it is mouthful of routine life chores. There is always a dual way to look at the reality of any situation. I am not asking you to stop all efforts to alienate yourself form tortures and regrets of past and worries of future. All my concern is that you can’t put a full-stop over actual factual life that you are facing with the moment you open your eyes in morning.

How many people can think in a way as Confucius, who said to his disciple one morning “ I saw a dream and I was a brightly colored butterfly in that hovering over different flowers…now I am wondering if that was my real self and being human is a mere dream”. You can elevate your soul but not by running behind worldly desires and obsessions. You are born to exist beyond this cage like body! Your soul is permanent and will meet permanence. So, it’s the right time to ponder upon and “Stay Awakened”. You have to find way to reduce pure worldly pressures and to get solace in the company of people who are able to see in other dimension…means on spiritual journey leading the Ultimate Truth!!!