Monday, April 9, 2012

Enlightened Path !!

Just Imagine you are on a path that leads you to a place where life is all set to be true and prosperous.  Would you be that one person who wishes to follow on that path or wait for someone to come and tell you the real facts about that far distant other side? Well! I think, you ought to be that pioneer who happens to make precedence and be a symbol of daring attitude to others. You have to have that urge to stand above every notion of failure and make best use of time, one that is available to you and you are not certain of its actual duration!!

Most of us keep on facing different situations where we don’t have the right baggage but still we have to strive for that “Light” shining at the other corner. That is enlightenment and that is the real awakening of one’s soul.  May be you are not that much aware of the knot that forces you to that Center or the Illumination….ALLAH (GOD Almighty)….You need to sit in some dark corner and close your eyes to feel the unseen. After going a little in this practice, you will definitely see the bigger meaning in your life. Once you are subject to Light and Shine then you would leave all prejudices, pains, miseries and grudges against humans and against your own life.

The light that has awakened your soul make it possible for you to understand the complex meaning of life. The day you were born, your soul yearns for return to that old phase and that world from where it descended. Every living being is bound to reach back there but with imprints or scars or white and thing….it depends on our actions in this world. We have to be righteous and we need to learn another important lesson to try to please HIS Creation….then redemption is all set for every being. Keep on striving for good and things will turn out to be all great…. (As ALLAH Wills)

1 comment:

  1. I love this article of yours talking about being humble towards the Ultimate Successor of your soul and how it yearns back to reach back to its original phase. Once ine meditation if one scratches that surface about the soul's existence in this body to born in this world as a test to that very soul to get all kind of scars, get out of all tests in a way that soul survives. It has a deep connection to the heart so we have been given a toold to feel empathy and compassion for all the creation in this world. To love His creation is thr best way to love Him and that is the first lesson to being a humanitarian and being human as well. Try it. Meditate your way to have tour soul find that inner peace. May be we would find the true purpose of our life as well. Good luck people. And thank you Aftab for enlightening us all.
