Showing posts with label Pains. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pains. Show all posts

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Soul at Peace is Far more Important than to be on Happiness Quest...!!

Happiness and Soul Satisfaction
I keep on thinking about the patterns of life and what kinds of things make one person happy and the other sad at the same time. When a person does wrong to others like rob or kills someone then he is happy. It may be out of revenge or suppressed desires. But the dying person would never feel the same and his loved ones will go through a whole process of agony. Same is the case with building a relationship that is too good but ends up after a short time!

Why the human race is ins Quest of Happiness when it is crystal clear that it is going to be either a momentary pleasure or a small time joy. Then logic will play its part and each person will feel it quite useless to be excited over things that are no more important. I read from a philosopher and writer’s book that the real pleasure lies in the quest and struggle to attain something and it is destroyed once we achieve it!

Well, I think it is a wonderful quote that explains a lot about the uselessness of looking for clichéd happiness. I think peace of mind and soul are much more important than the short-lived happiness. So why not we must try to attain a feeling of internal peace and a closeness to nature. Every sane person knows that he or she will die one day and nobody knows about AFTERLIFE, and there is no need to waste this small time in hatred for other races, nations, civilizations, and norms!

If we think about the peace and prosperity of the whole of the human race on the planet EARTH then I think it will really give us lasting happiness and act as a soothing effect. I would love to tell you that my love for life goes on for things that are going to have a lasting impression on my life and that of others. So I prefer to look for happiness that comes with making another person smile or to fulfill his or her small desire or need.

Happiness is temporary as we are too indulged in getting its full flavor that we forget the lapse of time. While the period of agony will let lose us in gloominess and bleakest days, and our Minds and Souls ore occupied with Depression and Hopelessness. So it seems to us as a non-ending period. But I am happy that you read my blog and will definitely try to find some New Meaning of Word HAPPINESS. For me, it is so multidimensional and very complex issue. I want to know your perceptions for that sake of my knowledge!!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Heaven and Hell within Soul…!

My Soul is stirring with passions

And desires of long distant islands

As if life could be easier….

Peaceful and Serene


To aside the pains and miseries

Happening all around

Every loss is a hell like experience

and joys are so timely

It hardly matters in this mortal world…

If you live one day or die another…!

a spiritual revelation…

Leading to eternal world

and death that everybody will taste

Sooner or later………….!!


What’s the Use of all yearnings?

Monday, July 13, 2015

Falling Raindrops………!!

Optimism and Motivation

Falling raindrops make me nostalgic

The tiny drops remind me of past

My childhood, my lovely memories

A time when I used to wash away my tears

My lonesome fears

With raindrops as cool as an ice

To put me out of distress

and to make me feel hopeful

I loved to walk in rain

It helped me get this remedy

To the fullest length


To trust this world even one more time


Be free of cheating and of discouraging

The souls who are meant for some other destinies

I lost my childhood

I lost my hopes


gained a practical wisdom…

To wait for that eternal peaceful rain


wash away my whole life’ agonies

To make me free of false hopes

and dreadful desires

I am here to meet my true self once more

In that eternal world out there….!!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Desperate Souls!!

Desperate and Lonely Soul
I see lots of people is miseries and pains and facing lots of issues from their routine lives. They want an escape from their daily routines and to live a time with their own selves. It is getting such a bigger issue due to hectic work routines and gadget freaking world that has created a mess all around. So what is a real matter that has occurred with humanity? We have lost a quality time to spend with our loved ones, and even if they might desperately need it at the moment!
So what we can really do as an individual entity is to try to figure out what is happening in the lives of our family members and friends. How we can make small or bigger changes in their situations and lives. We need to extend our love and compassion right now, and ask to give them a comfort level with us so they can speak out their problems and stresses with us easily.

Believe me it will work wonders in your circles and on a whole social scenario. People won’t need to look for strangers to distribute their personal sorrows and pains. The gradual rise in suicide rate all around the globe and especially in the developed countries will definitely reduce. I feel it is due to the gap between Human Souls is widening, and that was not the case with our ancestors. So they had fabulous lives with an atmosphere of share and care all around!

Whenever I see a person with stressful face then it reminds me of the failure of the modern day’s comforts and gadgets. We have failed in getting the peace of mind and soul, and the LOVE connection is long lost. We have fake profiles and obviously fake or temporary relations. The “Genuine” element is all getting messed up with finding ways to kill TIME, and to be unconcerned about the problems of others.

So I really see so many Desperate Souls wandering around for Salvation! Why can’t we empathize and sympathize with others to leave some important movie or to forget about a football match. Yes! We can do it and make so many people peaceful otherwise we will see a great rise if the rate of depression, anxiety and suicide among our fellow Human Beings. Just to see that it is not something with others but can happen to us at any moment in life!

When I need a Human Consolation then I can’t find peace in social networking and in seeing lots of other stuff. People are forgetting about BOOKS which were and still are the Best Companions, and we need to adapt that same old life pattern! We have to focus on keeping a closer look at the troubles and joys of our near and dear ones. Then I think we can find a true peace within, and a new level of motivation to carry that positive impulse all around. Take care not only of yours but of people around!!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Lost Desires !!

I dreamed of reaching a hill top
Where I could see everything below
It is a moment of solitude
serenity and perfect peace
But how could I attain it
Watchful eyes of humans
who forget their own dreams
to follow the paths that I wanted to travel 
all alone
here are pains, sufferings, losses
keeping me away to have a word with me
my daily chores ask me to face real facets with open eyes
Do I own a moment of my own life
I have to live an ordinary life full of duties and doubts
to Die in search of Serenity and Soulful solitary moments
I have a reason
a logic to be all worldly and to leave MYSELF
all aside 
for the sake of being a creature 
of excellence!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Enlightened Path !!

Just Imagine you are on a path that leads you to a place where life is all set to be true and prosperous.  Would you be that one person who wishes to follow on that path or wait for someone to come and tell you the real facts about that far distant other side? Well! I think, you ought to be that pioneer who happens to make precedence and be a symbol of daring attitude to others. You have to have that urge to stand above every notion of failure and make best use of time, one that is available to you and you are not certain of its actual duration!!

Most of us keep on facing different situations where we don’t have the right baggage but still we have to strive for that “Light” shining at the other corner. That is enlightenment and that is the real awakening of one’s soul.  May be you are not that much aware of the knot that forces you to that Center or the Illumination….ALLAH (GOD Almighty)….You need to sit in some dark corner and close your eyes to feel the unseen. After going a little in this practice, you will definitely see the bigger meaning in your life. Once you are subject to Light and Shine then you would leave all prejudices, pains, miseries and grudges against humans and against your own life.

The light that has awakened your soul make it possible for you to understand the complex meaning of life. The day you were born, your soul yearns for return to that old phase and that world from where it descended. Every living being is bound to reach back there but with imprints or scars or white and thing….it depends on our actions in this world. We have to be righteous and we need to learn another important lesson to try to please HIS Creation….then redemption is all set for every being. Keep on striving for good and things will turn out to be all great…. (As ALLAH Wills)