Showing posts with label Motivation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Motivation. Show all posts

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Barren Mind!

Barrenness of Mind and Hope
You might be amazed at the title of my blog as how a mind can be barren. The barrenness is an attribute related to lands, cultures destinies an so on. But I am telling you right from my heart that my mind is barren. I have lost all thoughts, feelings and emotions to move on for a write up that can motivate others for good in their lives!

My recent illness and some personal crises situations have made me feel quite ruthless and even negative thinker in a true way. I can’t describe anything in a normal and optimistic way. But yes I am trying to recover my consciousness to work for my SELF, and to be strong enough to recollect my own stream of thoughts and ideas that always motivated me to do or write something with a clear message.

Now I am able to relate with people who are in extreme panic situation or face some devastating situations. Now I can imagine the hollowness inside their minds and souls. Yes! We human beings are not automated machines who can turn the moods on with a single statement or like a on off switch. We need a whole plan to be out in a normal situation, and it can only happen when we are able to concentrate.

It is a time when a person must sit alone and spend time with himself or herself, and then visualize everything from scratch. Believe me I did so and I was quite successful. It is due to a old religious and eastern cultural myth that goes on. When you are left with no choices then sit in a dark corner with your back touching a wall. Inhale deeply and get inside Your Own Self. You will be meditating and don’t be fed up with initial dark.

Eventually you will turn out with something very positive and practical that is hidden like a treasure in your soul. You have to find the keys of that wallet and then take the map out. Your plan will become easy when you ask ALLAH Almighty to Help you and to Bless you with a serene and peaceful way out.

I am trying to dig out something from inside and hopefully will be able to write for others and for myself, and all I can suggest you is to do the same and you will never be at a loss. That will be my treasure and my real catharsis, and we all need it as I am not a super human. I guarantee that your inner voyage of self-discovery and finding new ways to fight with external stresses and anxieties will never be failed out!!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Why Autumn and Depression are Correlated?

Autumn and Loneliness
It is just a thought in my mind right from childhood as if what actually happens in the Season of Autumn that people associate it with Depression, Loneliness, Miseries and Anxieties. I have worked a lot on it and even tried to evaluate the effects of seasons on my mind and thoughts, and people around as well! I have come to a conclusion that mostly it is our internal thought process that makes us Happy or Sad, and it can happen in every season!

Though it is a crystal clear experience that the season of Autumn is a time when leaves are falling, and the sunlight takes a pale yellow look. The harsh winds blow and the whole area is full of dried leaves, and it looks as the sun is trying to hide and let human race fall into a timeless sense of loneliness

The spiritual experts say that the mood swings have little correlation with seasons, and it be triggered up any-time if we are experiencing or going through some difficult or hard times. It is also a time when our SOUL does not meet the required sate of optimism and motivation to get along with realities of life!

When we are having some difficult time then we feel Gloomy and in Blue Mood. So the depression and anxiety overcomes our mind and spirit. So we feel a desperate urge to move around, and to go out of routine circles of life. It happens every day at the time of sunset as well if you can feel so! For those people who are sensitive and can’t repel negative impulses out so easily. This pessimistic approach is everywhere despite the fact that literary persons have tagged this depressive phase of MIND with seasons of Autumn and Winter.

But to tell you the real case it has no relevance especially with autumn season it must not at all be correlated. If you don’t trust me then ask those people who get Success and Happiness in their lives in these seasons. They won’t agree with your point of view of or the literary assumptions. Definitely for them it is the best time ever in their lives! A person in love and finding a new position or of getting a great job will only be jubilant in these moments, regardless of the fact if it happens in spring or in autumn!

So to conclude my outcome as a normal person facing all the troubles, issues, regrets and then joys of life. For me it comes that Life is all about a swirling pool of desires and failures. So it is really necessary to keep our nerves more intact, and to be able to fight the battle of Life and Nature with Positive Force on Mind and Optimism. It is far more practical and wise instead of sitting in a dark corner, and feeling that your mind and soul have lost the energy to face some problematic situations.

It is all too cool to be in all geared up to face challenges of life with full motivation and optimistic approach. You can beat the harsh windy season of autumn with your positive thinking and strong will-power. You will be spiritually elevated and rest in phase where your mind and soul will let you enjoy all seasons with full fervour and joy!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Ride on High Hopes to Win Battle Against Pessimism!!

Motivation to Remove Pessimism Out of Life
It is so difficult to carry on life at times when we see nothing good in present moment and then still can’t find some good news for upcoming days. Does it mean to stop dreaming and to leave Hope for the sake of living in a black hole? No absolutely no! It is just against the rule of nature and not a healthy sign to keep on living like an earthworm. We have to move ahead with high spirits and soulful messages to our unconscious mind.

When you think you are losing the nerves to control that bleak corner of your in-depth personality, and it is riding like a bull in an arena all wild and destructive. Then it is time to intervene and work with best of things that can cause motivation and let you grow as an individual and an active member of the society. You will not only be a successful person but a great asset to this planet Earth and to your Society as well!

Keep on giving yourself joyful, peaceful and unconditional messages of self-approval and love! I bet you can survive the worst of battles within your souls if you do it, and to add if you pray regularly and meditate then you are definitely seeing a brighter side that is full of Spirituality and Optimism. Once you attain a state of peaceful and clam feelings and thoughts due to your recently started spiritual journey then you will grow as a great Human Being and a Fighter of the toughest battle that is definitely fought within our souls, hearts and minds.

Most of times, people give up their motivation and think that they cannot overcome their problems. They do it by themselves or people around make them feel at low self-esteem that they are born losers. No! It is not the case, and if you are a person who knows that Nature takes Tests and with each individual it is different then you will definitely go on a high ride of Hope, Goal Setting and Motivation for sure!

Just ignore the negative comments and vibes that people keep on giving. Just focus on thing praise yourself for your past achievements, love yourself and then think that you will go on a success track that will be far different and much better than you had already experienced. Just ignore the criticism and take praises with feet on earth. I am sure nobody can pull you back from the successful journey, and even if you are moving on a path of spiritual elevation. Good luck!!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Present Moment and Peace of Mind is Our Real Asset!!

We are born to die but in what way is a real essence of life! If we die like a person whose existence was like a rock besides the path or a weed that grows in wastelands then it is not worth living. We need to make it wide and clear that we are not only breathing but in fact living a life that is full of goals, objects and dreams. We might get into pitfalls or reach at the corridors of new victories but it is only motivation that lets us going onwards.

When a person loses that motivation or optimism to go for good then he or she dies before the departing of soul from the body. So a living dead condition applies to that person and it is not a normal scenario. If that person was born with twists and turns of luck or it is due to lack of courage to face challenges? It depends on each individual person’s circumstances. And I do acknowledge that finding a way to Motivation and Courage becomes the most desirable but difficult thing at many times in life!

At many times people make decisions that are not based on their own Intuition or Will. They just go on a path in a mechanical way just for the sake of fulfilling their responsibilities and duties in a normal manner. They don’t care about their Peace of MIND and Soul, and they don’t even bother about giving relief and a vacation to themselves. They are bound to live in that way due to feeling all time obsessed with duties or responsibilities!

Here I would like to mention another category of people who do not provide leisure to their SOULS due to higher goals in lives. They want to be recognized as big corporate giants, top notch professionals or to gain stardom at the cost of losing their precious chunks of Present Moment that is really their own. They accomplish one task and then leap for another to feel motivated and relive their dreams and desires!

But both kinds of people forget that future is all uncertain and past is gone forever with only a lesson to remember. So it is this is a Present Moment that we need to cherish and to make full use of it. You might never know that you will get the best job offer just tomorrow or listen to some negative thing, despite the fact you have worked so hard to get that job done.

So remain optimistic, spiritually elevated and then enjoy what life is offering right now. Don’t wait for tomorrow to have that pleasure, and to keep on postponing your small passion, leisure, joys and love that is waiting for you to come, and get the best of life out of these small happenings that seems to be too big when you are getting that real Peace of Mind, and enjoy Soul Satisfaction that so many people in the world are craving for and only imagine in dreams!!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Always Value Your Self Esteem and Boost Your Motivation Level!!

Self Esteem Leading to Confidence and Motivation
You know everyone is so important and has a distinct place on this earth. God Almighty has created each individual person with special characteristics and personality, and He Loves his creation undoubtedly. So you are as special as anyone like a political leader, film star, shining music celebrity, star player and anyone worth having attention.

It is just that some people are more out in the world to show their talents to the world. While others remain as the unsung heroes but it does not mean that normal guys like you and I have no meaning of existence on this planet!

Enjoy Your Life and Existence with Motivational Approach

So when our existence is so correlative to nature and special place on Earth, and we are as important in this world like anyone then our Self Esteem is our key point or our USP of Life that we must never compromise. We have to have a focus on our objectives and duties that we have to fulfil but never to lose our personal sanctity, listen to any abuses or to lower our self-respect just because someone wants us to feel like so!

You know that recent research conducted by psychologists proved that people in general feel relaxed, and in fact quite happy if they come to know that others are feeling distracted or feel distressed due to some comment to behaviour by them.

Don’t Compromise on Your Self Esteem

So when a negative vibe is created and a person tries to loosen the tight rope of Motivation and Optimism of anyone then it may be a general phenomenon. The important fact is that whoever that person is, and even he or she matters a lot in your life has no right to let you feel at the lowest level of Self Esteem!

Success in Waiting for You to Recognize Your Positive Personality Traits

It is a right time to think if your relationships are soured up and you are losing that important person “YOU” due to such inhuman acts as I must say! So is the case with your job or any such thing where you continuously feel like in a torture cell, and you feel that you are losing your own worth which is in fact a hindrance in Success.

Wake up your instincts and work on improving your motivation level so that you can find a better job opportunity. To get out of a dragging relationship and find inner peace, and in fact a comfort zone within yourself.

Live a Life of Your Choices and Follow Success Path with Optimism

Live a life of your own choice and cherish your personality attributes. Set your own success goals and live with full Optimism and remain Spiritually Awakened, to fulfil and nourish your Soul. Never try to be a people pleaser, and always focus on having inner strength to fight the outside battle with people who want to refrain you from having Positive Thinking pattern, and Peace of Mind and in fact Your Soul.

Peace of Mind and Soul is Too Important to Compromise On

When you will be working on yourself and remain focused on improving your quality of Life then I am sure you will never give a damn chance to anyone, to ruin your personal freedom and off course your Self Esteem for sure. Good Luck to you and always try to live with a Peace of Mind but having your very own identity all intact!!

Live on the Edge of Motivation to Find Real Success!!

Motivation Leading to Struggle and Success
You are going to see lots of changes in your environment, circumstances, goals, relationships and the motivation level as well. But don’t panic if something happens unexpectedly. Try to calm down your nerves and think positive, and to find a way to get out of difficult situations. It can happen so easily with a Peace of MIND, and a closer look at the rational side of what is happening. Here are some important tips to let you make easy decisions that are based on Reality and Practical Wisdom.

Value Yourself

It is very much important to value yourself as an individual human being, and as a special part of this universe. Feel comfortable with your nature and with your personality traits as well. I must say you need to approve that you have traits that are purely yours!

Love Yourself Unconditionally

Do not complain all the time about your physical appearance and your inner personality. Don’t waste your Motivation and Positive Energies by comparing yourself with anyone, even with your siblings. They might not be having the same level of maturity, will power or determination or any other trait. Never complain that Life or Nature is unkind to you.

Appreciate Your Gains and Success

Always applaud yourself on any kind of attainment no matter how too simple or small it is! When you compliment yourself at each step of success then your unconscious and subconscious mind keeps on registering it as your growth, and eventually you will start recognizing yourself as a most precious entity in your own LIFE and for other people as well.

Focus on Your Goals and Be Optimistic

It is always an easy task to ridicule and demotivate others, and we have plenty of people around who are masters of that. So stay away from the surroundings of negative people, and focus on your ways to achieve your personal goals and remain optimistic throughout your journey to Success and Achievements.

Always Start a New Day with High Spirits

When you wake up every morning then give yourself a statement that you are going to stay all motivated, and expect to have everything in a fine manner. You are important for yourself and for the people who really matter in your life, so never spoil a single day because of some bad comments or behaviours of irrelevant people.

Stay Calm in Difficult Situations and Trigger Your Peace of Mind

It is a proven fact that if someone is facing hard times then a continuous moaning and complaint has never done a good job! So it is a best practice to keep your nerves all cool, calculated and clam while you are going through some rough phase in a personal relationship or in your professional life. Here if you meditate and do any other exercises to trigger your Peace of Mind then you are a successful person right at this moment.

Praise Your Energies and Will Power

When you keep on praising yourself for your steadfastness in the previous odd times, and work hard to improve your Positive Will Power. Then it is time to cherish the feeling of winning a battle of nerves. Serve yourself with best of feed or deserts. Hang out and have fun on your own. Even you can plan a vacation to spend some time in Nature and to revitalize your Spirits and to remain in close contact with your inner SOUL. This way, you will achieve all Success and Motivation to do extraordinary things, and to fight a monster that might always let you down to low self-esteem and irrational decisions.

Find a Way to Live Close to Spirituality and Mysticism

I am not telling you a folklore but it is a fact of life as if you instigate your inner peace of mind then you will reach at a level when your sixth sense and intuition works so strongly to alarm you of any bad happenings. You are able to read mind and body language of others. You can work on your personal or worldly goals with a greater perspective and even can serve Humanity at large in a better and fulfilling way!!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Standing on a Brink of Sanity!!

Spiritual Awakening and Optimism
I just look around and try to see what is the meaning of my life, and how would I survive for the rest of coming days. Sometimes I feel losing my nerves to fight this hardcore battle of survival of the fittest in this materialistic world. If you expect me to say that being on a brink of sanity will result in insanity then I assure you that it is not something that happens with everyone. Actually when your sanity is compromised then you need to revitalize you energies, and fight for challenges in life with a strong will power.

To end the ambiguity and anxiety that occurs in your life due to all that stress that modern life has fed into our lives. Though we are living a far better and comfortable life then our ancestors but still there are so many default issues that are associated with this form of life. How we can get out of such situations if we are into these? We need a set of motivational dialogue with ourselves, and need to get away from worldly chores for at least one day, and then come up with a solution to fight our own battles for getting peace of mind and soul!

I have found out that people who have more of religious inclination are tend to have a far peaceful manner of trying to cope with the daily life’s stresses, anxieties and depressions. Their minds and souls are more at peace, and the prayer is a best part of all soothing techniques, and it is proven by all modern researches as well. Prayer is a best sort of meditation and far more effective than other techniques like NLP, Yoga, Hypnosis, Meditation, Breathing Exercises and so much more. Here you can find a variety of Spiritual Healers in ads at different platforms.

But you know that you can work on healing your mind, body and soul I a much better way if you apply all these techniques by yourself. You can start with inhaling a deep breath inside, hold it and think about a beautiful place somewhere. You are moving fast and work as a great problem solver in that visualization technique by yourself, and you can try some free webinars, and even read material on such matters of how to soothe your mind, and work progressively to retain your path to self discovery and Spiritual Awakening.

Once you have attained your highest level of peace within then you will no more be afraid of all stresses, and challenges that life may throw you into! I have always found out that self learning is a great thing, and we can find great solace with what we have learnt as we will always be able to help others in situations alike. Having a peace of mind that would eventually be a turning face of Peaceful Soul would enable you to go for completion of such tasks that might look impossible. But conviction, optimism motivation and a strong desire to grab success will get you through all that very well for sure. Good Luck!!

Monday, September 15, 2014

A Place on Earth to Find True Peace of Mind

Tranquility and Spiritual Elevation
Sometimes we are so much distracted with some desires and aspirations that we forget that living a peaceful life is the most important things. We are busy with daily chores of life or to make a course of action to get prosperous and wealthy. But we are losing a space where we can have a soul satisfaction. Does it come from any worldly gains or from having a job done in a right perspective? I think it is a matter of living a life that is according to your comfort zone which must never overlap the others around!

We might be facing some temporary troubles that remind us of good times that we used to have, and it is so obvious with human nature. Life keeps on evolving and have to grow with it, and I do admit that we are not able to make pace with tangles and complexities of life as normal human being. But here a question arises as what we have learnt from our previous failures, and have we gone ahead or just get stuck due to lack of aspirations and finding comfortable life ahead.

If you think so a case with yourself then you need to be conscious and try to exhale all negative thoughts with a breathing in of fresh and innovative ideas. Just takes everything in life like a flow of ocean’s wave. Some high tides might take you in a dangerous position but if you stay stable and confident then you will be in a pool of peace and tranquillity. Yes! It happens with every mind and soul and only people don’t follow the right vibes on time.

If you feel like going on a trip to some good place to have a Soul Satisfaction then don’t keep on postponing it further. If you know a place or spiritual healing and training centre then make a quick centre. Meditation helps out lots of people from getting out of stressful situations, and to find peace and motivation. Just try to have an optimistic approach that your problems will be solved and you can find a real Peace of Mind and Soul but with little effort.

You might not find it in a blog or going to a mentor. But you can attain that level of Spiritual Attainment where you are no more worried about material gains and losses. You will on more be sad on failure of a project that you thought to work for you. You will be motivated and excited with a new finding and to travel on that path of self-discovery and personal growth. Believe me it is worth experiencing and for very good reasons.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Time to Think about Humanity and Inculcate Motivation into Others!

Motivation and Hope
The mild and soft hands of a baby touches you and makes you feel all enlightened with the fact that God Almighty still loves humanity, nature is kind to us. The sounds and smell of a newly born baby always makes me feel peaceful in fact rejuvenated with the spirit of having Strong Hope to see all good in the coming days for human beings. The distressful news from Palestine, Syria and from floods in Pakistan made me feel too much depressed as if we are moving towards an end, and nobody will take notice of the miseries and pains of others at any place!

The leaders and state people are busy in doing their politics, and to gain maximum of what they can. With a humanity in misery at large, and some people keep on enjoying lavish lives make me ponder on the fact that for sure Divine Will was not to make a selfish creature called Human Being! So if we are doing it then we are on a threshold of Wrath of God Almighty! So it is time for everyone to think on personal level and on a Global Level, to work for eradication of miseries and sorrows of other people.

It is time to safeguard Human Beings who are struck by Natural Calamities like Earthquakes, Floods, Tsunamis, Hunger as several countries of Africa are facing the food shortage issues. Here we see a tragic and ironic situation that some countries like Israel is doing bomb shelling over Gaza for past two months, and killed hundreds and thousands of men, women and especially a large group of innocent children! I am looking at news that India is on continuous violation of boundaries of Pakistan and keep on killing innocent civilians along with its soldiers.

The recent flood that is busted due to heavy rains, and by the water terrorism by India, as it had released so much water into Pakistani rivers after filling its dams. Isn't it an act of terrorism and violence, and we are seeing so many deaths and damages due to it? Who is going to stop the insane acts of individuals and that occur on a State Level. Do you feel that anyone who is having a sensitive heart can work on gaining Optimism and Spiritual Elevation when it happens all around?

The simple answer is NO as we cannot make it possible to remain motivated and do such endeavors that are good for personal, social and in fact global peace, prosperity and well-being of human beings, at every place! So it is a need of the moment to realize that we are not born to kill others and to act like savages! We have to have a sense of love for humanity and to build an atmosphere of compassion and motivation for ourselves, and to give a full Hope and Optimism to others to live beautiful lives in their very own ways!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Spiritually Awakened People Love Humanity At Large!

Spiritual Peace and Motivation
Rain makes it hard for me to keep myself away from the nostalgic memories that are swirling around. I am all surrounded with great events and people who made my life worth with their warm presence, and let me build a true perception about Life, World and its Reality. Yes! On a very positive note I am listening to the drizzling sound of rain on my window and lost in the times when I was free to get out and move freely in the summer rains. To make my soul have all nourishment from the Nature, and to be awakened by the new Motivation to move on!

Now I think that Nature has given us gifts of changes in seasons like the moods and circumstances. We have all springs and autumns within us. If we are moving on a path of Spiritual Elevation then we see that Divine Light is flashed on us to be all carefree and to love nature and humanity at large. I am still surprise at how people can do injustice and barbarism to others, and even torture them to die when there are so many positive things to look and feel!

When I have a chance meeting with people who have traveled a lot of the road of Spirituality and Mysticism then they are all in love for Human Beings. I haven’t seen them teaching hatred, violence and to lower self esteem of others at any name. It is due to the fact that they have understood the real purpose of life, to live in peace and harmony with not only human beings but with all creation of God Almighty. The positive energy that these people radiate influence all their followers, and even spread as a shield to others around.

Motivation and Optimism doesn't come with negative energy, and all those brutal people in history and at present had no Positive Energies but they had evil desires and hatred that might be due t some imbalanced childhood upbringings. Otherwise anyone who loves humanity and a sudden smile comes on his face on seeing an innocent child can’t kill him or her. Here a question arises as if man is born to be all cruel and evil. No! He is born of love and compassion but evil and negative environment and brainwashing make him do such wild acts!

So it is time for all of us on this Planet Earth to ponder seriously about the ways to make real Peace here. So that is time for us to decide to live in peace and harmony, and let a beautiful world waiting for our coming generations. Say Big NO to Wars and Terrorism, and spread Love, Compassion, Motivation and a message to follow Peace and to spread Motivation among human race. We have to do it otherwise the whole humanity and its technical advancement will come to point zero. So stay positive and awakened to let go all differences, and to remove hidden barriers within our personalities. It will make us move upside on a ladder of spirituality!!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Soul on a Peaceful Path!

Soul on Success Path
Sometime I do wonder as if there is a place on this Earth that is destined to be peaceful and comfortable. I feel a complete chaos in mind and soul when I think about a destination inside myself or around me to be silent, secure and spiritually awakened. I am feeling that every human being is going through this roller coaster ride of dreams, destination and the real wants. We keep on following our worldly duties and bound to fulfil the responsibilities that are meant to satisfy others more than us!

If it is not the case then why I am feeling that much lost right now when I am on a verge of accomplishing new level of success? It is due to a reason that my personal priority was and still is Soul Satisfaction but I am a Social Animal and tend to behave like normal people. I have to go on a run after a Success route. I have to get out of my comfort zones and fight the battle of life that is going to end one day. I am not sure if anybody ever recognizes my efforts or struggles or my own kids would ever understand that I had to take ten more steps to get aligned with a line of normal people.

To have a peace of mind and to live in harmony with your inner soul is the best thing that you can achieve. But the question remains as if world with all its demands will let you stay in that path. If you want to be in resting phase and to let your positive energies to focus on having Divine Guidance and Enlightenment then you need to follow your instincts. But sitting here and saying that is so easy for me too. I know I cannot make it happen for me as I am a bounded soul or slave of dreams, whims and wishes of my own self and that of others.

I am also having impositions on my soul due to some duties that Divine Will has assigned me for. I have to be answerable for the dependants who are my spouse and kids. I I am unable to do justice to their lives, and to prove them love, compassion and comfortable lives then my spiritual awakening would lead me to no place. I will be the villain of their lives and doing such injustice would eventually lead me to guilt and pessimism. So whatever I have to gain as Optimism and Motivation is to be from the situation that I am currently in, and I think it is my suggestion to every soul who is seeking a individual salvation!!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Optimism Makes a Hard Decision for Success in Life All Possible!

Enlightened Path of Success
It is just too normal for human beings to try to find compassion, peace, love and relaxation in any environment. I can understand that following an instinctive desire to keep on moving in an autogenic mode, and to forget about moving for better opportunities of Success and Prosperity is a hard time task. What is the sort of mechanism and mood that keeps a pace in people’s lives, to remain in a state of optimism, and to motive them on a better road map is defined here!

Once you decide to achieve and attain a position that is more like a pilot in your own life. It is that time when you stop following the instructions from people around, and even to be influenced by the environment. You might not accept it but it is hardcore fact that all of us get influenced by the culture and social norms that we have seen around. So to get stuck in a bad situation just to satisfy the social traditions is not a positive sign, and eventually it leads anyone into depression and a sort of pessimism.

Hope and Motivation is such a strong force that leads us all to go on a path of Success and Glory. So you need to be all charged up and say positive statements to yourself. Once you have made a mindset to achieve some goals in life, and ready to face all hurdles that can come in a way then you are going to have a winning game. You can see things going on a positive track if you keep on giving your sub-conscious and unconscious mind positive signals. So these messages are settled as sediments in the mind and make some impossible kinds of things all possible!

Once you have attained a state of mind when you are no more in panic and keep your nerves all calm down then you will definitely find Success. I have come across many experts who say is wide and clear that a peaceful mind is ready to absorb all shocks, and then ready to pave a way to real success. If you keep things on track and find a wining spirit inside then nobody can stop you to reach to your goals!

I have studied psychic approach and the old mystic teachings that are found in ancient cultures. The one thing that is common in all religions and that is a spiritual aspect is to stay calm, and believe in positive aproach. The light can emerge out of all darkness! It is just too phenomenal and inspiring that you can see by yourself that people who are firm believers of any religion, and stick to the prayers and Divine Guidance are much more strong willed and peaceful. It is not an over-statement to say that they have found out Success in a True Way!!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Soul Purification Would Lead You to Success for Sure!

Motivation is some kind of spirit that sails you forward in life, and to keep you out of distresses when you find any kind of temporary failure. If you accept the fact that life is taking its natural turns and you have to catch the right swirl, in order to reach at the top position then nothing can stop you from Success and to gain freedom from a narrow thinking. Generally our Environment and Social Pressures make us feel all too limited to something that we can easily get out of!

Following a path of positive approach all through your acts, thoughts and talks can create a natural Positive AURA around you. The Spiritual Experts see it as an effect of a “virtue” on mind and soul of a person. I have read and heard about people who were chained or kept imprisoned for no crimes but they kept on fighting the negative battles inside by stating that God is with them, and they will find their solace and salvation here and for sure in the life hereafter. They never broke down and won their Moral Battles!!

Yes! It is a very positive approach and practical as well as logical. Though it is a definite thing that such adherence to Spiritualism and Soul Connection comes with powerful Religious roots and beliefs! But I have seen many people who are in doubt or atheists to practice ancient meditation methods of Muslims, Buddhists and even do Yoga on regular basis. These practices definitely provide a relief to Mind and Soul, and keep all of us motivated to face the hurdles with new passion and vigor. 

So if you are going through a bad patch in your personal or professional life then don’t wait any longer and try to find some easy methods, to make you stress free. You can inhale a lot of positive energy by visualization technique, and take deep breath and sit or lie in an easy posture. Imagine a very beautiful scene, and you are enjoying all the blissful sights, sounds and smells of nature. I am sure that your anxiety, stress and depression would wipe away.

But you have to keep in mind that it is an ongoing and little slow process that will definitely pay you with relief and SUCCESS for sure at the end. You will get rid of your pain and miseries, and find yourself so much charged with Positive Energy and Motivated to do something really great. You can be a next Einstein or Bill Gates, and nature has not stopped producing Great People. Only a determination to follow the path of success and to purify your mind and soul would lead you towards it in a much faster pace as you can ever imagine!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Success in Waiting for Your Optimism to Gear Up!!

Success Path
Why we are never satisfied with the situation that we are into. It is some kind of psychological issue or it has nothing to do with it, and just a common human phenomenon. Yeah! I can say that anxiety and nervousness is not bad all the times as it precedes us to go for new reasons and chances in our lives. But living a life full of such stresses mean that there is some problem in coping with new situations. So here comes the value of positive thinking and optimism for sure.

When you have moved to some new junction of life that has different offerings, and off course it carries new levels of stresses as well. Then the most important thing is to have a balanced look at the situation. See the positive factors that are seen and try to find the hidden opportunities and learning experience that are going to happen inside a new path. It is far easier to go for new challenges and to achieve goals that are waiting for you!

Just try to think about good thing that are definite part and might be found out at the end of a long struggle. When you keep on following a path that is not so known to you but you can smell success at its end then you must adopt it. It is not a wall written thing that a negative vibe at the start will definitely get you in a big hole. It might take you to new heights of success and glory. If you are confident to go on for achieving bigger things in life then do not follow the pessimistic approach or try to smell failure just before the start.

Make up your mind to deal with new situations by understanding one important factor about life. You can never stay in same situation forever, and after every winter there is a spring. So if you are facing challenges in your personal life or in professional one then stay patient. It is important to tell you that patience has lot of value and it will definitely give you peace and prosperity. For time being, you can practice the self monologue or the deep breathing techniques. You can even go for Yoga or other stress releasing exercises to make your mind all at peace!!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Platonic Love Really Exists Somewhere in this Material World ?

Platonic Love and Modern World
I am student of literature and I kept on reading different things that are discussed here and there. Most of times it is not a case as ideal that literary people have presented us. Like I would share my thoughts as what is “Platonic Love” and how to explain it in modern terms. If you tell me about literary way then it is a description by a famous philosopher Plato. It tells a mental state when a person is in love with other one without having a desire to acquire him or her physically. 

Platonic Love means a love that involves Soul Connection, and it has nothing to with material gains, outward beauty and to get any kind of benefit. So it is really an important aspect of Human Psyche and it must be in the world sometime. But at this moment, I cannot find that this philosophy does not work right here at the moment!

Now the whole world has changed and it becomes only a clichéd statement that a person can love without expecting anything. Here the human psyche has changed and we love to be loved, and to get benefit in one way or other. Either we feel the comfort of having someone who adores us and can give us something like love, compassion and a TIME for sure. Now the soul connection and just keep on thinking about a beloved is no more payable.

It is a world of quick actions, responses and demands. Now no one wants to be in love with someone who cannot give him or her anything. Now Love is a matter of give and take, and people have no time to spend in thinking and living in dreams. Modern worlds has snatched the innocent and pure forms of love and even a simple way of life!
It is a tragedy in itself as we are not realizing its drastic dangerous effects. We are losing the concerns and bonding that our ancestors used to have. Asking anyone to date or to have a one night stand won’t give anyone real happiness, and it eventually turns out into loneliness and desperation, and off course depression. Is it possible that we can develop purity in relationship, and I am leaving to my respectable audience to guide me in this context!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Radiating Positivty !!

Most of us keep on living on fringed places of our souls and minds. We keep searching for inner peace and try to reach out to it through our worldly possessions. The radiance of positivity may only be misdirected. Worldly pleasures may provide a timely pleasure or relief but your soul would always keep on searching for beautiful things that are within. The real beauty of every object emanates certain energy that forces every sane mind to search for real goodness and seek for the inner truth of everything.

Well! It is just so normal to get a closer look at what you really are searching. The seasonal depressions are normal but a person who keeps on striving for finding a bigger meaning in his life will eventually get to it. The pains, sufferings and sorrows teach a lot more to human soul. It makes it strong and let that soul to prosper for something great. The miseries of life made me a far different person that I can see myself living a materially successful life. I could easily move around a thought or feeling and extracted something really significant out of it.  It helped me in re-shaping my own Self! Now I am more orderly, more sensitive to others, feel a real meaning of life beyond worldly possession, and have a great hope for a beautiful life afterlife.

A motivation to be generous and virtuous is stored inside your own soul, and you only need to trace it out by closing your eyes, and siting in some dart corner. Then reality of universe will start un-wrapping in front of you.  You are then in a position to re-shape your life pattern and even making positive changes in your relations. Humanity will definitely benefit from what you have achieved through sole confinement and then release of negative energies, and it happens while performing your prayers with true spirit. Yes Prayer is a great source of meditation besides being virtuous act to an undoubted level. Try meditation; sit in dark corner to find your Real Self. Pray to God Almighty with full devotion and you will get a much higher percentage out of the benefit.