Showing posts with label Gaza. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gaza. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Love at the Time of Chaos...!!

Gaza War and Genocide

Do you want me to talk 

about LOVE...?

Do you really know anything about Love?

At the time of darkness


There is no Light of Hope


The World is silent over the bleeding 

small innocent kids, and their mothers

fathers, sisters and brothers

So what is meant by mankind

Do you preach Humanity....?

Are you a living sane soul...!

If yes....!!

Then why your  is not heard

You cannot talk about Oppressed Souls 

in this very Real World...!!

If Yes then why the hinger stricken 

old people, women and kids 

haven't got your attention...!!

Gaza is not your point of attention

India's Besieged Kashmir 

Fled with blood is not your moral value


talk, protest, and to raise your voices 

again the human like monsters

who are ruling the world

in fact

So, the dual faced Human Rights

are not understandable...

And more than that to talk about Love....

in these times of death, destruction and chaos...!!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

An Apology to My Kids….!!

(A Dialogue with Muslim Children of Burma and Gaza)
My Kids I am weak and afraid
I am afraid of super powers of this earthly rule
I am afraid of death and ruin by myself
I could find a courage to stop those hands
Who were carrying you to throw into fire in Burma…
To prick your flowery bodies with drill machines and swords
To throw you into fire in front of your crying mothers
Who were worst victims of those brutes…!
Where was whole Humanity and where it still is?
I could not find courage to pass a resolution
To call rulers and people of Muslim countries
To come forward for your rescue and fight for you
I let lose my hopes and to close my eyes
with heavy but impatient sleep
While there were drones and jet planes
Bombing over you in Gaza
I am your criminal…!
Punish me as heavily as possible here
As I am afraid to face
the Wrath of Almighty ALLAH….
To stay away and awake all the times
While enemies were burning and attacking you
For being only the kids of Muslims and no other logic
I am speechless......!!
I will not bear the burden of guilt and pain
All thought this earthly life

and to face you on Day of Judgement….!! 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

My Soul is Weeping for Lost Flowers!

Hope for Good Days to Come Soon

I don’t know how I can express my grief and sorrow for the lost lives of school children at Peshawar in Pakistan. It is a coward act of terrorism where innocent children were targeted for the sake of creating a panic in a country. It is not a normal act of terrorism but a truly one sided approach to dishonor the integrity of a free nation, and at the same time hitting a sensitive area in the hearts and souls of all sane persons, not only of “Pakistan” but all around the Globe.

When we talk about Humanity and Integrity of Individual Lives, and to protect our upcoming generation and our kids from dangers of war, terrorism, poverty and hunger. Children are pure souls and we see them like flowers, and that is common human psyche everywhere. Then we are left with little excuse as how we can remain indifferent to such a big incident in any part of world. The whole world community must be united to raise its voice, and to see it as an act of brutality on small souls!

How can you and I be so indifferent and remain aloof of the situation that is alarming and distracting. I have lost a “Little Faith on Humanity” as who is such a cruel person to hit direct bullets on the faces and bodies of Fragile Children. But soon I realize the scenario of “Palestine or Gaza” where children were killed brutally in carpet bombardment by Israeli forces, and not a single country and so called Human Rights Activists raised their voices. 

So the case of brutal murder of school children in the city of “Peshawar of Pakistan” would remain insignificant to the world community. Here it is important to understand that 16th December is a bitter day in the History of Pakistan when its eastern part named as East Pakistan was separated by conspiracies and war by India, that part is now known as “Bangladesh”. So it is not a coincidence that "India" being still the number one Enemy of Pakistan can be behind this act of most barbarous terrorism!

The tests and turmoil in the lives of nations are very important and some incidents unite the segregated parts of society. It is a time to re-think about Pakistan as a One Nation. So you need to be all focused to find your unified enemy, and to crush the enemy’s agenda to divide and create chaos not only in single life but in the lives of hundreds of families. 

So it is really very important to condole with the grieving families but at the same time, feeling a sense of responsibility towards finding ways to a single enemy. It is a time that each Pakistani should realize that they are not separate but can only win their integrity and true freedom as a united family. So do not expect anything from others and from insensitive world but fight a battle within your souls, to stick to True Teachings of Islam, and to live in harmony and with bravery to get the heart out of the body of all kinds of enemies!! 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Time to Think about Humanity and Inculcate Motivation into Others!

Motivation and Hope
The mild and soft hands of a baby touches you and makes you feel all enlightened with the fact that God Almighty still loves humanity, nature is kind to us. The sounds and smell of a newly born baby always makes me feel peaceful in fact rejuvenated with the spirit of having Strong Hope to see all good in the coming days for human beings. The distressful news from Palestine, Syria and from floods in Pakistan made me feel too much depressed as if we are moving towards an end, and nobody will take notice of the miseries and pains of others at any place!

The leaders and state people are busy in doing their politics, and to gain maximum of what they can. With a humanity in misery at large, and some people keep on enjoying lavish lives make me ponder on the fact that for sure Divine Will was not to make a selfish creature called Human Being! So if we are doing it then we are on a threshold of Wrath of God Almighty! So it is time for everyone to think on personal level and on a Global Level, to work for eradication of miseries and sorrows of other people.

It is time to safeguard Human Beings who are struck by Natural Calamities like Earthquakes, Floods, Tsunamis, Hunger as several countries of Africa are facing the food shortage issues. Here we see a tragic and ironic situation that some countries like Israel is doing bomb shelling over Gaza for past two months, and killed hundreds and thousands of men, women and especially a large group of innocent children! I am looking at news that India is on continuous violation of boundaries of Pakistan and keep on killing innocent civilians along with its soldiers.

The recent flood that is busted due to heavy rains, and by the water terrorism by India, as it had released so much water into Pakistani rivers after filling its dams. Isn't it an act of terrorism and violence, and we are seeing so many deaths and damages due to it? Who is going to stop the insane acts of individuals and that occur on a State Level. Do you feel that anyone who is having a sensitive heart can work on gaining Optimism and Spiritual Elevation when it happens all around?

The simple answer is NO as we cannot make it possible to remain motivated and do such endeavors that are good for personal, social and in fact global peace, prosperity and well-being of human beings, at every place! So it is a need of the moment to realize that we are not born to kill others and to act like savages! We have to have a sense of love for humanity and to build an atmosphere of compassion and motivation for ourselves, and to give a full Hope and Optimism to others to live beautiful lives in their very own ways!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Does United Nations Plays a Fair Role in the Case of Gaza Genocide?

Chaos and Children of Gaza
The whole world had seen the break of ceasefire in Gaza again and then killings and bomb selling like brutes has started again. At the same time Senate of United States of America which claims to be the universal human rights protector has passed bill to provide the financial aid to brutal Israel. What is that aid for as a normal human being I am asking? To buy more dangerous weapons or to put on more fuel in their air-crafts that are continuously flying and throwing not only disastrous weapons but all kinds of chemical and biological warfare.

My concern as part of of so-called civilized world is about the significance and presence of United Nations Organization (UNO). Why they haven't called a security council or general assembly's reunion. Why the authorities haven't passed a resolution to ask firmly and strongly to Israel, to stop killing innocent civilians and especially targeting women and children of Gaza. It is really a "Untied for Nothingness" which is so common a phrase on everybody's lips. Why UN has not ordered the world forces to stop Israel by force like it did in the case of Kuwait invasion, and then for Iraq we saw replica of that same action.

The targets of Israel attacks are clear as they want a clean wipe out of the whole generation of Palestinians, and then they are drawing towards West Bank, and who knows what are their real motives. Here are almost 60 Muslim countries as members of United Nations, and strangely none of these has passed a motion to call for assembly and for strict resolutions and impositions on Israel. So is the fact that it doesn't suit USA and all NATO countries. It is time when truth is considered to be a sin but why Saudi Arabia is silent over the whole issue. 

Untied Nations as I have always heard and read was formed to end up wars and hatred that was at its peak after World War II. But it has failed to support any nation or country that is on right term. Whether it is the Kashmir Issue between India and Pakistan or the Palestinian issues. There are longs lists of issues and wars all around the world. We have seen the genocide and mass rape of Muslims in Bosnia and Kosovo. We have seen thousands of Muslims were massacred in Myanmar (Burma). But United Nations stood silent and only sent peace keeping missions afterwards which had no legal power to protect the oppressed ones but only to provide food and medicines. 

Is it a real role of United nations and it was made up for? Obviously NO! But who can ask whom as UN is actually the agenda of USA, and that wants a clean Genocide of Palestinians and all other Muslims to protect the Israel's interests. It is time that all oppressed nations form another platform and an organization parallel to UN, an then fight for their basic rights of freedom, self defense and to keep their religious ad cultural integrity intact. Hopeless to ask for anything good form this PUPPET Organisation called United Nations!!!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Ironic World’s Silence over Genocide in Gaza!!

The Great Irony!!
I am just trying to keep my mind from shattering too much for last couple of days as I am watching pictures and videos of innocent children killed in Israeli bombardments. I feel pain and suffering when I see a blown head of a five or six years age boy. I feel the agony at seeing a father crying over the dead bodies of his three kids in a row. I was going to cry out loud when I was seeing the dozens of children all dead in a school at Gaza of Palestine.

I could even control my tears and death binding silence over the videos of bombs that are flooded on the civilian areas of Gaza in Palestine. But one thing made me scream out loud when I saw a picture of Israeli “Sderot Cinema” that is formed on the beaches of a sea that connects Israel to the Gaza Stip. Here the chairs with all fun going activities are arranged, and Israelis come to sit out here, and watch the Live SHOW of Bomb Shelling on Innocent and Armless People of Gaza. They shout, sprout and dance with joy over every bomb that is dropped on the far side, and they hear its sound and see the fire that evokes out!

I made me sick and I got a nauseating feeling in my stomach for whole two days. Can we call them Human Beings? No! For sure not! And their behaviour reminded me of the ancient ROME where Coliseums were filled with Brutes having the faces of Human Beings and they were dying to see slaves in chains, to bring in the arena, to be a prey of hungry tigers or to let them fight with each other and see death, murder, blood all around. These Brutes were so called Civilized Romans who used to roar up like a hoard to see human beings lie down and giving their lives away, by falling in front of them.

So here are Modern Day’s Coliseums set at Gaza and many other parts of the WORLD. It is time to see the duel faces of the civilized world and its people, as those nations who are always on forefront about Clichéd Human Rights, and they make so much “hue and cry” over the violations in any case. Is there no sane person in that part of the world who is observing the Massacre and more than that a Genocide of Palestinians, right in front of media? So these people of Israel are supposed to be the Moving Characters of Hitler’s Holocaust, and they were the victims as they claimed. How can they do it to others, and I feel ashamed that there is no one with little humanistic feelings left in Israel to ask for stopping this brutality!

I am asking the whole world that is so focused on Human Rights and the violation makes them angry. They march on streets and raise placards to demonstrate their rage against any violence. Are they really not seeing or hearing anything or there is a priority difference. Where is the United Nations that is ready to send troops to any country on seeing a little chance of danger to the world community? Yes! It is all ironic and the most tragic thing is the behaviour of “Muslim World’s Rulers and Leaders”. They are so silent as if a snake is smelt! I am just drowning again in tears as if what is going to happen to this world if this demarcation keeps on going.

Who is going to wipe out the tears of Palestinians mothers and fathers who are having the dead bodies of their innocent kids in their hands? Where will the homeless children find the warmth of their mothers’ laps? I just read a phrase and it stuck in my mind “You just don’t need to be a Muslim to condemn Israel’s Brutality but You only need to be a Human Being”, If you are for any right reason!!