Monday, May 5, 2014

Dwelling in Past !!

Life is a whole bunch of ever changing and evolving scenarios and situations. We cannot stay in the same mood for all the seasons to come. Nobody can be happy forever or miserable all the times. Yes! It happens that people fail to get out of a difficulty mental state by themselves and they need some spiritual guidance or the medical cure. It is due to some major things that we fail to accept life as a flowing river.

We keep on demanding the same kind of peace and serenity that once we faced. It is not something natural and we have to accept this reality to be in peace with ourselves. Whenever you are standing in front of a mirror then do repeat a Self Statement “I cannot change or reverse what has happened”. When you are saying this it means you are making your unconscious mind to realize that regrets and feeling miserable of losing anything in past is just useless.

Yes! It is important that History or PAST is a great teacher but it must play that same part. But it should not ruin your present or to refrain you from doing something really productive. If you feel like getting into a depressive mode then change your life routine. Go on long routes of sole walks; breathe fresh air with full blow and do something joyful like seeding small plants. You can take grains in a small bag and throw these ones for birds, animals and insects. You will feel close to NATURE, and it will make you feel the importance of living in Present Moment!

You can make a real impact on your nerves with positive self statement and small acts of getting close to nature and natural things. I know it may sound little difficult at start, and I lose my way to my childhood roads and some wrong decision that I took along the life’s journey. You can make things great and fulfilling with small start ups.

You see what you can do for yourself is not even imagined by any other person. You can do meditation and practice yoga to stay active, healthy and peaceful. Closeness to Nature shows human beings a corridor that opens for Divine Light and it makes you at ease with yourself, by finding a bigger meaning to your existence and about a life that is eternal and waiting for each human being ahead.  So just learn the lessons from past and never let it overgrows on you. Because the PAST is Your Precious Experience but not going to change what you are going through in Life!!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Soul on Path !!

My Soul is fluttering high
To the skies undefined
Losing all connection 
that long to exist between
Desires and Dreams!
My wings are spread
Like a winding thread
But where is the reality
Seen by whom and where
May death knock at the door
Any time
And make us see the real face of reality
And I may have to live thousands lives
To restore what eternity has enfolded in me
For finding a New Self after every wind up
Reach at the farther end of TRUTH
and to make a travel on a Divine Path!!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Friendship, Brotherhood and Bonding!!

We call friend to everyone who talks to us smoothly and helps us out in something. But does it really that simple I mean the definition of Selfless Friend does exist. Yes! It is here right in front of our eyes, and to keep us motivated and rejuvenated to do worldly tasks in a far better way. We need friends who can stay with us in difficult times, and have no prejudice or jealousy for any sort of gain.

I simply believe that a friendship as a spiritual bonding that is not relevant with age, places, race and distances. When we reach at a certain level of love and affection for others then we are forming brotherhood connection with that person. You might have heard or read that the worst of enemies in solitude and misery develop a comradeship or a brotherly bond.

In the same case we meet some people by chance and get so used to them that there is a feeling that we are living together for years or may be centuries. Actually it is all about soul connection and the matching Aura about which there are lots of myths and realities in Eastern Cultures. The close connections that are developed by hearts are not meant for material or worldly purposes, and it just come in our way as a routine matter.

But the twist in this tale comes when we lose such friend or brother. It is a disaster and a storm that you get through be yourself, and nobody around can see a glimpse of it. So the soul nourishes and agonizes in solitude, and it is one of the most difficult moment in the lives of those people who are mostly introvert. These kinds of people cannot form loose connections with everyone who comes in their way.

The brotherhood bond is vital if a friend is close to your beat of a heart. So this such solitude often leads to spiritual up rise, and saints emerge out of such ordinary situations. When you are able to form a direct contact with the Divine Light, and it may be due to the loss of a worldly relationship. You have not only lost a friend or brother but a part of yourself.

Now it is your will power and direction that might lead you to the new experiences of spiritual journey to boost as a human being or to get antidepressants as a regular part of your routine. You can make a loss to favour you in attaining something Really Great. If you are not able to do that then still you have formed a space in someone’s heat and mind that nobody can replace.

On a Verge of Nervous Breakdown!

I am loosing something that is not what I meant to do but is it really not in my control. It is the biggest disaster in human life when one cannot share what he is actually feeling! He may feels lost or just need a shoulder to cry out his fears and failures but nobody is there. As we all are rational human beings and we are supposed to control our true emotions, to be part of a society that has a strong parameter to check the Nerves of a Sane Person. So we must avoid every single chance to make someone from having an attack of Nervous Breakdown

Isn't it true that we all are swinging in between sanity and insanity? I am not trying to impose my own thoughts but I have seen so many strong people on a brink of nervous breakdown, due to feeling agitated by daily routine where they can’t express what they want to. Even I have found this platform to express my unfulfilled desires, fears, anxieties and thoughts about human beings, and how they are passing the time on this planet called EARTH.

I am feeling a strong craving to form a group of people who can say that they are stressed out and fearful of finding means to live their daily lives. Suppose I am dying and I want to save myself from spiritual or physical drowning then you can suggest me what should I do! It is not a matter of choice for some people to stay away from worries, and not to be afraid of hard times that are coming in their way. I have made some decisions and I want to say Foolish and Unwise to myself but the social paradigms are stopping me to do this.

I cannot claim to be called a person who has no sense to live a life that is bright, brilliant and comfortable. But what do you suggest for people like me who flow with the current of a life’s river, and make mistakes and then are afraid to admit those in front of others. I think such people are born to be different, and they are born to suffer for worst. You may not be able to see such people crying out loud to help them, and to listen to their miseries and pains.

It is here that a person like me thinks of acting like nothing has happened to him or her, and then tries the best to be the most vibrant personality around. Everyone must realize that people are born to be different and it is Nature’s Law. So you cannot fit every personality in the same frame! If everyone around understands this factor then life would be much easier for those, who want to cry out loud, and even need a cognitive training to cope with life in all shades!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Acquiring Something YOU long Desired is a Mission Accomplished?

I am just swaying in the ocean of thoughts and feel even strange that is it worth spending hours, days and weeks in planning and then celebrating something that is just so material, and not even ours. We are just doing our efforts to have a New Thing in our life and we have never thought that so many people around the globe are looking towards unseen horizons, to have a meal for a single time.

It makes all my accomplishments and fulfilments to a point zero, and I just ponder on what is being left for me to celebrate a victory that is not going to last even for days. I am not sure if I am able to own that thing which I have been bound to receive legally. But law does not coincide with human fragility, and I heard a man who was so happy on having a great success in his job. But on a thrush of a second moment he was struck by a big bus and he was all dead.

Where his aspirations and accomplishments and nobody are even knows what he was planning to do with that reward what he got. In the model world of fragile thoughts, feelings, emotions and desires how can one be satisfied to have a possession of a New Car or a Home. When you are so uncertain about the very next moment. Life sucks at most of times and it is true. We are born to die and we human beings keep on oppressing others as we will never be a part of dust as our ancestors became.

All name and fame will remain here and we will be in a new time and space mechanism, and judgement of our deeds would be made on what we would leave behind in terms of good deeds, and how much we were able to make a single person smile with something so normal. We are going to see a reality where no one will care of what mansion and luxury car we use to drive.

Then how can we be happy and just so calm at achieving something so worldly and material. But on the other hand we are supposed to live this life to fullest, and to acquire everything with fair means. We are leading to a door of eternal happiness that will come to us but we have to live this life in a fullest way. To do this we have to fight all battles within and outside in the open world. Free ourselves from complexes and duplicities, and then to deal with the world as it demands us to be. So we have to cherish every new acquisition!!

How to Compose Yourself When You Cross a Bigger Milestone!

It is a game of life that throws all sorts of balls towards you and it is your potential and expertise to catch the best ones. Is it so the case? I mean as a human do we have such an authority to do so by ourselves? It is a very complicated question but we can leave it aside to reach at some other conclusions. Suppose you have got a goal, ad dream that is too BIG for you and you have no idea how it would be fulfilled.

Then God is kind to you and all circumstances just flow in order to make you cross that bridge of emotions and deep understanding, and to reach at a far off land that has some Earthly Paradise Points. Yes! Every time you experience a joy, moment of success and know a new thing about life then you are getting that earthly bliss that no longer will let you feel hopeless and negative about what life has in store for you.

So you are on verge of self-discovery of how strong you are and how far you can try to hold that rope of hope and change your own destiny. If you stay aloof and keep brooding over spilled milk then no one can save you from depression and inferiority complexes. I know one thing for sure that every successful step towards your goals and desires require something from your soul, and a blood that is spilled in a way to attain a worldly possession is not a destructive thing.

When you are living in this material world then you need to be fair and don’t hide out your own desires from you. Everybody likes to live in Peace, Comfort and Luxury. Nobody ever desires to be in a state where he has to look towards other human beings for daily life’s fulfilments. When you are into life and trying to grab worldly objectives then it is your Real NATURE as how much a fair player you are!

If you believe in destiny and know that leading others to a distress won’t give you a lasting happiness then you will definitely follow a right path. It will lead you from the corridors of eternal peace and a lifelong baggage of happiness will accompany you. What is a true meaning of fulfilling a bigger milestone of your life will come into your real focus and you will not only be feeling victorious but all at a peaceful junction, even after attaining and achieving a awe inspiring Worldly Success!!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Nowhere is Somewhere?

I don't know why I chose this heading but it is so significant to me that I wanted to share some thought with you all. It just happens in someone's life that he is on a brink of new discovery or a loss of something very precious. Actually it happens with many people but some don't bother to keep on harping around the same topic or life event. While here are people like me who got stuck in something and cannot come out easily. Losing something special or a even having a relation gone out of life is very difficult to carry on. 

If you are stuck in a situation where you can't see the upcoming joys and charms of life and feel that this moment is everything and that losing it means an end to s chapter of life that will not return. So it is not a great deal to just enjoy happy moments but it is also important to stay in that very moment, to cherish it fully. When you are in new situation then don't regret that time which was golden and that is gone. It is due to the fact that every single moment is precious and carries its own beauty. 

Feeling are important when you are in a situation where there is no way to be out of it is something really very difficult. I can empathize with all those people who are going through the sense of loss, and it is due to the factor that I used to live in past and kept on feeling the pain of loss that was significant but wasn't helpful to me in anyway. I am not an expert who can give you solid tips but I know one thing for sure that whoever feels like standing nowhere must need a consoling shoulder or a listener. I know that it is self destructive to live in a static condition of self denial or self pity.

It is an important thing to need a positive approach towards future events and a feeling that YOU are too good, and something really GOOD is going to be here for you.  When you visualize yourself doing different life activities then you will definitely get up and start your journey to a destination that might just be in your mind, and your active proceeding will give it real life. You can overcome your all sorts of grief, loss and sufferings if you know that life keeps on leading all human beings to somewhere.

This the true destination of everyone's soul and it is a place that will give you peace and satisfaction. If you catch that Divine Light and know that there is a ultra superior force up there supporting you then you will be re-empowered to shake all negativity and hopelessness, and you will rejuvenate for a travel that will take you to an eternal paradise. 

You will come to know that all pains and sufferings are temporary as same like the joys and happiness that everyone faces even for few moments. You will be happy and and in peace with your self and won't complain for happening that are not only happening to you but so many people around the globe this time and for an unlimited time in history.