Sunday, August 23, 2015

Build Your Own Castels

Love and Dreams
Love is bound to exist
in one way or other
You can love the blooming flowers
Love the tiny fingers of a newborn
Find Peace and Solace
Love your freedom to Be Yourself
Love to die for a cause
Do not cage your souls into...!!
Perceptions long sold out
Build your own Castles
Your very own Dreams...!
Make peace with hurting thoughts
Love without expectations
Make a a Resolution
Passion must  be there....!
Love must be inside your being
Follow your own Dream...!
One way or other 
you are going to win
if you do not lose your very own being
You have to have peace inside
Soul is deeply waiting fro love
make a resolution
and dreams unlimited

Monday, July 13, 2015

Falling Raindrops………!!

Optimism and Motivation

Falling raindrops make me nostalgic

The tiny drops remind me of past

My childhood, my lovely memories

A time when I used to wash away my tears

My lonesome fears

With raindrops as cool as an ice

To put me out of distress

and to make me feel hopeful

I loved to walk in rain

It helped me get this remedy

To the fullest length


To trust this world even one more time


Be free of cheating and of discouraging

The souls who are meant for some other destinies

I lost my childhood

I lost my hopes


gained a practical wisdom…

To wait for that eternal peaceful rain


wash away my whole life’ agonies

To make me free of false hopes

and dreadful desires

I am here to meet my true self once more

In that eternal world out there….!!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

An Apology to My Kids….!!

(A Dialogue with Muslim Children of Burma and Gaza)
My Kids I am weak and afraid
I am afraid of super powers of this earthly rule
I am afraid of death and ruin by myself
I could find a courage to stop those hands
Who were carrying you to throw into fire in Burma…
To prick your flowery bodies with drill machines and swords
To throw you into fire in front of your crying mothers
Who were worst victims of those brutes…!
Where was whole Humanity and where it still is?
I could not find courage to pass a resolution
To call rulers and people of Muslim countries
To come forward for your rescue and fight for you
I let lose my hopes and to close my eyes
with heavy but impatient sleep
While there were drones and jet planes
Bombing over you in Gaza
I am your criminal…!
Punish me as heavily as possible here
As I am afraid to face
the Wrath of Almighty ALLAH….
To stay away and awake all the times
While enemies were burning and attacking you
For being only the kids of Muslims and no other logic
I am speechless......!!
I will not bear the burden of guilt and pain
All thought this earthly life

and to face you on Day of Judgement….!! 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Where Am I…?

Soul and the Eternal World
I found my physical attire outside on a barren land
I searched for ME that was all What I Had
To My Surprise I couldn't find that thing called ME..!
I was all alone and shivered with fear
Who am I with my earthly attire?
It is ME the Real
The Eternal Being and I am all there watching mu withering body
I laughed and cried at seeing my body
Decorated with best stuff
What was the Use?
I am going to face an Eternal Life where My Soul is real
I am going to live in Paradise or Hell
But it is all subject to what I did to my earthly and mortalbeing
It shook my whole being to be able to
Go beyond my own limits to
Please the Divine Presence
That is so sure like every mortal being’s death
Like my body turning into nitrogen
My Soul being all intact with consciousness
And every experience that I faced in this Mortal World!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Eternal Life Dreams versus Lust for the World!

Eternal life and Lust for World

Life is all about big dreams and fantasies that we keep on rolling in our sleeves, and to try to unfold these at a time when things seem to be too worst around. It is our survival instinct that makes us visualize everything perfect in the “Eternal Life” though we have done nothing to save ourselves from sins and matters of self-destruction so far. We have lost that Soul Connection that our ancestors used to have with the parallel world, and they always used to keep the Death aspect, at a near distance when they used to move on for chores of life!

Now we have lost that connection and too much indulged in worldly matters and lust for the material aspects of it. Here I would like to mention that we have forgotten about Heaven and Hell in a real way. We only Remember ALLAH Almighty when we face some crises situation or we see someone closed to us departing from this temporary life. Every death reminds us of our own decay and loss of every worldly thing that we carry. It makes us afraid of what we are going to get into our Eternal Bags to earn rewards out there!

So what is the real matter of covering out all those aspects that can makes us go for all good things that are stored for us in the Eternal Life. If we look for Peace of Mind and an Awakening of Spiritual Sensitivity inside us then we need to clean our hearts and minds. We have to take the world as a battlefield for all kinds of tests and trials, and to keep on striving for it as much as it is necessary. You think that I am preaching all Religious Mind-set to you. It is by the way a Reality that we all have to return to Eternity after spending our Divinely Fixed Time in this world. 

What is wrong in keeping our deaths in our active mind to let ourselves refrain from all those lusts that are going to ruin our SOULS and our Afterlife? It is just good to try to adopt a fine balance between what is right and then to go for all worldly excursions that are necessary. Don’t try to leave every positive pleasure out of your life, and don’t even stop spreading a message of love and peace to the world. All you need is to understand that a peaceful life is a bliss in itself. 

Life is all about a trial and a way to heed for everything good and pleasurable that will be eternal and forever. It is just a difficult thing to let lose all temptations of the world, and to go on for a good things of life. So be active and agile to win all rewards that are timeless and will be provide by Divine Will. So let’s live this life as a great activity place where you need to be careful about every move of yours and that of its effects as well!!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Beauty and Beholder’s Eyes!

I wonder how this whole world seems to every person, and is there a same phenomenon of objectively defining Beauty all around the globe. According to my perception it is not the case as every region has its own standards of human as well as natural beauty. A European concept of beauty is quite different from Asian, and then from African or Far Eastern standards.

The old age concept is quitter true as the real aesthetics lie in every individual‘s eyes. So the beholder’s perception about love and beauty is all too important. I see so many things around like a windy day and the swirling of trees but when I discuss about these attributes of Nature to my friends or Colleagues. They say “We don’t find it very much exciting”. Even I was surprised at the statement when I read that ‘Nelson Mandela’ said about his ex-wife ‘Winnie’ being the most beautiful woman on earth.

I got a shock like she was even so ordinary according to African standards of beauty. So I get a new realization that the Love and Aura attraction supersedes the rest of resorts and parameters. When you are in love then your beloved is the most beautiful human being ever created in planet earth. Similarly some traditional standards of beauty announce some lady or gentleman to be the sexiest and most beautiful person. At the same time we can hear so many people rejecting these labels.

At the same level when I say that I like autumn and fallen leaves as one of the most beautiful sights then most of people reject my thesis. It is not due to prejudice but a Divine Will to make different sorts of attractions for different human beings. Otherwise the world would have been so tale and sluggish as goods were all time good and bad things were always on a black list!

So my dear readers when you are going to admire about someone then just leave this expectation out of your mind that everyone will nod YES to you. So have your own perception about the beautiful objects, and then also try to analyze how other people see things with different perspectives. Try to learn the art of loving everything that is radiating positivity into the world, and a matter of joy for some good reasons. Here Inner Beauty comes as the best and foremost choice for everyone!!

My Soul Asks for Peace!!

I am walking on a lonely path!
That is swallowing my passions and strengths
I feel like losing what a soul I was
Or it is a matter of time
Makes everyone change a path of life
I am not on a road that described my being!
The world is a combination of distractions
And I am a weak fellow for this world
Full of masks of dead feelings
My heart yearns for true love
And find hypocrites all around
May be I am not in love with this world
Something inside is breaking me
A desire to be in a world that is lovable
Where there is peace within and all around
But I know there is no peace around
Only death can take me to that Paradise
Will I be in Paradise is a question that I fear
not to ask
To my soul and to get its true answer!!