Showing posts with label Mortal World. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mortal World. Show all posts

Monday, December 23, 2024

Why Is Exist...??


am wandering 

On different lands and shores

Trying to search my Soul

Why I exist...?

To follow a drifting path

To get ruined everyday..


People who call themselves 


But I am nowhere seen

I want to love myself..


No it's not my right

I am from the herd

Sent to this mortal world 


Bear every wound

To boil in my soul's cauldron 

To let others ruin 

To let others roll over me

I am worn out soul

A person and a pathway stone

I am not at peace...

I am in pain...

Who is my healer..??

Who is my saviour..?

Why I exist...??

An answer yet to be found

Before I become 

Sand in Sand ....!!

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Blow My Soul to New Heights O Whistling Wind...!!

Soul and Depresion
Soul and Mortality 

Blow me to the far and above

To and fro with wind... 

O the whistling wind

You want me to stay away


an unseen land where

Dreams become reality

Where I will be a free soul

No restrictions, no judgments....


I am judged and that too harshly

by mortal beings around me

Who have flaws like or more than me

But I am the target ...!!

I am the victim

The whole world around me is the judge

Everyone is an angle

I am the fallen one with wings broken.

Was I ever given the due credit 

of being existent..?


An abandoned soul with no voice

Only judgments and verdicts

Oh, my flying soul...

Let's move to the world 


You will be free...!!

I will be no more judged

Whether my sins will get me eternal torture.....


I would be rewarded for all the suffering that my being 

has suffered ...!

In this cruel mortal world

I am sad, lonely, and tired

Let me give courage and hope

I don't want to live


I have to live and move on to the cycle of life..!!

I cannot move to jungles...

But please pardon me you mortal world

I don't belong to you...

Just leave me on my own

Till my last breath let me escape from this prison

The cage of body and mind

I want to move and please be on your own

I am tired...

Blow the wind to sway my soul 

For a timely relief at least....!!

Sunday, February 26, 2017

While Trying to Live...!!

Life and Desires

While Trying to Live

I Failed not Once, Twice 


Millions of Times....

I am lost in glory of mortal life

Forgot to take lessons to live

How to fight the harsh winds

Why keep silent over oppression

Feeling all pain alone

Nobody here to provide shoulder


Wipe my soul's tears

I am a departed Soul

Long out of this mortal world...!


Trying hard to inhale LIFE Inside

But failing every time....!!

Death seems very near 


Afraid to leave this fragile life 

Without filling the necessary gaps

Mend the ways of my loved ones


Let them have sparks of real life 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

I Am Nowhere to be Found…!!

Life and Soul
I am all lost with my soul in transition
I am not going to feel all that pain
Misery that is enveloped me
With never changing costume…!
I am living dead
I am waiting for Heaven
Which for me is far away…
The curse of Life is far burdensome to handle
I am sad, I am lonely
I want to be at peace with myself
But there is no Space no Peace of Mind
No Confider….
The Ultimate Listener
Is all in annoyance with me
I have stained SOUL…
Once I was living this mortal life
with all its joyful attributes
But now a Hollow Being…
And detached heart…
I am not in Heaven
You cannot find me at least
Time untold of unknown…!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Life is Worth a Second Chance?

Life and Love
I am living a Life
One that is worth thousand smiles
I am having all Blessings
Which I cannot recall
I want to die a death
Be peaceful and free of madness
I hate to be a difficult person
It is not easy and I am dying with 
Slow poison of…
Luxuries, dreams and searchable love
I want to get that peace of Soul
Hard to find in this mortal world
I am not into suicide
And to let go all fears
Everything is so strange
Yet so difficult
It is worth a second chance
To let me have more experiences
And to
Ask for forgiveness to God Almighty,,,,,

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Heaven and Hell within Soul…!

My Soul is stirring with passions

And desires of long distant islands

As if life could be easier….

Peaceful and Serene


To aside the pains and miseries

Happening all around

Every loss is a hell like experience

and joys are so timely

It hardly matters in this mortal world…

If you live one day or die another…!

a spiritual revelation…

Leading to eternal world

and death that everybody will taste

Sooner or later………….!!


What’s the Use of all yearnings?

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Where Am I…?

Soul and the Eternal World
I found my physical attire outside on a barren land
I searched for ME that was all What I Had
To My Surprise I couldn't find that thing called ME..!
I was all alone and shivered with fear
Who am I with my earthly attire?
It is ME the Real
The Eternal Being and I am all there watching mu withering body
I laughed and cried at seeing my body
Decorated with best stuff
What was the Use?
I am going to face an Eternal Life where My Soul is real
I am going to live in Paradise or Hell
But it is all subject to what I did to my earthly and mortalbeing
It shook my whole being to be able to
Go beyond my own limits to
Please the Divine Presence
That is so sure like every mortal being’s death
Like my body turning into nitrogen
My Soul being all intact with consciousness
And every experience that I faced in this Mortal World!