Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Acquiring Something YOU long Desired is a Mission Accomplished?

I am just swaying in the ocean of thoughts and feel even strange that is it worth spending hours, days and weeks in planning and then celebrating something that is just so material, and not even ours. We are just doing our efforts to have a New Thing in our life and we have never thought that so many people around the globe are looking towards unseen horizons, to have a meal for a single time.

It makes all my accomplishments and fulfilments to a point zero, and I just ponder on what is being left for me to celebrate a victory that is not going to last even for days. I am not sure if I am able to own that thing which I have been bound to receive legally. But law does not coincide with human fragility, and I heard a man who was so happy on having a great success in his job. But on a thrush of a second moment he was struck by a big bus and he was all dead.

Where his aspirations and accomplishments and nobody are even knows what he was planning to do with that reward what he got. In the model world of fragile thoughts, feelings, emotions and desires how can one be satisfied to have a possession of a New Car or a Home. When you are so uncertain about the very next moment. Life sucks at most of times and it is true. We are born to die and we human beings keep on oppressing others as we will never be a part of dust as our ancestors became.

All name and fame will remain here and we will be in a new time and space mechanism, and judgement of our deeds would be made on what we would leave behind in terms of good deeds, and how much we were able to make a single person smile with something so normal. We are going to see a reality where no one will care of what mansion and luxury car we use to drive.

Then how can we be happy and just so calm at achieving something so worldly and material. But on the other hand we are supposed to live this life to fullest, and to acquire everything with fair means. We are leading to a door of eternal happiness that will come to us but we have to live this life in a fullest way. To do this we have to fight all battles within and outside in the open world. Free ourselves from complexes and duplicities, and then to deal with the world as it demands us to be. So we have to cherish every new acquisition!!

How to Compose Yourself When You Cross a Bigger Milestone!

It is a game of life that throws all sorts of balls towards you and it is your potential and expertise to catch the best ones. Is it so the case? I mean as a human do we have such an authority to do so by ourselves? It is a very complicated question but we can leave it aside to reach at some other conclusions. Suppose you have got a goal, ad dream that is too BIG for you and you have no idea how it would be fulfilled.

Then God is kind to you and all circumstances just flow in order to make you cross that bridge of emotions and deep understanding, and to reach at a far off land that has some Earthly Paradise Points. Yes! Every time you experience a joy, moment of success and know a new thing about life then you are getting that earthly bliss that no longer will let you feel hopeless and negative about what life has in store for you.

So you are on verge of self-discovery of how strong you are and how far you can try to hold that rope of hope and change your own destiny. If you stay aloof and keep brooding over spilled milk then no one can save you from depression and inferiority complexes. I know one thing for sure that every successful step towards your goals and desires require something from your soul, and a blood that is spilled in a way to attain a worldly possession is not a destructive thing.

When you are living in this material world then you need to be fair and don’t hide out your own desires from you. Everybody likes to live in Peace, Comfort and Luxury. Nobody ever desires to be in a state where he has to look towards other human beings for daily life’s fulfilments. When you are into life and trying to grab worldly objectives then it is your Real NATURE as how much a fair player you are!

If you believe in destiny and know that leading others to a distress won’t give you a lasting happiness then you will definitely follow a right path. It will lead you from the corridors of eternal peace and a lifelong baggage of happiness will accompany you. What is a true meaning of fulfilling a bigger milestone of your life will come into your real focus and you will not only be feeling victorious but all at a peaceful junction, even after attaining and achieving a awe inspiring Worldly Success!!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Nowhere is Somewhere?

I don't know why I chose this heading but it is so significant to me that I wanted to share some thought with you all. It just happens in someone's life that he is on a brink of new discovery or a loss of something very precious. Actually it happens with many people but some don't bother to keep on harping around the same topic or life event. While here are people like me who got stuck in something and cannot come out easily. Losing something special or a even having a relation gone out of life is very difficult to carry on. 

If you are stuck in a situation where you can't see the upcoming joys and charms of life and feel that this moment is everything and that losing it means an end to s chapter of life that will not return. So it is not a great deal to just enjoy happy moments but it is also important to stay in that very moment, to cherish it fully. When you are in new situation then don't regret that time which was golden and that is gone. It is due to the fact that every single moment is precious and carries its own beauty. 

Feeling are important when you are in a situation where there is no way to be out of it is something really very difficult. I can empathize with all those people who are going through the sense of loss, and it is due to the factor that I used to live in past and kept on feeling the pain of loss that was significant but wasn't helpful to me in anyway. I am not an expert who can give you solid tips but I know one thing for sure that whoever feels like standing nowhere must need a consoling shoulder or a listener. I know that it is self destructive to live in a static condition of self denial or self pity.

It is an important thing to need a positive approach towards future events and a feeling that YOU are too good, and something really GOOD is going to be here for you.  When you visualize yourself doing different life activities then you will definitely get up and start your journey to a destination that might just be in your mind, and your active proceeding will give it real life. You can overcome your all sorts of grief, loss and sufferings if you know that life keeps on leading all human beings to somewhere.

This the true destination of everyone's soul and it is a place that will give you peace and satisfaction. If you catch that Divine Light and know that there is a ultra superior force up there supporting you then you will be re-empowered to shake all negativity and hopelessness, and you will rejuvenate for a travel that will take you to an eternal paradise. 

You will come to know that all pains and sufferings are temporary as same like the joys and happiness that everyone faces even for few moments. You will be happy and and in peace with your self and won't complain for happening that are not only happening to you but so many people around the globe this time and for an unlimited time in history. 

Friday, April 18, 2014

Fight the Anxiety Out of Your Life !!

We live in an environment that is all to difficult to handle for a normal person. If there is an anxiety factor that is related to you then you might be facing so many troubles. We are living in a world of competitions and less of emotional bondings. People are getting far away from each other and they keep their pets and gadgets much closer to them than the human beings. The tolerance and the trust level is shaking due to frequent breakage of bonds and relations. You know all this is greatly damaging the psyche of young children.

They are learning to be aloof and stay away from showing their true feelings even to their parents. The broken family system has segregated every individual to find solace in his or her own way. Some people are getting too much social; or others have opted for a solitude. In fact the practical ground lays in between the both extremes. If you feel like going out for a vacation then do it now. But while doing it you have to concentrate on what you are there for. If you keep on thinking about who said what and why then you are spoiling your day. 

Eventually it is leading to stress, depression and anxiety. the psychic problems are rapidly increasing and it is alarming that young kids are facing these problems to extreme levels. When you can't get out of a mental situation and keep on thinking about it in mid then it becomes a problem. Here is a time for all those people who are becoming pessimists or facing some psychological issues to keep their targets on positive things. They can visualize something great is going to happen to then and believe it or not it happens. 

our unconscious mind creates the whole situation and takes us the few turns that are leading us to right path. You can listen to meditation music, do practical meditation or yoga. Even you can spend sometime in a different place where you can be free from all daily troubles and conflicts. Now look at the positive and beautiful things that are in your stock. Feel it a blessing from  nature and count on it, and do compare your situation with millions out in the world who are striving for one time food. I am sure things will start to be sorted out and you will recover from lower levels of depression or anxiety. 

If you anxiety is overshadowing your true personality then you need to consult a specialist and have a good treatment. You must take medicines that are prescribed and don't feel inferior that you are suffering form some mental problems. These are ailments that are at the same level as someone has caught flu or fever. But keep on exploring the good things that you can do by yourself and believe me these are really helpful!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A Loose Connection between Life and Death!

How many times a day we keep on reminding ourselves that we can turn from Is to Was with a gush of death that can approach at any moment. This is the ultimate reality that is following us right from birth. But MAN has made so many solutions to be escaped from this Truth. We remain busy wit socializing and striving for worldly success, and we keep on dreaming about coming days, months and years without realizing the fact that those who lost their lives around us were also having almost same kinds of visions and dreams in their eyes.

Isn't it a great dilemma that modern world has given us as a gift. We are not there where we have to be. We are living a life of solitude and in fact have become slaves of gadgets. We have lost chances to connect with Nature and to be close to our Loved Ones. We can spend time with them and feel the real essence of love and warmth instead of working like a machine.

We can think of it but can’t act as we are not going to waste our Precious TIME in something that cannot pay us in material aspect. It is a tragedy of modern life and of course of humanity, and when all of sudden we hear a young person dying in road accident or brain tumour then we open our eyes wide to look at what we are getting and how a moment can change even us in a Part of History!

But it is not our time and we have to go on for something really good and aspire for a lifestyle that we wish for. I am not saying that we should leave everything and turn to jungles. God has made us like that to struggle and strive for worldly possessions but at the same time HE wants us to never be a trap of this worldly and soon to be ending entity.

We are born to spend our life with some purpose and the one main thing is to keep a closer look at life that is fast paced. We have to maintain our paces with the True Self, and to wear something that is really digestible and effective for a life that is eternal and try to realize that our each moment is captured by a BIG Camera, and we are answerable for all step that we took in this material and temporary world.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Frightened Eyes !!

I can never forgot those frightened eyes of a little girl who was standing desolated from rest of the crowd in a meal providing campaign by an social 
welfare organization. She was having a plastic bag in her hands but had no courage to go straight to the person who was distributing food. I could see a blank but fearful expression in her eyes, and the corners of her eyes were wet. I couldn't control myself to reach out for her.

I asked her why she was not having her portion of food as all others kids were having it quite easily. Tears fell from her eyes and she couldn't say anything for many minutes. I repeated my query and she looked with wide eyes to me, and stated slowly that it was her first encounter with such an event. She said that she belonged from a respectable family but her father is an addict and unable to work and earn for them. 
It made their whole life miserable and she couldn't go to school any more.

I felt pain in my heart as I could empathize with that girl who felt it quite awkward to ask for money or for food to some stranger. But I felt it on a broader level as how many kids there were victims of same sorts of issues that forced them to be on streets and beg for food and money. It is not a simple poverty issue but it carries other evils like child abuse and rape, non-spoken slavery, kidnapping and human trafficking. Who started this game of Narcotics, and  why it wraps up thousands of life every year around the world.

It is strange that it is a common phenomenon in countries that are poverty and hunger stricken at the same time. But the addicts find out places to sell their valuables and get all sorts of narcotics and alcohol. They live in such a low self esteem that human values and family bonding seems meaningless to them. So we hear cases of "Child Selling" in so-called shining India, Bangladesh, African states and even in Latin American countries as well. 

It is my basic right as a sane part of this global human civilization, who started this menace and why no country is able to control it for any solid reasons. It is due to the Drug Mafia is so strong or the stakeholders at different places are themselves involved in spread and earning form Narcotics. It is time to save and work for Humanity and save our future generations for the sake of a healthy and blissful global environment!! 

Human Factor....Ahh !!

We are always led to this notion that human nature is wild and we can't fight with our basic instincts. It is the case of psychological paradigms. We are here on earth to live and to do acts according to some principles. The instinctive desires are there but you cannot hide out behind it for all sorts of actions that anyone is committing. Well! There is a difference in our demand for love and compassion from our immediate family members, and a need to be well recognized and appreciated by the general society.

We cannot relate this feeling and craving with the so-called human instinct to run over others, and the clichéd philosophy that says "Survival of the Fittest". It is absolutely wrong and in fact most inhumane thing that is introduced to us as a general rule. It gives all mighty people and state a right to bulldoze others  with their wishful desires, and to crush all individual symphonies that can only be created in free environment. 

If we find it too instinctive to apply the mighty rule then we are subject to the rules and oppressions of those who have power, money and channels to still over our heads. I am asking all those societies who speak so much about the Human Rights and even Animal Rights. But their governments and forces are doing genocide of thousands of human beings in Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Palestine, Myanmar and many African countries. Here I am not mentioning the brutal raps and killings that Indian forces are doing in Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir. 

Can we ignore it on the name of Human Instinct and Natural factor to wipe out the oppressed ones. It is not so and I don't agree that human nature is only taking us to the level of brutality that we saw in Guantanamo and Abu Gharib Jail. It is the celebration of evil and darkest human emotions. No sane person can support such "Very Human-like" acts. Only mad and insane minds can do such things. Only those who take pleasure out of the cries of innocent women, children and generally speaking all human beings.

Lets be more concious about the world around  and look and voice out for those who really are oppressed and tortured to most degraded level on the string of might and power. Don't look at the glossy and fake presentations on media that shows what the masterminds behind think of creating a hype. Search out for the people who need our support, help and love. 

We need to empathize and sympathize with all such people regardless of the classification of race, colour, religion and language. Be more universal and more human friendly form now onwards. Just get out of your cosy shells and raise your voices for the oppressed people who do not live in comfortable environments like you, and due to the so-called human factor that is caused by people and governments who have the power and a self proclaimed right of oppression!!