I can never forgot those frightened eyes of a little girl who was standing desolated from rest of the crowd in a meal providing campaign by an social
welfare organization. She was having a plastic bag in her hands but had no courage to go straight to the person who was distributing food. I could see a blank but fearful expression in her eyes, and the corners of her eyes were wet. I couldn't control myself to reach out for her.
I asked her why she was not having her portion of food as all others kids were having it quite easily. Tears fell from her eyes and she couldn't say anything for many minutes. I repeated my query and she looked with wide eyes to me, and stated slowly that it was her first encounter with such an event. She said that she belonged from a respectable family but her father is an addict and unable to work and earn for them.
It made their whole life miserable and she couldn't go to school any more.
I felt pain in my heart as I could empathize with that girl who felt it quite awkward to ask for money or for food to some stranger. But I felt it on a broader level as how many kids there were victims of same sorts of issues that forced them to be on streets and beg for food and money. It is not a simple poverty issue but it carries other evils like child abuse and rape, non-spoken slavery, kidnapping and human trafficking. Who started this game of Narcotics, and why it wraps up thousands of life every year around the world.
It is strange that it is a common phenomenon in countries that are poverty and hunger stricken at the same time. But the addicts find out places to sell their valuables and get all sorts of narcotics and alcohol. They live in such a low self esteem that human values and family bonding seems meaningless to them. So we hear cases of "Child Selling" in so-called shining India, Bangladesh, African states and even in Latin American countries as well.
It is my basic right as a sane part of this global human civilization, who started this menace and why no country is able to control it for any solid reasons. It is due to the Drug Mafia is so strong or the stakeholders at different places are themselves involved in spread and earning form Narcotics. It is time to save and work for Humanity and save our future generations for the sake of a healthy and blissful global environment!!
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