Showing posts with label Human Rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Human Rights. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Love at the Time of Chaos...!!

Gaza War and Genocide

Do you want me to talk 

about LOVE...?

Do you really know anything about Love?

At the time of darkness


There is no Light of Hope


The World is silent over the bleeding 

small innocent kids, and their mothers

fathers, sisters and brothers

So what is meant by mankind

Do you preach Humanity....?

Are you a living sane soul...!

If yes....!!

Then why your  is not heard

You cannot talk about Oppressed Souls 

in this very Real World...!!

If Yes then why the hinger stricken 

old people, women and kids 

haven't got your attention...!!

Gaza is not your point of attention

India's Besieged Kashmir 

Fled with blood is not your moral value


talk, protest, and to raise your voices 

again the human like monsters

who are ruling the world

in fact

So, the dual faced Human Rights

are not understandable...

And more than that to talk about Love....

in these times of death, destruction and chaos...!!

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Being Clever is a is a Bliss or an Issue in These Times!!

Most of times, I do wonder what is the reality of human psyche and how people spend their short terms on this world. Do they spend it positively or keep on planting negative seeds for others. What is the real impulse behind all EVIL Deeds that People do for others? I am on a continuous Research on this, and unfortunately I haven’t reached at a conclusion!

Now I have another query in mind as if a Clever Person is having a “Natural Bliss or a Curse”. I am really not going to be convinced of what the meaning of being CLEVER is, and what is the difference between a clever and a smart or intelligent person. I think a clever person keeps on looking at the surroundings and finds a safe passage to implement his ideology by hook or crook. 

On the other hand a Smart Person with best IQ and EQ level tries to turn things in his favor but not at the cost of ruining others. They believe in Motivation and Optimism, and how to fight away anxiety and daily life’s stresses. But they follow a positive and rightful path, to go on a long journey of SUCCESS. Life is never easy for most of people on Globe but it is smart choice to tackle the difficult situations, in a way to live a happy, peaceful and prosperous life!

Life gives every person different tests and trials, and it is all predestined to some level. So a person who works with clear mind deals with difficult situations in a clear headed way. He or she will make choices that are really necessary to go on a path of Growth and Success. But they will never like to disturb to destroy other mentality. So they are smart, intelligent and clever in a rightful way. It is all good and one needs to be in this way in present times!

But a search for freedom and prosperity for the sake of ruling observe others, and to think that we can rule and ruin others for our benefit. But this kind of thinking pattern only leads to Negative Mind-set, and to produce evil ambitions. No sane person in the world can endorse such negative cleverness.

So I ask you to see the global scenarios and try to pick up different situations, and discuss on this platform which action of an individual or a state is clever devices of infusing bad vibe around. It might not be true that people or nations who claim to be Human Rights Activists, and they are doing all kinds of damages to Humanity and to World’s Peace and Prosperity which we can easily move forwards as a whole human Species!!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Freedom of Expression Does Not Lie in Abandoning Basic Human Rights!

Freedom of Expression Limits at Others Face
Life is always evolutionary and we are constantly witnessing the ironic dualism that the present world is facing. We have seen the double standards of modern and sophisticated world when we see double standers in dealing with same kinds of situations. Human Rights have a direct impact on how people of one region, ideology and religion see about it. So we have to be very careful when we define the vague boundaries of Freedom of Expression. What is a normal talk for you might hurt me deep inside my soul!

So it is time to draw a borderline where there is real Expression in written and visual forms, and how it turns into violating public sentiments of a community or religion. I can say bad about someone parents and cannot ignore the aftermath by saying that I have a right to say everything. First of all, I have to understand as who has set the standards of Freedom of Mind, Heart and Soul. How I can say what I feel right without hurting other person’s emotions.

When I am stepping the boundary of other one’s personal or ideological red line that I am doing an irreparable damage.  It is really very important to know that I am born free but each society and culture puts some bans on my exhibitions. If I keep on saying and presenting insults to an individual or a community’s strong emotional bonding then I am responsible for the damage. So we all need to live in PEACE and let others live in the same phase. 

Why this world cannot be a place of peace and comfort for us and others around. Most of times, it is our selfish approach that we want to do whatever fits best to us and do not think about others. If we keep on thinking that we have to live our lives with Motivation and Optimism, and we are not ruining the set standards of showing respect of other Human Beings. Whether it is concerned with their faith or their political or social beliefs. We are doing great damage to the whole world.

The negative vibes do not remain to a certain time but it is a boomerang of actions and reactions around. We are going to reap the fruits of the seeds that we sow. If we are safe then our future generations will be going to pay for it. Isn’t it right that we can stay responsible and act like people who really respect other person’s spiritual and Ideological Belief Systems.

Then we are spreading positive waves around that will caused us to be all in contentment and we will never be guilty of a root of damage to the world and the Human Rights as well. Stay at peace and let others in the way must the policy of everyone in the world. We are doing something right for the world and then only we can expect good for us. Otherwise all rallies and protest will remain fruitless, and nobody can save us from the damages that we have caused to Human Souls intentionally or unintentionally!!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Social Paradigms !!

It is general feel out there everywhere like making an overdose of lectures who we think is ready to face our bullies. It is not a healthy activity and nor does it help us to polish our skills as sophisticated human beings of a society. We have to rationalize this fact that every individual human being is special and has a right to live his or her life in a manner that suits to him or her so. We are going to the brink of a rational revolution as median and the so much widespread use of internet has made it quite possible for all people around to understand what is going on!

So if you want to sell your point of view then you have a potion to be patient and tolerate the difference of opinions. Then it is best practice to speak softly and slow in a manner that no one get an idea that you are imposing your own thought and ideas as a kind of "Must Take"kind of thing. You must avoid the statements that are more personalized, and make someone feel embarrassed or even shocked.  

The phenomenon of Ideology Imposition might be going back to pre-historic times when a leader decided to act on something. If we look at the events of twentieth century then it becomes crystal clear that people tried to grab the mindsets and lifestyles of so many people on the name of capitalism, socialism, racism and God knows how much more isms. The irony of situation remains there when we see that it was all a game of mind control and power struggle. None of them seemed to be caring a bit about individual human rights and freedom.  

We can use our intellect in a better way if we try out something that is very much human friendly. The one thing which we can change a whole level of social stances if we can inspire people with our own ways and lifestyle. Our ways in-script what we really mean, and it is much more influential then loud voices, and debates on media or live forms.  Say everything that makes you feel bad while moving around in your society but keep human feeling and emotions as a top priority!!