Saturday, January 17, 2015

Freedom of Expression Does Not Lie in Abandoning Basic Human Rights!

Freedom of Expression Limits at Others Face
Life is always evolutionary and we are constantly witnessing the ironic dualism that the present world is facing. We have seen the double standards of modern and sophisticated world when we see double standers in dealing with same kinds of situations. Human Rights have a direct impact on how people of one region, ideology and religion see about it. So we have to be very careful when we define the vague boundaries of Freedom of Expression. What is a normal talk for you might hurt me deep inside my soul!

So it is time to draw a borderline where there is real Expression in written and visual forms, and how it turns into violating public sentiments of a community or religion. I can say bad about someone parents and cannot ignore the aftermath by saying that I have a right to say everything. First of all, I have to understand as who has set the standards of Freedom of Mind, Heart and Soul. How I can say what I feel right without hurting other person’s emotions.

When I am stepping the boundary of other one’s personal or ideological red line that I am doing an irreparable damage.  It is really very important to know that I am born free but each society and culture puts some bans on my exhibitions. If I keep on saying and presenting insults to an individual or a community’s strong emotional bonding then I am responsible for the damage. So we all need to live in PEACE and let others live in the same phase. 

Why this world cannot be a place of peace and comfort for us and others around. Most of times, it is our selfish approach that we want to do whatever fits best to us and do not think about others. If we keep on thinking that we have to live our lives with Motivation and Optimism, and we are not ruining the set standards of showing respect of other Human Beings. Whether it is concerned with their faith or their political or social beliefs. We are doing great damage to the whole world.

The negative vibes do not remain to a certain time but it is a boomerang of actions and reactions around. We are going to reap the fruits of the seeds that we sow. If we are safe then our future generations will be going to pay for it. Isn’t it right that we can stay responsible and act like people who really respect other person’s spiritual and Ideological Belief Systems.

Then we are spreading positive waves around that will caused us to be all in contentment and we will never be guilty of a root of damage to the world and the Human Rights as well. Stay at peace and let others in the way must the policy of everyone in the world. We are doing something right for the world and then only we can expect good for us. Otherwise all rallies and protest will remain fruitless, and nobody can save us from the damages that we have caused to Human Souls intentionally or unintentionally!!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Spiritual Awakening that Comes with the Fear of Trial in Afterlife!

Spiritual Awakening and Motivation for Success

I don’t know as if you believe in any religion or you have any concept of Life after Death. But I want to share my inner feelings and thoughts with you. I am Muslim and I have firm belief on Afterlife and the trial for good and anything bad that we have done. If we have broken the rules which ALLAH Almighty has set for us or we have given immense Pain and Sufferings to Mankind, in any form. It will not undergo as part and parcel of this mortal life. 

This thoughts gives me and other Muslims a higher level of e patience than the people who are in continuous state of depression if they are not given justice in this soon to be ended life! I feel everyone who is a believer in “Omnipresent God” with a Will to Punish the wrongdoers, and the rewards for the people who have done something good are much more at ease. For the matter of fact, the issues and difficulties that we face in life are our tests and trials, and we will be rewarded if we show patience. So life on this Planet Earth is not meaningless, and we are not going to the part of nitrogen in this soil after Death.

Our mortal bodies will definitely be buried and part of the soil but our SOULS will depart for Eternity, and for Heaven and Peace. Sometimes, people get a flash of light to open their Inner Eye or in other words there is a Spiritual Awakening that is associated with certain agonies of LIFE. If we believe and pray for well then it will eventually come to us as the darkest hours are just before the light at dawn. So we need to remain all Optimistic and Motivated to fight with negative and evil thoughts within, and to keep complete faith on good times to come!

Now I can say that we Pakistani Citizens are facing that time for TRIAL and we have faced many facets of agony, pain, misery and sufferings. It might be on the name of terrorism, politics, linguistics, sectarianism, and at the continuous danger alarms from an existent enemy like India. But it is our test and trail, and there is no need to be demotivated, pessimistic and fearful as we know ALLAH Almighty is Watching us, and He will reward us with bountiful future only if we stay patient and pray to Him!

Life is all about a catch of an opportunity to be rich and famous, and to be at a highest point of Success. But we will leave everything here and our assets for afterlife would be our deeds. If we prove to be strong in faith, and work with unity then our all enemies will be defeated in their prospect of weakening or splitting the State of PAKISTAN. So it is a hard time but it will pass, and we have even seen worst case scenarios in past, and our faith and optimism has kept us all alive. This is something that has arisen the weirdness in the mind-set of our enemies. 

But in a way I can see that each incident gives us a Soulful Insight to look for our mistakes, and to fight the battle of duality inside our hearts, minds and souls. We have awakened outwardly and spiritually, and it has removed the peace from our all-time enemy’s mind and souls as well! Now it is time to be united and search for the hidden and exposed enemies, and the paid agents inside the society of Pakistan. Let’s do it from this time onwards and Salute to All Martyrs of the Nation and Islam!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

My Soul is Weeping for Lost Flowers!

Hope for Good Days to Come Soon

I don’t know how I can express my grief and sorrow for the lost lives of school children at Peshawar in Pakistan. It is a coward act of terrorism where innocent children were targeted for the sake of creating a panic in a country. It is not a normal act of terrorism but a truly one sided approach to dishonor the integrity of a free nation, and at the same time hitting a sensitive area in the hearts and souls of all sane persons, not only of “Pakistan” but all around the Globe.

When we talk about Humanity and Integrity of Individual Lives, and to protect our upcoming generation and our kids from dangers of war, terrorism, poverty and hunger. Children are pure souls and we see them like flowers, and that is common human psyche everywhere. Then we are left with little excuse as how we can remain indifferent to such a big incident in any part of world. The whole world community must be united to raise its voice, and to see it as an act of brutality on small souls!

How can you and I be so indifferent and remain aloof of the situation that is alarming and distracting. I have lost a “Little Faith on Humanity” as who is such a cruel person to hit direct bullets on the faces and bodies of Fragile Children. But soon I realize the scenario of “Palestine or Gaza” where children were killed brutally in carpet bombardment by Israeli forces, and not a single country and so called Human Rights Activists raised their voices. 

So the case of brutal murder of school children in the city of “Peshawar of Pakistan” would remain insignificant to the world community. Here it is important to understand that 16th December is a bitter day in the History of Pakistan when its eastern part named as East Pakistan was separated by conspiracies and war by India, that part is now known as “Bangladesh”. So it is not a coincidence that "India" being still the number one Enemy of Pakistan can be behind this act of most barbarous terrorism!

The tests and turmoil in the lives of nations are very important and some incidents unite the segregated parts of society. It is a time to re-think about Pakistan as a One Nation. So you need to be all focused to find your unified enemy, and to crush the enemy’s agenda to divide and create chaos not only in single life but in the lives of hundreds of families. 

So it is really very important to condole with the grieving families but at the same time, feeling a sense of responsibility towards finding ways to a single enemy. It is a time that each Pakistani should realize that they are not separate but can only win their integrity and true freedom as a united family. So do not expect anything from others and from insensitive world but fight a battle within your souls, to stick to True Teachings of Islam, and to live in harmony and with bravery to get the heart out of the body of all kinds of enemies!! 

Friday, November 21, 2014

A Spiritual Walk to Eternity!!

A Spiritual Walk to Eternity

I was listening to the welcome bells from a distance
When I was passing through a hillside
I was awakened of my Dream of LIFE
To face Eternal Bells ringing for MY Welcome!
I am passing through the corridors of Death
I am going to relive a life with no end
What will I do there?
It will be a new resolution not for a year
But for an unlimited Time!
So I need to be careful
Let me look at the things which are in my luggage
I lost that good deed of feeding a kitten
I forgot to kiss my Mom’s Forehead today
O, driver take me back
To a place where you pick me up
I have to say goodbye my loved ones
To do some household chores
You are not going to stop?
I am afraid I have lost what I carried for this upcoming World
I love to be here
I am empty handed
I regret but what’s the use!
I am dying without a proper pack up
I am on a Spiritual Path to Eternity!
I am hopeful and helpless!
But I believe in Divine Love
I will never lose a path there
My Soul will find Peace which never occurred to me
When I was long back ALIVE!!