Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Living on the Edge of Finding a True Identity…!!

Life and Self-Identity

Being different is not a bliss that I used to feel when I was younger, and to move towards the top on the hill with some extraordinary was a matter of distinction as well. But the hardcore realities and experiences of life asked me to change my perceptions. To be different is okay so far it is not creating isolation for you in a social, cultural environment, and your relationships. To be able to survive, and with a better lifestyle and find a graceful space on this stage of the world is an art that we must learn if not have mastered to date. The different, unique, artistic, abstract, compassionate, and nice people are exemplary but unfortunately don’t fit in the present world. 

Living in this world means we have to be strong, own our self-esteem, and keep our success and goals on top. Never to compromise on things that really can hurt us, and our efforts to reconstruct and to build ourselves are highly important for us. The best thing is to never compromise basic ethics, values, principles, and then things are going to work great for others. It is not necessary to adapt everything that the current situation or the environment can offer. The check and balance is something that everybody has to put on himself, not by others in a way around. 

Making a success story in this cutthroat world of competition is something that matters. But it will happen after one sees and finds his true identity as to what is the real meaning of life. How we can boost our living standards, and work on improving our concepts, ideas, knowledge, and skills for our betterment, and how to look for a greater vision to be different but acceptable. We can keep our sanctity and uniqueness alive if we do not hassle with the rest of the world. Let’s decide our journey and way to live in a way, and then things will be all that great. 

Keeping our line straight and understanding is the right path that will lead us to a pure life in this mortal world and will enable us to enter Paradise in the afterlife then everything is cool. It is not a matter of concern to follow our dreams that were either childish or closer to impossibilities. As soon as we accept the real-world scenario, and how it asks us to move then things will be all okay, and we will have peace of mind, heart, and soul that is highly essential for us, to sync in with the current world expectations, and to have a real normal life that is mostly hard to survive and find in the present world scenario. It is a matter of time that people value outer presence, financial status, lifestyle, bold is beautiful. It is a way of the world and we have to face this bitter reality, and why not with optimism and passion to serve ourselves, and the closed ones in the best ways that we can to not just survive, but to live peacefully…!!

Monday, November 29, 2021

Post-Pandemic Times Has Change the Global Human Psyche..?

Post-Pandemic life and Human Psyche

It is been almost two years that the world is facing the trauma of a contagious viral disease named Covid-19. The corona has taken many lives, many are still in hospitals, and millions of people suffered and recovered from this pandemic. But the aftermath is continuously going on, and the different variants are still in the global environment. The mutated virus of the corona is still lingering on, and so the world has suffered from losses of lives, the rise of different ailments, infections, economic disasters have taken the world by storms. Many people have lost jobs, running businesses have been shut down, hotels and tourism are badly affected. 

The psychology experts were expecting that such a disastrous pandemic that took the whole world by storms within a few days must have changed the human psyche. As everybody faced the issues whether the dissembling of education, business, loss of loved ones suffering the near-death experiences, the phobias and fear. Everything and everybody became untouchable for others. The new world order was to cover half of the faces with masks, to use sanitizers, to avoid handshaking, hugging, the intimacy of every kinds. So, they thought and hypothesized that people would have a different mindset during and after the pandemic spike would be over. 

But it is sad to see that the world and human beings, in general, have become more self-centered, selfish, and the ways of sympathy and empathy have not become the way of the world. It is really important to note that brutality has risen in the land of oppressions like in India, Jerusalem, Syria, Myanmar, and many other places. The robberies, corruption, rapes, and victimization have been raised in every part of the world. The most civilized societies of America, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and others are no exception. The violation of laws and rules is so common nowadays. People have lost the merciful nature in a generic sense that every religion teaches for sure. It is sad to see that ethics, values, and humanity have not risen in standards but in fact, worsened. 

People and authorities are still afraid of the Covid-19 virus and its mutated virus variants. Unfortunately, we haven’t seen goodness and peace prevailing in any society, the murders and all sorts of white and blue-collar crimes have risen. It proves that people are getting senseless, selfish, and immune to the problems of others. They have forgotten the fear of God Almighty, and what will they answer in the life hereafter. It is sad, disturbing, and in fact, heart-wrenching to see and be a part of the world that is cruel to others, and getting, even more, worst to their fellow human beings in an individual and collective capacity. Have mercy if you want to get mercy from others, and in the eternal life after final death….!!

Sunday, November 28, 2021

How Sanity Works for Different People Who Care about Self-Esteem as Well

Sanity and Self-Esteem

Life is unpredictable and so are human beings, with a variant psyche it is the most difficult thing to predict anything about this race. The conflicting situations among the human conscious mind, subconscious and unconscious desires, and instincts vary so much that it is really hard to imagine how people will react in different situations. For people like me, self-esteem and keeping our sanctity are always very important. But I ask myself a question as if I maintain my respect within or outside society to the level that I always craved for…!!

I am not asking for the glitz, gloss, and glamorous life of a celebrity but a simple and normal recognition that anyone can look up for having in his or her circle of relations and social relations. The most important thing is our very own sanctity that we need to never compromise on it. But we do it in the name of life, friendships, not to spoil a social relationship, to secure our jobs, and for a lot of other things. It is not the case with me as I am in a dilemma of being nice to everyone, and then trying to snap at people who have crossed their limits and have intruded into my circle of self-respect. 

What a strange psyche we carry with a desire to be loved and respected by others, How different people play with our emotions depending upon how weak we are concerning a desire to find someone who cares for us without anything in return. How we lost our trust and our very own sanctity in trying to reach the unreachable, and it is not subject to that we desire for the stars. They are as ordinary as us but those people come and then stay in our lives for the sake of the fulfillment of their problems, loneliness, the desire of being social, lust, material desires, and lots more. When they find their needs fulfilled out in some other and better way then they don’t care a second to kick us out of their lives. 

Why do people try to fool us and play with our true feeling and emotions as they know that we are really keeping them very special in our hearts, minds, and souls? This question is not solved by me to date except a notion that expectations need to be kept in control, and then don’t let others be your masters of emotions. As they might leave at any instance, and they will use you for their very own instinctive desires that also include the carnal or bodily lust. Then they can easily find an excuse to leave, and many people these days don’t even bother to create an excuse. They are experts in using our weak points in emotions then silently blocking and walking away, and they damn care as if we are in pain. We want them to reconnect or at least respond to our pure and sweet gestures with a token of friendship, and an assurance that they are busy but have us in their lives and hearts. 

Does it cost anything to let people feel easy, relaxed, comfortable, and to give them a status of being connected? Why if someone is emotionally imbalanced and a person who cannot get out of any good or bad experience so easily tries hard to reconnect, and then bashed to the core with losing all dignity and disrespected for what. Forgiving another person respect that he never deserved or for being a fool enough to form expectations from that person who held and controlled us for his or her temporary cravings. Al least we can have a catharsis that we were used to serving someone in his or her difficult times, and does it matters?

The self-respect is so much compromised by us actually that we expect that their words and actions had some base and that they were actually behind their temporary desires and they don’t find a reason or grace enough to say goodbye respectfully. They cannot even excuse us for using our time, feelings, emotions in every way and now they don’t need us anymore. At least, it will suggest to us that we were badly used, and then we have to recover our nerves for the greater good of our own lives, values, and for people who matter in our lives. Then we may learn what are our success goals, and as we cannot be that cheap and selfish, which is a really good human trait. Then we have a way to move forward and work for our very own success and soul satisfaction to be or right path. It is important for our worldly life and hereafter for sure…!!