Thursday, March 10, 2022

Blow My Soul to New Heights O Whistling Wind...!!

Soul and Depresion
Soul and Mortality 

Blow me to the far and above

To and fro with wind... 

O the whistling wind

You want me to stay away


an unseen land where

Dreams become reality

Where I will be a free soul

No restrictions, no judgments....


I am judged and that too harshly

by mortal beings around me

Who have flaws like or more than me

But I am the target ...!!

I am the victim

The whole world around me is the judge

Everyone is an angle

I am the fallen one with wings broken.

Was I ever given the due credit 

of being existent..?


An abandoned soul with no voice

Only judgments and verdicts

Oh, my flying soul...

Let's move to the world 


You will be free...!!

I will be no more judged

Whether my sins will get me eternal torture.....


I would be rewarded for all the suffering that my being 

has suffered ...!

In this cruel mortal world

I am sad, lonely, and tired

Let me give courage and hope

I don't want to live


I have to live and move on to the cycle of life..!!

I cannot move to jungles...

But please pardon me you mortal world

I don't belong to you...

Just leave me on my own

Till my last breath let me escape from this prison

The cage of body and mind

I want to move and please be on your own

I am tired...

Blow the wind to sway my soul 

For a timely relief at least....!!