Showing posts with label Iraq. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iraq. Show all posts

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Does United Nations Plays a Fair Role in the Case of Gaza Genocide?

Chaos and Children of Gaza
The whole world had seen the break of ceasefire in Gaza again and then killings and bomb selling like brutes has started again. At the same time Senate of United States of America which claims to be the universal human rights protector has passed bill to provide the financial aid to brutal Israel. What is that aid for as a normal human being I am asking? To buy more dangerous weapons or to put on more fuel in their air-crafts that are continuously flying and throwing not only disastrous weapons but all kinds of chemical and biological warfare.

My concern as part of of so-called civilized world is about the significance and presence of United Nations Organization (UNO). Why they haven't called a security council or general assembly's reunion. Why the authorities haven't passed a resolution to ask firmly and strongly to Israel, to stop killing innocent civilians and especially targeting women and children of Gaza. It is really a "Untied for Nothingness" which is so common a phrase on everybody's lips. Why UN has not ordered the world forces to stop Israel by force like it did in the case of Kuwait invasion, and then for Iraq we saw replica of that same action.

The targets of Israel attacks are clear as they want a clean wipe out of the whole generation of Palestinians, and then they are drawing towards West Bank, and who knows what are their real motives. Here are almost 60 Muslim countries as members of United Nations, and strangely none of these has passed a motion to call for assembly and for strict resolutions and impositions on Israel. So is the fact that it doesn't suit USA and all NATO countries. It is time when truth is considered to be a sin but why Saudi Arabia is silent over the whole issue. 

Untied Nations as I have always heard and read was formed to end up wars and hatred that was at its peak after World War II. But it has failed to support any nation or country that is on right term. Whether it is the Kashmir Issue between India and Pakistan or the Palestinian issues. There are longs lists of issues and wars all around the world. We have seen the genocide and mass rape of Muslims in Bosnia and Kosovo. We have seen thousands of Muslims were massacred in Myanmar (Burma). But United Nations stood silent and only sent peace keeping missions afterwards which had no legal power to protect the oppressed ones but only to provide food and medicines. 

Is it a real role of United nations and it was made up for? Obviously NO! But who can ask whom as UN is actually the agenda of USA, and that wants a clean Genocide of Palestinians and all other Muslims to protect the Israel's interests. It is time that all oppressed nations form another platform and an organization parallel to UN, an then fight for their basic rights of freedom, self defense and to keep their religious ad cultural integrity intact. Hopeless to ask for anything good form this PUPPET Organisation called United Nations!!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Eid Festival in Palestine!!

Human Tragedy in Palestine
Eid ul Fitr is a great festival for all Muslims that is bestowed on them as a blessing after having a full month of fasting in Ramadan! From time immemorial we are seeing a trend in history that people tend to forget their worries and pains, and even conflicts when they are jubilating for any kind of religious, national  or cultural festival. They want to rejuvenate their spirits of joy and to  cleanse their souls from sorrows and stresses that world has inflicted on them. Can we say the same to people of Gaza and Palestine this year, and even if we go on a history of more than sixty years?

Big NO! They cannot feel any joy and happiness as their souls are mourning and their houses are filled with dead bodies of even flower like children. There is not natural disaster like earthquake or tsunami. But it is a planned human effort to ruin a whole nation, and an identity from the face of the earth. The Brutal Massacre and in a clear way to say the Genocide that Happened in July, 2014 and in the holy month of Ramadan when Palestinian Muslims were busy in fasting and praying to ALLAH Almighty to be happy with them. Yes! Indeed HE is happy as they are Martyrs and will place them in Paradise. 

The Israel forces had bombed with air-crafts and tanks on civilian population and as per the global statement of prime minister of Israel. They are targeting schools, hospitals, mosques, universities and everything that is a sign to prove that human beings are civilized these days! But sorry I can't say this for Israeli authorities and its people who watch bomb shelling and laugh and dance on the cries and deaths of infants, kids, women and old people. The irony of situation is the strange silence of all world leaders, and the civil societies who claim to be not only the Human Rights Vocalists but they fight for Animal Rights and for Vegetation and Plants as well. 

Yes! it shows the dual standards of whole Europe, USA, Australia and the list goes on but the story of human selfishness and racism does not end. They are lip sealed because the oppressed ones are Muslims who are having no arms and ammunitions at all. Palestinian kids fight with Israel's Macho Army with small stones, and yes they are the actual terrorists of the whole world! I feel guilty of living in this so-called modern and civilized era where everyone can access information with a tap on his smart phone on tablet. But they can't reach facts and to strive to know the Real Truth!!

I can't hear voices and protests from Muslim world as they think they can please ALLAH ALMIGHTY with their individual prayers, to jubilate at the occasion of Eid ul Fitr. Do they not realize that their Palestinian kids are wearing coffins everyday and night while they are indulged in lavish parties, and wearing special costumes? It is a shame for all of us Muslims at a far greater level. It is a time that we should ponder as if these Anti-Muslim forces will destroy the whole of Palestine with its population, and then start moving towards other Arab States with Great Palaces and Monuments, as they are just busy in making tallest buildings and bridges!

Though we have seen the same kind of Genocidal Activities by NATO forces in Afghanistan and Iraq. We have heard and seen about the drone attacks in Northern Areas of Pakistan but we are silent! We don't now if those kids and elders got their last wearable clothes means "coffins" or they became part of soil as like a bug. I am so desperate that I can't find an answer as If ALLAH Almighty will ask me on Day of Judgement as what you did to save your Muslim Kids in Gaza and Palestine, and I would be having no answer but to ask for HIS Forgiveness!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

How to Purify Our Souls from Destructive Desires!!

Motivation and Optimism to live a Peaceful Life

I am long been focusing on different things that happen in my life and that of others, and try to find out one thing. what is the real cause of so much stress, anxiety and mental disorders. Yes! I think I have found out a clue and that is hidden in our long term desires to be free from something that has become a part of our second nature. We keep on giving ourselves so many self statements about being happy, contented and motivated but in fact we are not!

Yes I am telling you a real time tragedy of all modern civilization and that is the carrying on of burden on our shoulders of few things that might have solution but we are stuck is those ones due to social or economic pressures. Suppose I don't want to switch to a New Job that is even highly paying but makes me uncomfortable to get out of my long desired comfort zone. It is a right thing on my part. People with all brain would say that it is so wise to go on a ladder of success and to be all contented.

Here I have not other objection then on "Contentment" and does it come with material prosperity or it comes from a peaceful mind and heart. It comes from long meditation and freedom of SOUL from so many whims and wishes that might not even affect the quality of life that e live. So now there is a battle of survival of the clichéd Best, and on the other hand is a Soulful Peace. I think it is not a bad option if you leave some worldly races to win, in order to find what you find peace at!

Make a comparative analysis of what makes you happy, and I have reached at a conclusion. I am happy with small things like asking my maid's daughter to play with my little girl. I can find peace in writing form myself without having a desire to get an applaud. I can find peace to be in solidarity with people who are in pain and distress like those of Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Myanmar and so many other places. I am at peace to able to feed one single soul a meal of the day!

So it is mine and your time as well to keep our lines straight as what we really need. Just separate the Social Paradigms and Standards. Just forget about bills for quite a time though it is hardcore reality. Just imagine that you are free to choose a course of action and which is your most preferred way.

Once you are done with it then your mind would be clear, and you will be able to make a decision about your future life that is totally on your instincts minus the other People factor, and I guaranteed you that whatever you choose will be much more productive and healthier then the earlier one that you were trying as a part of a common practice done by everyone. Good Luck!!